SO much to get to this week. I had to leave town unexpectedly. Enjoy a Socialist Seal Bashing while more content gets created this week…
Local socialist maggot Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX just cannot help himself. Every time he makes a video to try and show he is a “5th generation rancher,” he ends up bungling something very basic and showing us he is complete fraud.
It is hilarious and I hope he keeps on making these things. Just more fodder to crush him with next time he runs for something.
Then there was the time he “broke his tractor” and used an adjustable wrench completely wrong to fix a shear bolt (which is actually NOT part of the tractor). That’s back when he was a “farmer” working on the “family farm.”
But NOW he is a “rancher” and thus, he is supposedly mending a goat’s leg.
In the video, he has already “mended the leg” with a paint roller (or “paint roller thing” as he calls it) – which is a trick he just learned on YouTube. You’d think a “5th generation rancher” would have seen that trick a few dozen times by age 32 and not need YouTube, but Comrade Clayton is not the brightest bulb. After all, he thinks socialism is a viable economic system.
He first holds up a can of Blu-Kote and says “basically, I used some, uh, blue spray…blue note…it’s like a wound treatment…it’s good for livestock“

BAHAHAHAHA! “Blue Note” as he is literally holding up a can that clearly says Blu-Kote. I love it! I’m starting to think Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX is actually a parody account of a guy pretending to be a moron trying to be a rancher and failing. There is no other explanation. NOBODY is this stupid!
Also, Blu-Kote is for abrasions and is a germicide/fungicide. It does NOT heal fractured legs or legs with internal injuries. Clayton is puzzled by the injury, however. He says it could have been a bite or a kick or a headbutt.
Now, I’m no fake rancher like Clayton Tucker, but we have had dogs, cats, chickens, goats, rabbits and other creatures running around my not-a-ranch here where I’ve lived over the last 12 years. And I can definitely tell the difference between a bite and something else. A bite breaks the skin and Blu-Kote might be helpful. But if my animal is limping around with no abrasions or broken skin, then Blu-Kote is a total waste of time, as it treats stuff like blisters, sores and lesions…not an internal fracture.
Love the videos! Keep em coming, Comrade!!
P.S. – why would a “help the AMERICAN farmer! The AMERICAN farmer is in trouble” guy be wearing a hat promoting Yanmar tractors – a Japanese company?? Very odd indeed.

- There once was a commie named Clayton
- Who spent all his time masturbatin
- But NOW he has goats
- For sowing his oats
- So matin won’t be so frustratin!