A tragic and deadly accident NEARLY took place today at Hanna Springs pool. A large, semiaquatic mammal was ALMOST very nearly SERIOUSLY injured when a dangerous projectile hurled at high speeds by a 6-year-old splashed down near her – knocking MULTIPLE droplets of water into her hair and possibly grazing her knee!!!
Obviously, she immediately went over to the pool manager to loudly report and complain about the fun, laughter and general tomfoolery these young children (ages 6, 9 and unknown) were engaged in at the City pool during their summer break.
I was able to get my hands on the deadly projectile being used in the pool. As you can see, this horrendous weapon of war has NO PLACE in the City pool!!
As you can see, the SUPER SMART and RATIONAL pool manager (who was totally NOT on a power trip) was COMPLETELY within her rights to ban this dangerous toy immediately at the urgings of the hippo since it clearly violated the posted rules of the pool:
I also later accosted the severely injured woman (to apologize for a 6-year-old almost killing her with a 3 ounce squishy ball) and asked her to show me where the broken bones, contusions and lacerations could be found on her generously-proportioned carcass.
She looked at me like I had lobsters crawling out of my ears. Then waddled out to her car.
Thankfully, any SERIOUS injury was avoided and all fun was ceased IMMEDIATELY at the pool. Great job by all involved at stopping what COULD have been a deadly incident!
What has been accomplished in the last 2.5 years? Well, a hell of a lot of money has been spent (way over a million) and we have a nice crop of about 15 fire hydrants and a paved road over at the Business Pork.
Of course, they still have ZERO tenants after 20 years and $7.5 million dollars wasted. Well done!
Weirdos and losers are drawn to the Democrat Marxist Party like a moths to a flame. It is the party of the malcontents and envious beta cucks. The Biden Administration is filled with them – and so is Austin.
Just look at this loser:
Why did he resign? Well, to keep his cushy benefits before he could be fired.
Why would he be fired? Glad you asked.
According to court records, Joseph Frederick pulled a gun on his roommate threatening him and demanding he leave their apartment.
Clearly these guys are all homos. That’s pretty much a given for the Democrats. But that’s not even the most pathetic of it all.
#1 – this guy is in his 50s and still has a roommate [a la Clayton Tucker living with mom or Grady Lucas booting his mom to a nursing home and taking her house].
#2 – this guy is too stupid to figure out how to look at porn.
#3 – this guy is an insecure beta male.
#4 – this guy is a lawyer and yet still stupidly pulled a gun on someone, thus guaranteeing he would get in big trouble.
#5 – this moron just lost a $134,000-per-year job because he was too stupid to stream porn and is such a loser he has a roommate at age 51.
Can you get any dumber??? That would be like, I don’t know, faking racist comments to yourself and getting caught because you stupidly left your email on the “racist” remarks.
It never ends. It’s an endless stream of retards, mentally-ill perverts and absolute losers. Over and over.
Hey wait a second – that lawyer with the gun worked for a big City of a million people and made $134,000 per year? But somehow our City manager (population 7,200) who does NOT have a law degree and lives in a town with a much lower cost of living is making $153,000 per year?!?!
Ok. Keep telling me our City employees at the top aren’t wildly overpaid.
Hell, Assistant TO the City Manager Ryan Ward almost makes as much as this gun-waving, porn-deprived homo with a law degree!!
Billions upon billions of dollars in pinwheels sitting idle today. We could have built 6 or 8 nuclear plants for that money. Nuclear plants that basically run 24 hours a day forever and emit ZERO carbon.
I always instinctively know when the pinwheels are idle because it is brutal outside with no breeze at all. It happens many, many times per year – despite the assurances of mouse-jiggling morons that “the wind always blows”
Good thing we have REAL power sources like natural gas to rely upon. Unfortunately, building an entire backup generation system for when the wind dies is very costly…which is why electricity bills have shot up 30% in recent years.
You’d think a former YMCA Director like Finley DeGraffenreid would tend to make the City pool a bigger priority. But you would be wrong.
While he is busy wasting $2.2 million on the Hostess House or $450,000 on a skate park that is scarcely used or a $180,000 bathroom in a park that is mostly empty, or $96,000 on an A/V/ system for City council that only costs $33,000 – Hanna Springs pool hours are cut, and equipment that is broken stays broken.
Right now, the pool is only open from noon to 6pm…and only 5 days a week (Tuesday through Saturday). A total of 30 hours and is CLOSED completely for two days – including Sunday, which is a weekend day that many working parents would probably love to see open.
But not so long ago, it was open FAR more….41 hours, to be exact. It was also open every day except Mondays….
Then you have one of the water features completely broken – and nobody has bothered to repair it…..
Those four poles sticking out spewing water USED to have buckets underneath. They would slowly fill up then unpredictably dump the accumulated water onto the kids beneath it. Now it is just a sad, unrepaired relic dribbling weak water streams – much like an old man with an enlarged prostate, which I’m sure our 61-year-old City manager can relate to.
I can tell you from experience, the pool is pretty busy ALL the time. As opposed to, say, the rodeo arena (City just dropped $50,000) or the planned bike trails that never happened (cost of plans was $12,000) or the ridiculous giant metal LTX letters they plunked down on the City square ($15,000). Ergo, it should be more of a priority than your other make-work/burn-money retard projects.
Also, if I’m not mistaken, Hannah Springs closes on August 1st! You know – right before the hottest two weeks of the year. What a genius time to close the pool for the season! Do you realize how absurd it is to only have a giant investment like a POOL only open about 60 days per year in Central Texas where it is basically pool season from May 1 to October 1??
Additionally, if money is an issue (it shouldn’t be) you might raise the price on season passes and eliminate the “family” season pass or make it more specific. As it stands, the prices haven’t budged since at LEAST 2018 AND a “family” could be 9 people – which is a stupid way to price things. I’ve brought all this up before, of course FOUR YEARS ago!
I JUST talked about this only three weeks ago! Insane women who cannot perceive reality correctly and how that should preclude them from voting and imposing their psychotic distorted “reality” on the rest of us.
As I wrote:
The REALITY is that this guy is a piece of shit. But the liberal moron ignored this reality in favor of some “he’s a victim of racism,” nonsense instead of accepting there are some truly evil people in the world.
It may seem sick to us, but many of these liberal women literally fantasize about being victimized in this manner. Reality will oblige.
Aaaaand, here it is:
These people are insane. We have plenty of them around here as well: Christine Seefeldt, Julie Cain Landrum, Stephanie Fitzharris, Carol Garner Doughty, etc. They are utterly incapable of seeing reality. That’s how you get deranged headlines like this….
Biden is CLEARLY ignoring immigration law and doing everything in his power to stop states like Texas from enforcing their borders. Mayorkas is complicit. These are facts. Not a week goes by where there isn’t a story about a young girl being raped/strangled/killed by an illegal.
YET insane/retarded women are STILL voting for Biden. A vote for Biden is a CLEAR vote for open borders. No sane person can dispute that. Ergo, anyone voting for Biden is also in favor of innocent young children and women being raped and killed by these animals. A vote for Biden is a vote for lawlessness. Lawlessness and chaos that puts these VERY SAME female voters at risk themselves.
I would love to say that the only way lib scum like Seefeldt, Fitzharris and Landrum will ever see the error of their ways is if they get violently attacked or raped by an illegal – but as you can see from the unhinged woman above, they would probably welcome that and then tell the cops it was a white guy.
She wants to hire THREE new people – including a “Deputy Chief Appraiser” – you know, so she can sit on her ass and let her bitch boy do all the work. Kind of like a Finley/Ward thing going on there.
This chick’s name rang a bell with me, so I searched my blog since I remembered this same organization asked for an 11% increase not too long ago:
This chick has some balls on her. You know what makes it ever MORE insulting? This SAME IDIOT convinced Lampasas County to spend $86,000 PER YEAR on software back in 2021 to “make the office more efficient”!!
Oh, and she ALSO requested (and got)spending of TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS on fucking iPads!!! That was in 2022! How the hell do you spend $25,000 on iPads?!?!
I’ll say it again – $25,000 ON IPADS! Think about that as you look at your property tax assessments this year.
Judge Hoyer at least had the good sense to ask this idiot if the software and iPads they are blowing gobs of money on have made them more efficient – and thus negate the need for all these new appraisers.
Her response?
“We did have a bumpy start, but we have made quite a bit of progress.”
That sounds to me like the $86,000 per year was a total waste. She ALSO told the county that they haven’t even received the iPads yet! They get them in September! How do you take TWO YEARS to get iPads?!?
Oh – and she pulled a similar stunt two years ago!
Gee – I wonder that happened in 2021 and 2022 to make the county so generous throwing money at morons like this? Oh yeah – the county was showered with about $4 million in “Covid money” by Bumblin Joe Biden. And you wonder why we have massive inflation.
Screw this moron. Tell her she gets ZERO budget increase. She better figure out a way to make that $86,000 PER YEAR software do the job she promised back in 2021.
They are paying this imbecile $85,690 per year PLUS another $32,000 in benefits [page 24]??
I’ll do the job for $80,000 and NO benefits.
I’m sure I have to take some “Appraiser Class” or something –which I will pay for out of my own pocket. I’m not kidding. I’ll ace the class easily, because I guarantee you I’m far smarter than her. When I become Chief Appraiser, I’ll find a much faster and better way to appraise that shit. You won’t need 3 new people. I’ll use AI bots, Zillow, Redfin and anything else at my disposal. Because I am an efficiency nut and not a fat slob who wants to pad the payroll.
I’m totally serious. If you County people are reading this, please fire this incompetent moron and give me the job. It sure as hell won’t take me 40 hours a week all year ’round. Email me at lampasshole@protonmail.com – I am not even joking.
No way this is a difficult job. You sure as HELL don’t need to hire a “Deputy Chief Appraiser” for $75,000, you lazy turd.
Zero budget increase for you. Don’t like it? There’s the door, you incompetent parasite.
Wow! Not sure how I missed this one. City councilman Chuck “The Vampire” Williamson passed away June 18th. He will join fellow City councilman Randy “Speedbump” Clark at that big City Council Chamber in the sky.
There is only one conclusion I can draw from BOTH Clark and Williamson passing away during their City council terms: dealing with Cathy “Porkchop” Kuehne is enough to put any man in his grave.
I gave Chuck his “Vampire” moniker because despite being voted out of office, he somehow rose from the dead and was re-installed by TJ Monroe when they guy who beat him resigned suddenly. I think that might have even happened twice, actually. I’m too lazy to search my own blog, however.
Chuck was fairly useless as a councilman, but according to his obituary he served in Vietnam – which is a hell I wouldn’t wish on anyone. So my respect for him has jumped on that. I’m sure he has family that will miss him as well. My condolences to them.
There is something there for everyone – including the kids!
Maybe the City should hold on to that $9,500 a month that Ybarra was costing them and deploy a small portion somewhere else? By NOT hiring a new EDD, you certainly won’t get any LESS tenants in the Business Pork, will you? You’ve gone 0-for-twenty-years with the last four gals in there. Hard to believe that “hire nobody” will be any worse.