Just more proof that God loves me and wants me to be happy. I have no doubt he approves of me relentlessly bashing communists and idiots whenever possible. Clayton Tucker falls under both of those categories.
Comrade Clayton (Chairman of the Lampasas Democrats Communists) has collected yet ANOTHER useless title to add to the others:

I’d call this a sinecure, but like all his other titles, it is unpaid. Very likely, he was “elected” because there was nobody else running – the same way he was “elected” as Chair of the Lampasas Communists and to the SDEC-24 position. Those organizations are filled with very old white people and they need new blood. Kind of like how Delta house allowed Flounder to join the fraternity despite being a fat dork – “we need the dues!“

Average age? Way up there!!

Comrade Clayton only joined the union a couple months ago (despite being a 33-year-old ‘fifth generation’ rancher) and he is already the secretary! Truly they must be a discriminating and selective bunch.
Anyhow, that’s not the funny part. The funny part is who Comrade Clayton is replacing as secretary…

A quick search of “Gaylon Amonett” yielded the following results:

Do you know how big of a FUCKUP you have to be to get fired from a cushy government job like that? A pretty big one. Apparently Gaylon Amonett is just such a fuckup. He basically killed a bunch of people and sickened a lot more, according to this article.
[Now, I suppose it’s possible there are TWO guys with the exact same weird name who are BOTH involved in Texas agriculture and who love unions and Big Government, but I doubt it. So I have to assume there is a 99.9% chance it is the same guy.]
The Texas Farmer’s Union is definitely carrying on tradition here by selecting a complete loser to be their secretary. They are trading one fuckup for another, so the transition should be seamless!
Although it does make me wonder. Perhaps if Comrade Clayton spent more time on grandpa’s ‘ranch’ and less time going to Seattle, San Francisco, Scottsdale and Washington D.C. for stupid conventions, perhaps his poor baby goats would get proper care and stop dying on him.

Still no word on that website either, eh?