Clayton Tucker Now Interested In Bath Houses.

Oh wait…did I make a typo in the headline? I meant BAT houses. Not BATH houses. That would be super gay. Everybody makes typos from time to time….even Comrade Clayton!

A bat house. LOL. Anything to avoid starting work on that website you promised eight months ago, right Comrade??

I can see how bats would be beneficial for FARMERS, since they eat insect pests that can wreck CROPS.

But Comrade Clayton must have forgotten that he is currently pretending to be a RANCHER, not a farmer. He was a pretend FARMER like four years ago, not now. NOW he’s a fake rancher…

So I’m not sure how the bats are going to help with his goat photos.

What is even MORE hilarious, is that Comrade Clayton’s precious WINDMILLS kill hundreds of thousands of bats every single year!

Land-Based Wind Turbines Kill Up To 880,000 Bats Per Year!

These stupid pinwheels kill bats a multitude of different ways. The bats fly into the blades, obviously. But the air pressure changes made by massive spinning blades also fucks them up. Not to mention, every megawatt of electricity produced by wind takes up THREE HUNDRED AND SIXY TIMES more space than, say, a nuclear plant! So you’re also destroying hundreds and hundreds of miles of bat habitat as well! Brilliant!

Let’s recap:

  1. Comrade Clayton loves bats now, because he read a blurb on social media. So he’s going to build a bat house (will never happen). He has more important things to do like build a website, but that is secondary now.
  2. But Comrade Clayton doesn’t have any crops to protect from insects, so the entire endeavor is pointless.
  3. The pinwheels that Comrade Clayton has been yammering about for YEARS and which he thinks are the future of American electricity generation actually kill close to a million of these precious bats every single year!

Add all that up? Absolutely classic dipshit lefty, fake environmental cluster fuck. Sounds about right.