REAL Rancher Barnard Beef To Supply Beef To Lampasas Schools. Fake Rancher Clayton Tucker Still Has No Website Eight Months After Promising One.

Local socialist mouse jiggler Clayton Tucker is SUPER concerned that EVERYONE – especially kids – should have FREE healthy food provided to them just for existing. And by “free,” he means that someone else should pay for it…

Socialist ADMITS that inflation is UP and wages are stagnant under Bidenomics.

Now, this may seem odd to most people. After all, Comrade Clayton Tucker has claimed to be the founder of RX Ranch and also a fifth-generation cattle rancher!

So the man with a little common sense might ask “why doesn’t Comrade Clayton HIMSELF provide a bunch of free beef to these poor starving kids? After all – he is a fifth-generation rancher and was gifted property, cattle, fencing, sheds, a tractor and everything else from his mommy and daddy…SURELY he can give a little back to the community!”

Well, the problem is the only “product” he actually churns out are goat photos for old ladies and communist drivel on social media.

There isn’t any actual MEAT, per se.

But that didn’t stop him from promising a website to sell meat to the locals back on December 15th of 2023!

By my math, that is close to EIGHT MONTHS ago. Of course, there is no website and there never will be. What will he sell on there? Stupid stories and picture of goats? That’s what his failed Substack was for! THAT little project fell apart after only a couple posts and has sat dormant for FIVE months! Just another failure in the very long line of failures that brought him to where he is now: a filthy communist marinating in envy juices while living in Mom’s upstairs bedroom

Luckily, a REAL rancher named Blayr Barnard, the owner and operator of the cattle company, is happy to be part of the effort to provide better nutrition to local school children.

The poor starving children shouldn’t take it personally, though. It’s not just them. Comrade Clayton refuses to give his fake RX Ranch beef to ANYONE – despite his non-stop calls for people to get “free” food. He also stiffed the Lampasas Mission when he withheld his healthy RX Ranch products and instead handed them poisonous, shitty Froot-Loops filled with “glyophates”!

What a complete asshole.