Mrs Tucker Goes To Washington. Again.

“Shucks! I’m just a cotton-pickin, squirrel-shootin, mouse-jigglin’ fake rancher from Texas, ya’ll! See my big hat?? Just here scrapin’ and a-fightin’ fer my fellow family-ranchin folks back home. Fightin fer the little fella. That’s what I do!”

First of all – it’s price GOUGING you shit head. You’d think a dummy whose parents dropped $80,000 for him to go to college and who poses as a policy expert in 20 different fields would know how to spell that.

Secondly, there is no such thing as “price gouging” – prices go up and prices go down. If you think someone is overcharging you for something, tell them to fuck off and don’t buy it. End of economics lesson.

I love how he tries to paint a picture of himself sitting in a big, opulent Congressional office with an important person while he’s banging on the desk and DEMANDING that Congressman help the little guy. He probably has fantasies about that nightly. I’m guessing that’s a typical “power fantasy” of a tiny little socialist leprechaun with a failed life who lives with mom at age 34.

It’s all he really has at the end of the day: fantasies. Kinda sad.

Umm…so how exactly are you doing this “fighting,” you fucking moron? Be specific. Are you a registered lobbyist? No? Are you the leader of some important and powerful industry group? No?

So REALLY you’re just strolling around D.C. getting high on the fumes of power that you are about a million miles away from ever actually having.

Wow! You met with someone from the USDA?!? Holy shit! Which of their 105,778 employees did you meet with? I’m sure that person ran right off and fixed all of your perceived grievances, you absolute retard.

Listening to Tom “Nutsack” Vilsack yammer about farm policy in a canned speech doesn’t really count for shit, bruv. We know you didn’t sit down with anyone important because (1) you’d have taken 100 pictures of it on your overpriced iPhone and (2) you are a fucking nobody with zero influence, power or money to hand out.

In short, you’re just a clown in a funny hat.

For someone who “never takes a vacation” you sure are flying off to other cities and doing nothing an awful lot this year! I guess your poor 68-year-old mother has to take care of whatever goats survived the Great Tucker Goat Parasite Decimation Of May 2024.

Let’s look at the RX ranching ledger sheet with income and costs, shall we?

2023: Sold two goats.

2024: Had many, many goats drop dead from parasites. Probably sold zero goats.

Hmmm….not much in the way of actual money being made. Let’s look at costs…

Expenses: Pointless trips (flights and hotels) to Washington D.C. (twice), Scottsdale AZ, Seattle WA, San Francisco, CA as well as assorted overnight trips to Austin, El Paso and San Antonio for more idiotic conventions!

Wow. Poor mom must be handing over a BIG chunk of her nice government Railroad Commission pension so that her only idiot child can fly around the country pretending to be an Important Person!

You know WHY he goes on 12 vacations but only sells TWO goats? Because he is a fake rancher. He knows he’ll NEVER make it in the private sector, so he is going full-charge into the “parasite” route hoping he gets elected to something or lands a cushy job with Greg Casar or Jasmine Crock-O-Shit in D.C. Thus his run for Ag Commissioner next year.

What’s most insane about Clayton Tucker is that he’s a real person. He’s not a troll or a parody account, which sometimes seems impossible, I know.

Someday, generations from now, the historians of the new world will write accounts of what the commie retards of the early 2000s were like. Our great great grandchildren will look at them all as fables because they’ll be that hard to believe. They’ll tell stories to their kids during the new dawn of the nightmare that could have been as a warning. Kids will sit around campfires and scare each other with stories of these times.

Our gift to them is making them history. Our gift to them is destroying and wiping out every last scintilla of commie bullshit around us today.