Old white man yells at younger gen to vote dem…

““You little f**king 26-year-old, you don’t feel like ‘the election’s important to me. They’re not addressing the issues that I care about.’”
“My advice to tell these young people is to get off your motherf**king a** and go vote because you should vote like your entire future and the entire future of this United States depends on it because quite frankly, it does, and that’s not an exaggeration.”
How is voting for a man with dementia, who has ruined the U.S. border and economy voting “like your entire future and the entire future of this United States depends on it”?
NOT voting for Biden will help save our future.
Maybe James Carville has dementia too.
Can’t wait til this guy dies too. Man, there are a LOT of useless old libshits who are just SO CLOSE to the grave. All it takes is the first one and then they seem to drop like flies. Better put him on my list…and update all my odds while I’m at it….
Maxine Waters – 85 years old. Odds of dying in the next year: 12-1 – how the FUCK is this old bat still alive?!?
Nancy Pelosi – 84 years old. Odds of dying in the next year: 13-1
Mitch McConnell – 82 years old. Odds of dying in the next year: 10-1
Bernie Sanders – 82 years old. Odds of dying in the next year: 11-1
James Carville – 80 years old. Odds of dying next year 13-1
John Kerry – 80 years old. Odds of dying in next year: 14-1
Dick “Dirtbag” Durbin – 79 years old. Odds of dying: 15-1
Ed Markey – 78 years old. Odds of dying in the next year: 27-1
Bennie Thompson – 76 years old. Odds of dying in the next year: 19-1
Chuck Schumer – 73 years old. Odds of dying in the next year: 28-1
Hillary Clinton – 76 years old. Odds of dying in the next year: 33-1
Sheila Jackson Lee – 74 years old. Odds of dying in the next year: 37-1
Sherrod Brown – 71 years old. Odds of dying in the next year: 34-1
Alexandria Ocrazio-Cortex – 34 years old. Yeah, a 1000-1 longshot but one can always dream.