Bike Trail Bill Tallied Up: $1.4 Million Dollars. Yes…For a BIKE Trail

Last October, the City wasted $12,205 for some “plans” for a bike trail. I took a huge shit all over the idea, finding it moronic for a number of reasons. You can find that discussion at the link below:

City Blowing $12,000 To Study a “Mountain Bike Park”. No Seriously.

Councilman Randy “Speedbump” Clark was the lone voice of sanity voting AGAINST this idiotic expenditure. Yay Randy.

Misti and the Gang of Goldfish figured people needed more “outside activities” because of Covid. Yes, the same Misti and the Gang who closed the pool (outside activity) last year because of Covid. Don’t try to follow the “logic” of City council too closely – you will hurt your brain.

Misti and the Gang ALSO figured “hey, we can get the plans and most of it can be done by volunteers”, which I found to be laughable at the time. People coming to City council with grandiose plans ALWAYS say there will be lots of volunteers to do all the work, but when the time comes, the volunteers rarely materialize and the City foots a huge bill (**cough ** rodeo arena **cough ** community gardens ** cough**).

Well, the tab finally got tallied up by Trail Solutions [pages 32-60], and it is a WHOPPER. The trail-making company said they can provide this necessary bike park for the bargain price of $1,314,936 if the city wants to be cheap about it.

The “high range” for the bike park is an astounding $1,577,923

As profligate and retarded as most of the Goldfish are, there is NO WAY they will get away with pissing away that much money on a bike trail. Which means that the $12,205 wasted on “plans” was just another very stupid and costly decision by the likes of TJ Monroe and Chuck Williamson.

You’d think SOMEONE on city council would have asked for a ballpark estimate on the cost of a bike trail BEFORE they wasted $12,205. You’d be wrong in that assumption. The Goldfish ALWAYS shoot first and ask questions later.

But hey – ya’ll have 25 pages of very nice, glossy photos to put on the mantle. Twenty five pages of pipe dreams. A bargain at only $488 per page!

Finley Had a Very Funny Joke…

I even wrote it down in my diary: “Finley had a very funny joke today”. I laughed about it later that night!

What was this side-splitter? It occurred on the radio Wednesday morning when Finley “No Bid” deGraffenreid was talking to local imbecile, radio station owner and Covid scaremonger Rhonda Witcher.

I have to admit, whenever I listen to the Wednesday morning “Meeting with the City Manager” spot between these two, I am ALWAYS remined of the movie “Best in Show” where Fred Willard’s Buck Laughlin character doesn’t know the first thing about purebred dogs or how they are judged, but he’s somehow secured the position of a color commentator at a prestigious dog show. He just sits there and asks the dumbest questions mixed in with idiotic observations and remarks.

Rhonda Witcher IS Buck Laughlin.

Huh – weird that Fred Willard is in both of those movie scene. RIP Fred.

Anyways, as Rhonda rambled about “technology” and asked inane questions, one of them required Finley “No Bid’ deGraffenreid to explain what “system” the City uses to decide whether a gadget or service is worth the money the City pays for it.

Finley’s answer?

“The city is generally pretty conservative in their expenditures…..and you can do a cost benefit analysis….”

BAHAHAHAHAHA. Finley “No Bid” deGraffenreid actually kept a straight face as he uttered the phrase “cost benefit analysis”. I am in tears over here.

So, it was “cost benefit analysis” that led you to mysteriously throw away the $34,000 DEAL you had with Broadcast Works for the City council audio/visual system and then go with a NO BID system from Azbell that cost almost ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS??

Was it “cost benefit analysis” that led you to spend $175,000 on a NO BID PREFAB BATHROOM that could have been had for $20,000 (page 7)???

Was it “cost benefit analysis” that made you ignore the $96,000 bid on the table from Austin Elevator Co and instead blow $128,000 to use RKJ Construction for an elevator that broke down constantly in the first years?

You make me laugh, Finley!

Even After 17 Years Of Failure, LEDC STILL Determined To Waste Another $2 Million On Goat Pasture Disaster

The Lampasas Economic Dunces Club (LEDC) finally released the minutes from the March 24th meeting. It is apparent they are not going to let the Eco-Strong debacle deter them one bit.

Even though they have no prospective tenant AND the labor market is so tight right now that they can’t even fill lifeguard positions, they are considering BORROWING $1,500,000.00 of the $1,900,000.00 needed to complete Phase I Phase II of their ‘business’ park goat pasture disaster – to “create good jobs”.

[Let’s not forget, the LEDC already wasted $7,500 for a grant application for free federal money that apparently fell through when local scumbag Mike Cour was exposed as a charlatan. They have also already paid Pope Eckermann over $70,000 for the “plans” for Phase I Phase II of this money-burning endeavor]

Bancorp South is going to be kind enough to lend these idiots money at 3.2% for the next 21 years [page 12 and 13] so they can build some roads and put MORE pipes in the ground. For those of you who are math challenged, that is $48,000 per year in interest payments over 21 years = over $1 million just in interest payments.

They are willing to do this, because that debt will be serviced “SOLELY by SALES TAX COLLECTED“. This is essentially a completely risk-free loan by Bancorp South – it is backed completely by YOUR tax dollars. Tax dollars that could be spent on lots of other things, but instead will be wasted to the tune of $48,000 per year, every year, until the year 2042.

Oh, and they want to charge a $15,000 “loan origination fee” on top of it all!

And bankers wonder why they are disliked! They keep my deposits at the bank and pay me 0.00% interest….and then lend it to these morons at 3.2% – and the payback is GUARANTEED by a sales tax stream! Talk about free money. PLUS the $15,000 “loan origination fee”. Absolute scumbags, if you ask me. Good thing we bailed them all out back in 2008.

How will the LEDC “invest” this new $2 million pile of money into their goat pasture? Well, for one, they are planning to blow $379,115 JUST ON PIPES! [see page 15 PVC water pipes and wastewater pipes].


But it gets better: way back in 2015 and 2016, they ALREADY WASTED piles of money putting water pipes in! [$678,000 to Qro Mex Construction between 12/22/15 and 7/7/16 to install water and wastewater pipes]

Almost SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS already spent on “pipes” back in 2016

But here we are – five years later and these morons are doing it all over again and they have the NERVE to call it “Phase I”!!

Just a reminder: TJ Monroe was up to her eyeballs in ALL of this shit. She was (and STILL IS) a sitting member of the LEDC AND City council during this entire time period. She is a disaster and you fools just elected her mayor for two more years of this kind of dipshittery. Congrats.

TJ Monroe Wins Mayoral Spot

As a dog returns to his vomit, so doth a fool return to his folly….and my, there are a lot of fools (310, to be exact) repeating the folly of sending TJ Monroe back to City council – this time as mayor. A position she is completely unqualified to hold.

The GOOD news is that I am guaranteed two more years of poor decision making and profligate spending to ridicule.

The BAD news is YOU suckers are gonna pay for it!

Two more years of handing hundreds of thousands of dollars to developers, more developers and Pope Eckermann for the doomed “business” park.

Two more years of paying $96,000 for a $34,000 system. Two more years of shelling out $180,000 for a bathroom that could have been built for $20,000 (page 7).

Two more years of selling a building for $75,000 and then buying it back 15 months later for $229,000. Yes – that really happened. Then they spent $1.5 million renovating it! TJ Monroe was right in the thick of that idiocy, voting YES to all of it.

Two more years of pouring millions into the failed “business” park. Two more years of being tricked and suckered by con men like Mike Cour.

Oughta be a lot of fun!

Socialist Bum Clayton Tucker Clubbed Like Baby Seal (377 to 180)

Like a dragonfly hitting my truck windshield at 80mph, so does the Clayton Tucker campaign for Place 1 city council seat come to an abrupt and disastrous end. All that remains now is smear of bug guts and annoying residue.

Oh, and some serious delusions:

“Hey! I did better than Mondale in ’84!”

I don’t know where he gets the “sticking to a message” bullshit. He was all over the map and added “issues” to his website on a whim every time he saw somebody on Facebook complain about something. That’s not “sticking to a message”, that’s “pandering and saying anything for a vote”.

That is how he ended up with ridiculous issues like “I will fight for a dog park!” and “I will fight for a rec center!” and “Tucker will fight to bring a variety of restaurants to Lampasas“, which clearly was hatched after he saw some bitching about “yet another burger joint” by the usual peanut gallery on Facebook!

Well, buddy: here is your chance. Once again, you find yourself jobless and aimless. Why don’t you go ahead and open a restaurant that brings us “greater variety” now that you have a ton of free time on your hands?

I won’t hold my breath.

The only thing funnier than Tucker’s delusions are the comments by his 8 or 10 hardcore Marxist scumworm followers – most of whom live in Austin or another state.

Marxist trashbirds of a feather nest together

First the bad news – 180 Lampassholes actually VOTED for this moron. I knew he’d get a few votes from the likes of Bruce Haywood, Julie Cain Landrum, Janet “Crazier” Crozier and Melissa Johnson. But if we actually have 180 lovers of socialist bums in our midst HERE in the heart of rural Texas, well….I seriously fear for our great Republic going forward.

Speaking of that nitwit Melissa Johnson, let’s see how her prediction played out. Her “logic” a month ago was that me bashing Tucker relentlessly was only helping to “promote” him. LOL. How’d that work out, sugar?

Melissa Johnson: wrong for the 312th time

The GOOD news is that 377 people voted AGAINST Trust Fund Tucker and his brand of Marxist trash. For that, I thank you all. Together we have denied a Marxist scum bag an electoral win that he could brag about going forward and use to gain higher office in Texas. Instead, he is now a three-time loser.

My advice is to go out, get a job, stop sponging off Mom and Dad and maybe go WORK for about 10 years in the REAL world before you try to get a seat at any table making the rules for everyone else.

Also, know this: I will never sleep as long as you are out there running for something, ANYTHING. I will relentlessly bash your socialist ideas and call you out for your hypocrisy and lack of work ethic. Don’t believe me? Ask Mike Cour how things went for HIM when I smelled a rat trying to steal cheese.

Local Loony Lib Now Grabbing Public Funds For “Community” Garden – The Gloves Must Come Off

When local lib locust loon Janet “Crazier” Yoder Crozier hatched her “Community Garden” idea, I was content to sit back and watch it fail without ridiculing her along the way TOO much. After all – she was going to use PRIVATE donations and charge fees to would-be gardeners. If private citizens are dumb enough to throw money at this crazy woman (and failed “life coach”), well – a fool and their money are soon parted. No skin off my ass, right?

[We will ignore for the moment all the “free” stuff the City is giving her, like thousands of gallons of “free” City water – which is most definitely not “free”]

Well, that all changed when she sponged $4,330 off the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) the other day. She is now “public domain” and will be treated as such.

A grant IS a donation, you numbskull

Makes total sense, right? Her organization doesn’t even come close to meeting the grant requirements for the LCRA – so they rightfully deny it. But then some LCRA chowder head goes ahead and HANDS THIS IDIOT $4,330 anyways!! Mind boggling.

Every dollar someone at the LCRA hands to this moron is a dollar that can’t be used for REAL needs – like volunteer fire department equipment. Ergo, Janet “Crazier” Crozier is essentially robbing the public and setting fire to the funds through her flailing garden hobby.

Not to mention, tool sheds do NOT cost anywhere NEAR $4,330! But when you are handed “free” stuff, you rarely care about the cost of anything. Right Clayton Tucker??

Let’s do a dive into how much she has received and what she has to show for it so far, shall we? This list is up-to-date as of 11/13/23

First, we’ll tally up the straight-up CASH this loon has been handed:

  1. $2,000 MOJC grant
  2. $6,000 from the Square Foot Garden Foundation ($2,000 three times)
  3. $2,500 Rosendin Foundation
  4. $4,330 from LCRA
  5. $5,000 from First Texas Bank (2 installments of $2,500 each) years 2022 and 2023

PLUS a “financial gift” from Broken B Erectors (amount unknown) in February of 2023.

That’s about $20,000 in CASH so this nut job can run a garden! I start my garden every spring with about $100, but hey – I guess I’m doing it wrong.

Now we get to the other donations (all of these are taken from the LCG website):

They have received “generous donations” from ACE Hardware, Salvation Army, HEB, and the Farm Bureau.

ACE and HEB can do whatever the hell they want – they are private companies. But seeing the Salvation Army and Farm Bureau waste money on this shit is very puzzling…and means more worthy and needy people will go without. All so a failed “life coach” can prance around doing newspaper stories and radio interviews.

They ALSO received a ton of “free” lumber from Jack Clark. He was kind enough to donate 90 boards (8x2x8). That ain’t cheap! So add another $800 worth of “free” lumber to build their “raised” beds.

[They could have saved a lot of trouble/work by going HERE and just buying some raised beds with their piles of cash – but libs rarely use their brains]

The City of Lampasas has also diverted their work crews from other areas to go over to Janet’s Personal Sandbox and install EIGHT small hose bibbs – which includes trenching the pipes as well. Call it another $700 worth of materials and manhours.

Four bibbs on each side – plus trenching and pipe material.

Furthermore, when it became clear that Janet and a couple of other loons would never be able to do all this manual labor by themselves, they enlisted a bunch of teenagers from First United Methodist Church back around mid-March. Those volunteer hours could have been better deployed to REAL people in need. Call that another 50 manhours or so (worth maybe $600 on the free market)

Then there are the fees she charges to garden there:

“Never mind those 50 plastic jugs there” – says the same dummy who is trying to save the earth by demanding we all recycle our garbage

I did the math and it comes out to about $1,200 in fees she should have collected.

Add it add it all up, and you are looking at close to THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS so far for this debacle.

But there is more! She’s ALSO trying to scam another $10,000 or so for rainwater collection tanks – even though she ALREADY had the City put in irrigation for her and only charges her about $35 per year for water.

As of January of 2023 – she is hitting up Parks Director Chris Eicher for $5,200 for side walks to prep for her idiotic ADA-compliance project!!!

All those original donations apparently weren’t enough to buy them a small tool shed. So all their tools were stolen earlier this week after sitting there unprotected for the last two months. Not surprising, considering you left them all laying around in a semi-secluded area! Unreal. Good thing the LCRA stepped in and handed you $4,330 to buy an $800 tool shed.

A bunch of kind souls on Facebook offered to buy her new tools – obviously unaware that this idiot has ALREADY somehow squandered close to $15,000 in resources for a tiny little garden!

Should I also throw in the firetruck, ambulance, fire vehicle and EIGHT emergency personnel the Lampasas Gardens had to summon when their wood chips caused an old lady to slip and crack her head during their open house??

Nah. The taxpayers can pick that one up!

So, how in the hell do you spend $30,000 on a small garden that looks to me like I could have set the whole thing up for under $4,000? Where does it all go? Great question. One that can only be answered when the LCG non-profit tax forms are filed and appear on the Internet….hopefully later this year.

UPDATED June 2023: Ms. Crazier will be spending $18,300 on her ADA project! Jesus christ. Furthermore, the City needs to do sidewalk work because of it – which will run over $5,000 as well.

Local Socialist Has Her Wealth Redistributed

Local lefty locust dummy Janet “Crazier” Crozier is in the news YET AGAIN! My goodness. Just nothing going your way, is it? That tends to happen when you are a moron who never thinks anything through.

From Facebook 4/28/21:

Pet peeve of mine: you were BURGLED…not ROBBED

So you went out, worked hard (not really, they were donated, but you get the point) to accumulate these useful items and some douchebag came along and just took them all because he wanted them?

Now you know how I feel when socialist scumbags like Bernie Sanders and Clayton Tucker come after all MY shit. Kinda sucks, right?

Ironic that you (AND your idiot daughter Potato Head Steph) are a huge Clayton Tucker fan and want him on city council – seeing as how he is an actual socialist and wants to do this to everybody on a grand scale. Ironic indeed! And VERY funny to me!


Now, on Facebook, everyone is rushing to this idiot’s aid and offering donations. But they should know a few things first:

The Lampasas Community Gardens have ALREADY taken in close to $10,000 in donations, by my calculations – including FREE lumber. They also get FREE water from the City and FREE pest control provided by City workers. They are also trying to weasel MORE money from the LCRA.

With all that money thrown at them, did she buy a tool shed and lock?

No. She did not.

Instead of taking care of the common sense basics (like locking up your valuables) she instead wants to completely waste money on a rainwater collection system. Which is possibly her dumbest idea yet.

I hate thieves as much as anyone but when you leave your shit strewn all over the place in a secluded area (behind Hanna pool) with an easily-jumped fence surrounding it….well, you’re kinda asking for it. It’s like the morons who leave their $1,000 laptop sitting on the passenger seat of their car to tempt tweakers and scumbags. You have to use your brain A LITTLE, sweet cakes.

Also, to those kind souls who are throwing money at this idiot to replace her tools, please know that she STILL does not have a tool shed – which means the problem has still not been solved and this theft will be repeated.

I DID predict all this last October when I said:

“I can think of AT LEAST 10 problems with her plan – but I hesitate to write them up here, as I’d prefer to watch this all blow up on its own and not give her any help.

Well, problem #3 of the ten problems I saw was THEFT! Only 9 more to go!

Keep Socialist Clayton Tucker OFF City Council

Another one for the files – this kid is a never-ending hypocrite and literally wrong about every issue he takes a side on.

How it started:

How it’s going:

Socialist, jobless, anti-capitalist bum Clayton Tucker bashes the medical industry but then can’t take an unproven vaccine fast enough and DEMANDS that you do the same. All for a disease he has a 99.98% chance of surviving and has probably already caught and recovered from unknowingly.

I won’t be happy to just see Clayton Tucker lose this election for City council. I want him to be CRUSHED. I want him demoralized and embarrassed. Maybe then he’ll go out and get a real job and become a productive citizen at 31 years old. Maybe even move out of Mom’s attic and get his own place.

Amazing Video

Tell me again how I’m the conspiracy theorist, and these are the “normal” people. The most disgusting part is that these lunatics who absolutely lost their minds will pretend like it never happened.

The Potato Head Steph Fitzharrises, Bruce Haywoods and Melissa Johnsons of the world deserve every ounce of ridicule they get.

Never forget who the Covid rats were.