Let’s See How That “Raise The Minimum Wage” Thing Is Working Out…

According to many economic illiterates, all we need to do is convince the “greedy” restaurant owners to pay their workers a LOT more money. Even if those workers don’t provide $20/hr worth of production – you should just pay it anyways.

Clowns like Clayton Tucker (who has never owned ANY business that employed ANYONE, let alone a razor-thin-margin business like fast food) says so! He’s a genius! He’s a fifth-generation fake rancher, so you KNOW he REALLY knows a lot.

Guy who has never employed a single person lectures everyone on “free stuff” from his perch on a street corner:

So how is that working out in California? Let’s see…

Of course, the piece-of-shit governor Gavin Newsome exempted his wealthy donor from having to pay the new rate. Because that’s what piece-of-shit commies do. Rules for thee but not for me.

Panera Bread exempt from California’s $20 minimum wage law after owner donated to Gov. Newsom: report