Fake Rancher Joins Other Fake Small Business Owners In “Fake Small Businesses For Harris” Zoom Call

Oh man. Sometimes you just hit the jackpot accidentally!

I could write 15 pages about this hilarious debacle but I’ll do short form so as to not lose your interest. This was my first Zoom call and if every Zoom meeting Clayton wastes time on is like this, it’s no wonder his “ranch” is falling apart at the seams. It was a laughable series of retardation, talking in circles, bad audio, wheel spinning and yammering of cliches. A COMPLETE waste of over and hour. Everyone just sucked their own dicks and talked about “empowerment” – which means “free money from Uncle Sugar.”

Anyhow, Clayton went on after 45 minutes of circle jerking by a bunch of nerds like this guy…

Voted Most Likely To Never Get Laid

…and the Mayor of San Antonio called in from his car. LOL.

Note the seatbelt.

My biggest question to him would have been “how the hell did a Jew like yourself get elected in a City full of Mexicans? That’s crazy, man!”

Then Comrade Clayton finally appeared on screen….

After introducing himself with his usual lie about being a rancher, Comrade Clayton discussed NOTHING about actually running a small business, because he does not run one. No employees, no payroll, no selling meat in town or invoicing customers. Just killing goats by accident and then begging mom for mini cows.

He also doesn’t really OWN a small business because he doesn’t technically own anything on the “ranch.” Grandpa does. He filed paperwork for an LLC called RX Ranch 10 months ago. Then he takes pictures with goats. That’s all.

But what Comrade Clayton the socialist DID do was launch into a screed about socialized medicine and how he’s hopeful that President Kumswalla Harris will steal money from other taxpayers and businesses and hand out “free” home health care to old people...because Clayton’s grandparents and parents are getting up there in age and Clayton doesn’t want to see his inheritance squandered on his 93-year-old grandma and 69-year-old mother who lets him live in her house.

I shit you not. He came right out and said “we are dealing with this in our family…and it is NOT cheap.”

And thus, the greedy, selfish socialist parasite was revealed for all to see. Maybe instead of spending $15,000 on mini cows for Clayton’s hobby, they should spend it on a decent live-in caretaker? Just a thought.

I was reminded of that scene in Die Hard where the big Japanese vault is finally broken open by the black guy and reveals hundreds of millions in bearer bonds. The main antagonist, Hans Gruber, who has postured as a sophisticated and debonaire European businessman the entire movie, gets down on his hands and knees and starts to greedily grab all the bonds he can get his hands on. There was a look of pure avarice on his face.

Holly Genaro (Bonnie Bedelia back when she was still hot) looks at him in disgust and says:

 “After all your posturing, all your little speeches, you’re nothing but a common thief.

And so Comrade Clayton’s mask was removed. Despite all his high-and-mighty preaching about fairness, competition, the little guy and all that other rubbish, what it all boils down to is “gimme dat,” like every other socialist piece of shit.

[Comrade Clayton probably doesn’t even know who the fuck Hans Gruber is because he was born in 1991 and was sadly denied seeing all the greatest movies in history like Die Hard, Scarface, Full Metal Jacket, Caddyshack, Animal House, Slap Shot, and all the rest before the world went full-on pussy and stopped making awesome guy flicks. Comrade Clayton would probably watch The Breakfast Club and get all bent out of shape when Emilio Estevez called John Bender a faggot.]

You know I’m right.