Will Clayton “Baby Seal” Tucker Run For City Council Again?

According to the Dispatch, nobody has thrown their hat in the ring yet to run for City council in May.

Unless you count Bob Goodart…which I don’t.

Goodart, you’ll recall, was thumped soundly last May by Davis Keele by a count of 360 to 135 (73% to 27%).

Goodart is now apparently back for more and challenging Randy “Speedbump” Clark for Place 2.

Bob is doing his best impersonation of a hyena by picking Place #2 to run for – seeking out the oldest and weakest councilmember to challenge. Goodart would have ZERO chance of beating Morris, Pearce or Monroe for their open seats.

I became anti-Goodart the minute he voted to hand LEDC President Talbert $971,000 of City “Covid money” to waste on the idiotic Business Pork project – after telling me personally he thought it was a “colossal waste of money”. Bob Goodart can’t be trusted. Hopefully Randy sends him packing.

Will local socialist Comrade Clayton “Baby Seal” Tucker sign up for another beating? Let’s hope so! He pussed out last year, unfortunately.

His whole motto is “Run for Something!”, and THAT he has certainly done – running for office or seeking appointment at least FIVE times.

The “win a race” part? Not so much.

Douchebag socialist tries to trade on family name. Fails badly.

As for the other open seats? I think Thelma Jean Monroe may step down and Cathy “Pork Chop” Keuhne may run for mayor – which would be a disaster. The last thing the town needs is a liberal, artsy-fartsy chick heading things up.

Don’t forget that Kuehne was a RABID Covid Cult loon for about two years (she put herself at risk EVERY DAY!)- which means she is incapable of critical thinking.

She was a HUGE supporter of Talbert pilfering $971,000 in “Covid relief” funds from the City for the Business Pork project last February. I believe her exact words were “I’ve been filled in on this, and I think it’s a win-win”

She is also a supporter of blowing almost $2 million on the Hostess House “facelift” currently in progress.

Furthermore, this “teacher” doesn’t even know how to spell at a fifth-grade level!

It’s WHOSE not WHO’S.

The plural of STORY is STORIES, not STORY’S.

Remember stuff like this when teachers like Kuehne cry that they aren’t paid enough. This is her mother tongue, for crying out loud! It’s embarrassing.

Strippers go to POLES. Voters go to the POLLS.

And don’t even get me stared on who the First Gentleman of Lampasas would be, if his wife were elected mayor….

Hey Hey! Ho Ho! TJ Monroe! You’ve Got To GO!!!

City council member TJ Monroe has been sitting on council wreaking ruinous spending havoc for AT LEAST TEN YEARS! She has also been on the LEDC board for AT LEAST TEN YEARS.

NOBODY has hung around that long. Go back and look at City council members from 10 years ago – there is TJ Monroe plus a bunch of names who are now long gone.

Time to hang up the cleats, lady. Go play bingo, watch Matlock and enjoy your remaining years.

I say “at least” because city council minutes are only posted back to 2013 and LEDC minutes are only posted back to 2016. She is shown in all the minutes going back that far for both organizations.

So I had to find a way to search farther back.

I then did a Lampasas Dispatch archive search for TJ Monroe: the earliest mention of her is as a council member in the 5/13/11 issue – which will be TEN YEARS AGO when her term ends this May!!

I ACTUALLY searched all the way back to Jan 1, 2009 – but she only first pops up in the 5/13/11 issue and she’s already a council member at that point.

I am thinking that even the Dispatch archives don’t go back far enough to find out when she joined council and LEDC!

Ironically, the very first issue that mentions her is an article about how she voted to approve a grant application for a developer! Not much has changed in 10 years, has it TJ? You still think money grows on trees and you still hand out tax dollars to any clown who asks.

For the love of God, SOMEBODY throw their hat in the ring to run against this woman. Even if she were a smart and savvy member of council (which she most certainly is not), ten years is too long for ANYONE to be in that position. Being on the LEDC concurrently makes it even worse. She has done twice the damage that way.

The mayoral post and City council Place 1, Place 2 and Place 6 will be up for election May 1, according to City Secretary Becky Sims.

Misti Talbert is the mayor. Delana Toups holds Place 1, Randy Clark holds Place 5, and TJ Monroe holds Place 6.

Candidates must be at least 21 years old and citizens and qualified voters of Texas and Lampasas. They must have resided in the city for at least 12 consecutive months preceding election day.

Candidates may file in person at City Hall: 312 E Third St.

Candidates may send applications to City Secretary, 312 E. Third St., Lampasas, TX 76550 to file by mail.

Neither Of These Dummies Should Be On City Council

The Dispatch is going to start providing us with backgrounds and positions for everyone running for City Council this spring. Place 3 incumbent dingbat Chuck Williamson is being challenged by Gordon Nelson…who also appears to be a dingbat of a different sort.

I’ll go through the pros and cons of each.

Chuck Williamson pros: none

Chuck Williamson cons: has never held a private sector job, as far as I can tell. Has been on City Council for at least the last six years – and was thus part of the profligate spending and idiotic decisions made during that time. Including the $1.5 million vanity project, the $185,000 no-bid bathroom, and all the rest. Chuck also at one point a long time ago said “the City is giving too much away” but then voted to give more away to private developers like Deorald Finney and his Stone Valley subdivision in the form of “free” electrical hookups – not to mention S2M2 and former fellow Council turd ‘Greasy’ Chris Harrison. Chuck also favored all the money wasted in the ‘business park’ boondoggle. Chuck’s grade: F

Gordon Nelson pros: calls out City council for stupid spending and specifically mentions the $185,000 bathroom in Campbell Park (Dispatch page 5 – 3/23/20).

Gordon Nelson cons: manages to still wuss out and say “I’m not saying the City Council is spending foolishly, but they’re not spending wisely“. [Wrong Gordo…they are spending foolishly]. Gordon has ALSO never worked in the private sector – huge negative. Gordon unfortunately has a hard-on for a ‘community center’. Which I guess is better than having a hard-on for a ‘civic center’ but not by much. Let’s see how the City handles their new management of the Hostess House, before we bite off more than we can chew….shall we? Intangible: Gordy’s newspaper interview makes him sound less than brilliant. Maybe he just isn’t a very good interviewer? Gordon’s grade: D-

It is a crying shame that Mike White is hanging up his cleats soon. His seat will be fought over by two other people…who I will grade just as soon as their profiles are printed in the newspaper.

Mike has what just about everyone else on City council doesn’t: experience running a successful business in the private sector. He understands the value of a dollar. It is no coincidence he was often the lone voice of sanity and fiscal restraint during council meetings. One Mike White is worth ten of these other bozos. As it is, at LEAST four of the seven current council members owe their life-long earnings to the taxpayer.

As for the other two members, I have no clue what TJ Monroe used to do, but she has been on Council since the earth cooled and seems to ALWAYS vote for more spending and stupid projects. Misti seems hardwired to spend huge amounts of money. Not sure if that is a chick thing or a Misti thing.

Bottom line: we need MORE dudes who have run successful businesses in this town to get on City council. The problem is, they are all busy trying to keep a bunch of eggs in the air – taking care of customers, employees and suppliers all while government at all levels tries to pick their pocket and regulate them into oblivion.

Mike White retiring is a huge blow to the City.