Yet Another City Promise Turns Out To Be A Lie

From today’s Dispatch:

In another upcoming event, the city will hold a town hall meeting April 6 to discuss recycling, a potential landscape/tree policy and a potential requirement for a form survey for new construction projects. The town hall meeting will be at 6 p.m. at the former Lampasas Middle School cafeteria on Western Avenue.

It is bad enough The Goldfish are putting something as asinine as curbside recycling up for a town hall meeting, where every uninformed dummy in town (like THIS ONE) can clamor for an expensive and useless service. What is WORSE, is that they are holding it in a freaking cafeteria!!

I remember when Spinley and the Seven Goldfish tried to justify their $1.5 million City Hall vanity project by saying the following in the Lampasas Dispatch (and I quote!):

The new City Hall and Council chambers would “allow more public participation in council meetings [and] also will provide a place for various community groups to meet. City Manager Finley deGraffenried said the City Council’s vision is to have a facility that encourages public participation and “that could be seen as a hub” for a variety of meetings, civic activities and community groups.

I would say a town hall meeting to let morons clamor for ‘free stuff’ fits Finley’s description of “a variety of meetings, civic activities and community groups”.

I ranted about this LAST MAY when the City was having meetings at the same cafeteria. Of course, that’s because the $1.5 million boondoggle STILL wasn’t done yet.

Well, it’s done now! They have held Council meetings there for MONTHS. I guess the fancy $1.5 million vanity project is NOT for the community who paid for it after all. It’s just for the Big Wigs. The important politicians and City workers don’t want the filthy masses dirtying up their $12,750 worth of chairs.

I also wonder why the LEDC doesn’t hold their meetings there and use the $96,000 audio/visual system just like City council does. After all, the LEDC handles (I should say ‘mishandles’) hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. The taxpayer has a right to know EVERYTHING that is being discussed in those meetings – not just the short crib notes that show up in the printed minutes.

I asked Finley this very question last month when I met him at City Hall. I did not get an answer.

Kinda Looks Like Gary Cox Got the Shaft Back in October

Oh, the things you accidentally find sometimes when looking through public records. I really missed my calling as a detective.

I have recently been going over 2019 time sheets for our IT Department to see exactly how many overtime hours the City got jammed for during the Aug 16th Ransomware attack (spoiler: over 100 hours). You remember that, I assume? A bunch of equipment got wrecked, nobody got in trouble or even questioned, no explanation was ever publicly given.…THAT ransomware attack.

Anyways, I noticed something weird on Network Administrator Kristy Acevedo’s time sheet for the end of September. Thursday September 26, Friday September 27th and Monday September 30th her time sheet is marked “ADM LEAVE PD.”

Or, paid administrative leave. Conveniently taken around the weekend so she got a sweet 5-day vacation and got paid as if she worked those days. Love it! But why would our intrepid IT girl be in any trouble? Especially just weeks after she ‘saved the day’ by cleaning up the ransomware attack her very department allowed?

I then remembered what ELSE happened around October 1st and was quietly buried for over a month: Gary Cox was shown the door ‘resigned’ ….remember?? He “submitted a letter of resignation on October 1st”, according to a November 5th Dispatch article.

Hmmmm. Now, with well over 100 City employees running around town (many of whom do REAL work like fix broken pipes, repair downed power lines and toss violent douche bags in jail), you can be sure there are more than a few who don’t care for the IT Department people in their cushy overpaid Nerf world job. Subsequently (look it up, Monica) I had heard hilarious rumors that Kristy was tangled up in the Gary Cox ‘resignation’ affair.

I won’t go into too much detail but supposedly it involved a fairly harmless prank with some Goldfish crackers (hey, she really IS The Joker!!).

I don’t traffic in rumors. I try to stick to facts – usually taken straight from City documents or City council’s own minutes. But this is just TOO big of a coincidence to NOT be related….and here is a FACT staring me in the face. Paid administrative leave for three days at exactly the time former Assistant City Manager Gary Cox was let go resigned.

Seems to me Gary got shafted pretty hard. He appears to have been shown the door while Kristy was only “punished” with 5 days of paid vacation administrative leave.

Ouch, man.

Of course, we’ll never know the real story. No way Elmo Spinley will ever let that one out!

[P.S. to poor Gary Cox out there in Houston: anonymous tips are always welcome!]

City Employee Benefits Cost UP 25% Over Same Period Last Year

New all-time-high in City employee benefit costs. For February 2020 (page 90), the grand total for health care, retirement, life insurance, dental and vision for City employees totaled $272,833 – or an annual rate of $3.274 million

Same period last year (page 34) the total was $218,404 – or an annual rate of $2.62 million.

Some highlights:

The cost for Colonial Life and Accident rose 22% (check #147288 versus check #155160).

A BRAND NEW benefit through “The Guardian Life Insurance Company” is now listed at nearly $6,000 per month (check #155194).

The combo of “Scott and White Health Plan” and “Texas Municipal Retirement System” increased from $213,741 PER MONTH up to $261,196 PER MONTH.

This is the stuff Spinley and the Goldfish never bring up. They talk non-stop about SALARIES and how “we need to be competitive to keep people here” (never mind the City is LITTERED with employees who have been around for DECADES – which kind of destroys that argument). But never a peep about the rapid rise in BENEFITS.

Also, back in 2014, City council decided to pay for 50% of employee dependents health care – up from 25%. They also decided to pay for the premiums of RETIREES! Yes, they people who had been there decades and already received large piles of money would also then get their premiums paid for by the City after they retired.

To say the benefits of working for the City are generous (especially compared to those of us in the private sector who pay for them) would be a large understatement. But that doesn’t stop Spinley and politicians from clamoring for additional 3 or 4% SALARY raises nearly every year.

The problem is the City employee does not SEE the huge benefits they get. The don’t SEE that it cost the taxpayer, for example, 8% more to provide health care for each of them than it did last year. They then get angry their paycheck hasn’t risen much.

The problem is these benefits are VERY REAL costs to the taxpayer. It is these costs that crush the taxpayer and ruin government finances in the long run.

A very simple solution would be to shift some of this ever-increasing health care cost onto the people who use them: the City employee. Those of us who own small businesses and live in the real world have to deal with these ludicrous price increases every year AND STILL shell out taxes to cover the same for the City employee…many of whom are extremely unappreciative of them and bellyache for a raise as well.

I would be VERY curious to see how the amount of health claims filed by City employees varies year over year. Very curious indeed. After all, there is zero incentive to take care of yourself and every incentive to overuse the “free” health care when you aren’t the one footing the bill

More Disturbing Lampasas School District Spending Numbers

Back in August of 2011, the LISD had 3,415 kids in the system. Today that number is actually LOWER at around 3,300. A DECREASE of roughly 3% in the number of students served. I’ll be generous and say the student body size is pretty much FLAT over the last eight years.

During that SAME period (between the 2011/2012 budget and the 2019/2020 budget) the following has happened to revenues and expenditures (source HERE):

Expenditures are UP 17.8% ($31.730 million to $37.387 million)

Revenues are WAY up 27.6% ($30.674 million to a whopping $39.152 million) – Think of ‘revenue‘ as ‘money taken from other people to pay for my kid’s education

Under ‘expenditures’ we have seen the following increases when you break down the categories:

Instruction: UP 24% ($13 million to $16.2 million)

Curr & Inst Staff Develop: UP from $122,000 to $433,000 – an increase of NEARLY FOUR FOLD! That is a 17% compound annual growth rate.

Instructional Leadership: UP from $225,000 to $653,000 – an increase of NEARLY THREE FOLD! That is a 14% compound annual growth rate.

General Administration: UP from $1.131 million to $1.440 million – an increase of 27%.

Data Processing Services: UP from $500,000 to over $1.1 million – an increase of 100% in 8 years! That is a 10% compound annual growth rate.

I know what I see here: a lot of bullshit categories exploding in cost at a ridiculous rate. Instructional leadership? Curriculum Development? Those costs increase 17% a year? Nonsense. Those are nests being feathered.

DATA PROCESSING?? Data processing costs go up 10% a year for a student body that stays the same size? Weird how technology makes things CHEAPER everywhere but in government and the school system. Who’s in charge over there…Monica and Kristy? If parents actually had to shell out this money on the first day of the school year, and little Johnny said “hey pops, I need $330 for school – that’s what it’ll cost this year to process all my data”, I think the parent would be down there screaming about being ripped off.

I’m sure the $200,000 man, Superintendent Chane Rascoe, is all over this. Surely someone who makes that kind of money is a small town is super, duper smart and can control costs and personnel.


Taxpayers Soaked Hard Once Again – For The Kids

From yesterday’s Radiogram:

This evening, our school board approved a compensation plan for next year that includes a 7% general pay increase of the midpoint for teachers, clerical/aides and auxiliary. Teacher salaries will reflect a minimum starting amount of $47,000. A general pay increase of 5% of the midpoint for administrators was approved as well. In other news, the purchase of 280 Chromebooks was approved. The Chromebooks will be used by grades K-4″.

Wow. A MASSIVE increase. Must be nice. Remember of course, that these people work 9 months and not 12…so these numbers must be multiplied by 1.33 to get a 12-month equivalent. So that MINIMUM STARTING amount turns into $62,651 equivalent. Then you add on the benefits like ‘free’ medical and retirement contributions (which run 40% of a typical salary for the City of Lampasas workers, as an example) and you are very quickly up into the $65,000 to $70,000 range as a cost to the taxpayer for 9 months of work.

I guess I’m not surprised, seeing as how these same people voted to give school LISD Superintendent Chane Rascoe a recent raise to a massive $158,751.84 PER YEAR (or a $211,615 annual equivalent) PLUS all his benefits.

Of course, you can never question school salaries, or you’re a giant asswipe. I’ll cite some great studies HERE and HERE so you can see why the constant throwing of money at schools steams my beans.

I really don’t know why Mandy Walsh and the LEDC are spending millions of dollars on a “Business Park” to attract high-paying jobs. Pretty much every single government job here for the City, County or school is VERY high-paying compared to the poor schlubs in the private sector who have to pay for all this (see below). Mandy should just give everyone cushy government jobs like Assistant Deputy Guidance Counselor or something…we can ALL get well-paid jobs in government!

Some data from Bureau of Labor Statistics from 2010. I have no doubt the gap has since widened in favor of the powerful teachers unions who are ALWAYS clamoring for more money and benefits:

Don’t even get me started on the MASSIVE bloat of administrators and other parasitic paper-pushers that have infested the public school system and cost the taxpayers an absolute fortune while contributing zero value. Here are some charts to really drive the point home:

Administrators have grown FOUR TIMES FASTER than student enrollment.
MASSIVE bloat in parasitic paper pushers who add zero value

Hurry Up And Wait

Good thing the City rushed out and wasted $158,000 $166,315.80 on a NO-BID contract for a small crapper at Campbell Park. The pre-fab dumper was dumped in the parking lot on Jan 21st and there it sits….5 weeks later and STILL not open or hooked up!

The ironic thing is, for the first time EVER (I drive by there almost daily), I counted a ton of people in the park last weekend. And by “a ton”, I mean nine.

Nine poor citizens with bursting bladders being taunted by Finley’s not-quite-finished-$166,315 toilet in the park. Ah Finley, you have a devilish sense of humor. Think of all the fools running up to the door about to crap their pants, and finding it locked!!


Still not open or hooked up – Feb 25th, 2020

Climate Change And Recycling Dummies Never Talk About The Other Side Of The Ledger

Ruh roh. Don’t show this news to recycling zealot Janet-Yoder-Kraeff-Crozier-Thunberg. She just may blow a gasket!

The giant turbines on those “clean, free energy” windmills actually can’t be recycled and have to be buried in a landfill. LOL. You can’t make this stuff up.

People like Janet (a locust here from Ohio by way of Austin) never talk about THIS side of the “clean energy” ledger. They tout recycling or electric cars or wind turbines as an ‘obvious’ move that creates jobs, saves the planet, saves money, blah, blah, blah.

They IGNORE the massive amounts of smelting energy and and iron that go INTO creating these turbines. They IGNORE that these things are BURIED in landfills after their useful life. They ignore that the magnets used in these windmills create horrific pollution. They IGNORE that electric cars use massive batteries that require strip mining of lithium and cobalt and need to be disposed of eventually. They IGNORE that the energy coming out of your garage outlet to power your electric car is likely powered by fossil fuels. They IGNORE the massive costs of collecting, sorting, transporting, and cleaning their garbage to recycle it.

Unfortunately, these are REAL costs. But faux enviro-dummies don’t care about that. They care about virtue signaling. Much like the ethanol boondoggle, when a TRUE accounting of COSTS and benefits is made, almost all of these activities make zero sense.

These REAL costs should not be thrust upon Lampasas citizens with a ridiculous curbside pickup recycling program. If Janet-Yoder-Kraeff-Crozier-Thunberg wants to THINK she’s saving the planet and it’s SO important to her, then go ahead and learn when our recycling center is open and cart your old jars 1.3 miles to deposit them. If you’re too lazy to do even that much, then perhaps you should quietly slink off into the sunset.

City Council needs to let this asinine idea die a quick death – not bring it to a town hall meeting where OTHER enviro-dummies might clamor for it.


Wow…Lots Of New Readers

The “Tree Police” post has really brought in the readers. I’d hate for all you new people to miss out on the inside jokes…so here is a reprint of our “Glossary of Terms:

Boobus Lampasicanus: species native to Lampasas…see our encyclopedia entry HERE. See also “Bruce Haywood“.

Bruce Haywood: Lampasas resident who LOVES Krab Kingz food truck, filling out on-line surveys and attending town hall meetings. Dislikes: sales tax on groceries. Is known for being 100% wrong on every issues he babbles about. For example, he publicly predicted a landslide victory for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and is a big supporter of a civic center in Lampasas. See also Boobus Lampasicanus

Business Park – never-ending boondoggle dreamed up by LEDC and City morons on Highway 183 south of town. Well over $1,500,000.00 has been spent on this 165-acre weed patch. Much like a WWII ‘cargo cult’ in that the idiots at the LEDC think if they somehow mimic a successful enterprise, manna will drop from the skies. See also: weed patch and corpse repository.

BuyBoard“: A magic word used by Finley to absolve himself of blame when he is caught red-handed paying WAY more for something than any sane human would find reasonable – after not bothering to send the project out for bidding. Examples include the $95,000 audio/visual system and the $185,000 Campbell Park bathroom. [Supposedly the “BuyBoard” member vendors are pre-selected as totally awesome government contractors because they are so reasonably priced. I have seen ZERO evidence of this].

Civic Center: An absolutely terrible idea (see also: turd) championed and adored by some of our elected officials as well as Bruce Haywood and other local dunces. The massive costs to construct and operate this civic center are ignored while vague phantom benefits like “a place for activities” are touted. Prime example of a turd that gets buried in City Council’s litter box for a while and then brought out and polished every few years (reintroduced and repackaged). See also “turd polishing” and “turd burying“.

Drunken sailor: Nickname for current Mayor Misti Talbert, for her propensity to spend “like a drunken sailor” on shore leave. Whether it is constant raises and increased benefits for every city worker, creation of a new Assistant City Manager position, a $185,000 bathroom, a $95,000 A/V system, or a $150,000 gift to local developers, Misti equates reckless spending with being a good elected official, apparently.

Eager Beaver CorViver: Any eager but naive person involved in an MLM (*pyramid-shaped*) scheme started by Jeremy “Meatball” Fouts at CorVive. Large numbers of Lampassholes were deluded into thinking they would become rich selling overpriced protein powders and laxatives to other Lampassholes. This fad raged from approximately December 2018 through June 2019. A dark chapter in Lampasas history and an interesting example of mass delusion and the madness of crowds. Similar to other MLM pyramid fads like LimeLife, Monat, Advocare and Plexus. CorVive has nothing at all to do with City Council but I hate seeing snake-oil salesmen prey on people.

Ferrari of A/V systems: Audio/visual system the City purchased from Azbell Electronics for $95,000 without putting the project out for bid…also part of Misti Talbert’s signature $1.5 million “vanity project” to remodel Old City Hall. The City had ALREADY bid and awarded the contract to Broadcast Works for $34,000 but The Seven Goldfish apparently forgot this. Finley later re-wrote history and invoked the magic “BuyBoard” phrase to grant himself immunity….but we dug out the truth here at this blog.

Fishbowl: Where The Seven Goldfish swim on the second and fourth Mondays of every month during City council meetings. See also “vanity project” and “wow! factor

Goldfish Economics: An economic system whereby City council wastes massive amounts of money in hopes of ‘attracting high paying jobs’ or just growth in general. Many times, it involves deliberately paying double or triple what a job should cost. It also often involves The Seven Goldfish forgetting they had a way better deal previously. Examples include the Azbell Electronics debacle of 2018, the Old City Hall rehab, and handing out hundreds of thousands of tax dollars to developers to rip out huge oak trees.

“Greasy” Chris Harrison: Former City Council member who ran for office on a small-government platform but who later went begging his former City Council buddies for $150,000 in free money for his new employer S2M2 Inc to build a detention pond in their new development. He also happens to own a dirt works company. Total coincidence, I am sure.

Haywoodian: adjective used to describe anything that is massive in size. For example: Michael Moore is a socialist scumbag and hypocrite of Haywoodian proportions. [Entymology – Haywood + ian] Origin 20th century, referring to Bruce Haywood – a Lampasshole of hefty proportions.

Janet Yoder Kraeff-Crozier-Thunberg: a locust from Norton OH and later Austin who spends every waking hour scheming of ways to implement a massively expensive and useless recycling program here in Lampasas. She has been partially successful, unfortunately. She is also a ‘life coach’ and believes autistic people are clairvoyant.

Joker: Nickname for Kristy Acevedo, City Network Administrator and underling of Monica Can’t-Wright. Her arched eyebrows and makeup bear a striking resemblance to Jack Nicholson’s Joker character in the 1989 movie Batman. Also, since TSM Consulting is already paid $1,800 a month by the city for ‘network support’, her redundant position is, in fact, an expensive joke.

Locust: any liberal idiot who moves here from the north (or California…or Austin) to escape high taxes but then works non-stop to implement the same stupid liberal programs (like recycling) that ruined their former home cities . See also: Janet Yoder Kraeff-Crozier-Thunberg.

“Look it up, Monica”: Phrase used in many blog posts when a vocabulary word might puzzle someone with less than an 8th-grade education. Usually linked to the definition, since Monica reads here daily.

Monica Can’t-Wright: Humorous nickname for Monica Wright (City IT Director) due to her constant mangling of the English language in private City emails. Frequently seen with her sidekick and underling – The Joker.

Pope Eckermann: Local engineer Derrek Eckermann, whose firm (Eckermann Engineering) seems to get every single City (and LEDC) engineering contract without question or bid at what appears to be outrageous fees. Whether we are discussing water lines, land surveys, geotechnical surveys, business park development, possible civic centers, a $185k crapper in the park, or perhaps even just Mayor Talbert considering buying dinner for City Council, Pope Eckermann is consulted and large tithes (tax dollars) are handed over for his blessing. These tithes run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. See also “tithes“.

Ransomware attack: computer attack on August 16, 2019 which crippled City systems for roughly ten days. About 20 other cities in Texas were affected (2000 Texas cities were not). The IT Department has never publicly explained how it happened and all my efforts to uncover the truth have been stonewalled. My current cost estimate of this screw-up is over $39,000 in new equipment. The Joker and Monica Can’t-Wright are somehow still employed after this debacle.

Rickie Roy: Current Public Works director and general kicker of ass. Rickie gets shit done and doesn’t waste time. His voice could make a wolverine purr and Rickie’s City council presentations are the BOMB. One time, a cobra bit Rickie Roy in the leg. After five days of excruciating pain, the cobra died.

Seven Goldfish: Refers to the six City Council members and the Mayor – and their tendency to forget important details due to having the memories of goldfish. Examples include (1) handing out a no-bid A/V contract to Azbell after already voting to award the same contract to Broadcast Works for FAR less money and (2) giving the go-ahead for a no-bid $185,000 bathroom in Campbell Park when the exact same bathroom was pitched a couple years earlier for $105,000. (3) Selling a building for $75,000 and then buying the same building back less than 24 months later for $229,000. The poor memories of these Seven Goldfish seem to ALWAYS cost the taxpayer money.

“Spinley” deGraffenried: Nickname for City Manager Finley deGraffenried. Finley has been running the City since approximately the time planet Earth cooled and formed a hardened crust. His number one priority is growing the size of City government while increasing benefits and salaries for those employees. His number two priority is making sure that no matter how badly a City employee screws up, they are never held accountable or fired. His nickname comes from his ability to spin tall tales of bullshit such as “the computer attacks were unrelated” or “we didn’t need to bid that project” or “Old City Hall will be ready in January of 2019” or “Old City Hall rehab ‘only’ cost $1.02 million.

Taj Mahal: New Lampasas County jail which is costing us roughly $18 million dollars (plus most recently, another $50,000 in change orders). If I had my way: (1) we would not waste jail space with victimless ‘crimes’ like owning/smoking a plant – which would greatly reduce the number of jail cells needed….and (2) those Lampassholes who commit REAL crimes like theft or assault or vandalism would be thrown on a chain gang every day to pick up garbage on the highway or pull weeds in the creek instead of lounging in an $18 million Taj Mahal with hot water and three meals a day. Perhaps THAT would incentivize them to behave. But hey…what the hell do I know. I’m old-fashioned.

TithesMassive sums of tax dollars handed over to Pope Eckermann in order to get his blessing on any project under consideration. These tithes are often given whether the project is ever started or not (see: civic center). See also “Pope Eckermann

Turd polishing/burying: the act of City Council forgetting about a terrible idea (civic center, rodeo arena, business park, recycling, tree police, etc) for a little while but then resurrecting the same awful idea over and over and trying to make it sound palatable (polishing a turd) – usually at the urging of a Boobus Lampasicanus at a town hall meeting. The civic center turd has been subject to several cycles of burying, uncovering and polishing over the years.

Vanity project: The $1,500,000.00 Old City Hall renovation and new City Council chambers championed by current Mayor Misti Talbert. Was supposed to be completed approximately December of 2018….still not finished and is wildly over budget. If it ever opens, you will get to see the “Ferrari of A/V systems” and the magic $126,000 elevator. See also “Wow! factor

Weed patch: A 165-acre albatross around the neck of the Lampasas Economic Development Corporation (LEDC). They refer to it as a shovel-ready “business park” but that is a total misnomer (look it up, Monica) as there are no actual businesses in the ‘park’. However, one less-than-intelligent murderer mistook the term “shovel-ready” and brought a fresh corpse there to be hidden. Over $2.2 million dollars have been wasted on this monstrosity with no end in sight. See also: corpse repository and business park.

Wow! factorActual phrase found in City Council minutes (page 3) to justify the spending of outrageous sums (currently around $1.5 MILLION) on a new City Council chambers and renovation of Old City Hall. It is not specified who actually used this phrase, but I suspect it was Misti “Drunken Sailor” Talbert. See also: vanity project

Tree Police Just Won’t Stop

Like the civic center, the Tree Police idea is apparently one of those turds that just refuse to stay buried. It has come up AGAIN at the last two City council meetings.

I previously went into what hypocrites some of the Goldfish are for even dreaming up this idea: they hand out “free” stuff (Stone Valley development electrical hookups: $70,000) and gobs of taxpayer money (S2M2 and former Council member: $150,000) to developers then get their panties in a bunch when the developers go out and cut down trees – which is kind of necessary when putting in roads, houses, ponds, etc.

The trees that used to be here don’t count, as they were ripped out by a developer whom City Council blessed with $70,000 in ‘free’ electrical hookups, as well as tens of thousands of other gifts to ‘promote growth’!

The very next meeting after I pointed out the hypocrisy on these pages, Delena Toups (who is the mastermind of this idea) made sure to throw in that she is only talking about COMMERCIAL development and not RESIDENTIAL. Clearly she reads here regularly. It’s unfortunate she didn’t learn anything from the wisdom on these pages.

I guess that makes it ok then, eh? Ripping down, say, fifty trees for residential development is ok but ripping down two trees for commercial development is BAD BAD BAD! Makes total sense if you are a Goldfish, I suppose. Out here in the real world, however, a tree is a tree.

These trees don’t count either! City council handed their FORMER fellow council member ‘Greasy’ Chris Harrison’s developer buddy S2M2 $150,000 to help pay for bulldozers.

[I guess her head is REALLY gonna explode once Pope Eckermann or a future tenant (LOL!) gets into the corpse repository ‘business park’ and has to start removing trees to build all the big buildings to house all those ‘high tech jobs’ Mandy Walsh dreams of at night.]

Sorry, I just cannot type that with a straight face.

So already they are backpedaling so as to not look completely ridiculous by previously subsidizing (with tax dollars) the very behavior they are now upset about.

But it gets worse.

Enter Sandy Tompkins at the last City council meeting on Feb 10th. Yet another person with zero respect for (or understanding of) property rights or economic incentives.

You can listen to her screed (look it up, Monica) here (go to the the 48:38 minute mark)

First she informs us she was a school teacher for 33 years. Not sure what that has to do with the price of tea in China. Just one of my pet peeves: I don’t care how many years anybody taught grade school. Doesn’t make you any smarter than anyone else. Oftentimes quite the opposite, in my vast experience.

Then she tells us a kind of sob story about how a lady who sold some property to developers (on Central Texas Expressway) didn’t want to sell it because she was afraid the developer would take out trees. Of course, she DID sell it and the trees WERE taken out – which is why she is telling this sad, sad story.

Um, sugar plum?? That’s what ‘selling’ means. You transfer all rights to that property and now have ZERO say in what subsequently gets done with it. If you love the trees so much, then feel free to choose them over the money. But she didn’t. She wanted the money. And the REASON the money was so good, is because they are going to develop it commercially. You would not have gotten anywhere NEAR the amount of cash you got if it was just sold so some tree-hugger who wanted to gaze at the trees all day long. You made a choice. Don’t cry about it now.

Sandy tells us she’s “a private property rights person”….but then she spends the next six and a half minutes proving otherwise by championing the tree police.

She continues blah, blah, blah for the next few minutes. Then her bright idea towards the end [51:38 mark] is “we need to let developers know that we care about trees in this community”, but then immediately admits “I don’t know how you put teeth into this and still have private property rights”.

BINGO!! EXACTLY. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. It’s quite simple. That should be the end of discussion. Bye bye Tree Police.

But of course, it’s not. All the do-gooders love to hear the sound of their own voices and let everyone know how much they CARE. Much like the bleeding heart liberal lefties who whine about how we need more ‘free’ health care for everyone so the answer is to steal from one group and give to another. If they REALLY cared, they would go to medical school and become doctors and work for peanuts. But that’s HARD and requires WORK and SACRIFICE. Better to just boss everyone else around. But I digress….

Their answer to everything is more rules, more regulations, more enforcement. Kinda like the Tree Police.

So here is the Lampasshole Free Market Solution to this perceived problemfree of charge:

(1) People can do whatever they want with their property. Period.

(2) MOST people (I’d say 97%) value trees highly, or we wouldn’t be having this discussion. Therefore, it is in the DEVELOPER’S best interest to keep as many trees as possible since it INCREASES the value of the property (people’s desire for trees leads them to choose a property with many trees over a property with none – that preference shows up in market prices).

(3) STOP handing tax dollars to developers to subsidize their activities. You are distorting the free market. Some of these developments are extremely marginal and YOU DUMMIES handing them $150,000 in tax dollar subsidies might be just the push it takes to make them ‘profitable’. The ‘market clearing’ number of developments would be slightly lower without these distortions caused by YOU…and less trees are then destroyed.

You dummies still with me?

So far, the free market is taking care of incentives. But some people want MORE trees to replace the ones that HAD to be removed. I have an answer for that too:

Go plant some damn trees!! I wonder how many trees Delena Toups or Sandy Tompkins or any other Tree Police Cheerleaders have actually planted themselves in the last 10 years. Zero? Nobody is stopping you from planting a boatload of trees on the land you own. Go ahead and do it! Maybe offer to plant a tree or six on your neighbors property for free.

Ah, but that’s hard! It costs some money and takes some effort. How do I know this? Well, not to toot my own horn, but I have planted over 45 trees on my property since I bought it 8.5 years ago. That’s probably 45 more trees than all the Tree Police Cheerleaders have planted combined.

It cost me a chunk and was hard work to keep them watered in the summer those first few years. Digging holes, mulching, fertilizing, pruning, and running hoses all over the place….it kinda sucks. But, you see, I value trees also. I just don’t show that by puffing out my chest and standing at the microphone telling other people what to do with their property. Instead I think “hmmm….I like trees. I’ll plant some more on my land.”

I also built my house in such a spot as to not remove a single tree. Did I do this because Delana Toups or Sandy Tompkins and the Tree Police types demanded it? No. I acted on my own free will due to economic incentives. Imagine that!!

Unfortunately, instead of this terrible idea dying a quick death, the City council geniuses are thinking of taking it to a Town Hall meeting so the likes of Janet-Yoder-Kraeff-Crozier-Thunberg and other morons can cheer for it as well.

I can’t wait to see the abomination that results from all this pearl clutching. Should be something to behold.