Socialist Maggot Cries About Trickle Down – Forgets He Owes His Very Existence To It.

The biggest socialist scumworm in Lampasas takes to one of his many social media accounts a few times a month to cry about how unfair the world is.

As a reminder, Clayton Tucker is also chairman of the Lampasas Democrats Socialists and lives with his mom.

Reminder: the bottom 47% of Americans pay ZERO taxes. The top 1% pay 42.3% of all income taxes paid.

Actually, in my little orchard out here on my property, it kind of DOES work like that. I see the rain hit the leaves, then it trickles down to the soil. After that, it trickles down through the soil and gets to the roots – which absorb the water and makes the tree grow with more help from the leaves up above, actually. It’s called photosynthesis. Pull every single one of those leaves up top off, and see how your tree does in June, you complete clown horn.

This analogy is about as good as his other ones likening paying back your loans to drinking polluted water or solar panels in cold weather.

It is also hilarious because socialist bodaggit Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX owes his ENTIRE existence to “trickle down” in one way or another:

#1 – the land you prance around on a couple times a week taking gay pictures of yourself with goats actually belongs to your grandparents. You don’t own it. You’re lucky they let a little bit of that land “trickle down” to you so you can pretend to be a ‘rancher’ for the little old communist ladies on Facebook.

#2 – the upstairs bedroom you live in is actually your parents’ house. You are lucky they let a little bit of their house “trickle down” to a parasite like yourself or you’d be living on the streets.

I’m also wondering how many people you employ at the “ranch” that you supposedly founded and manage. Seems to me you should be employing people and giving them a generous share of your ‘profits’ (LOL!) you earn every year. No? Or maybe take some illegal Haitians and Africans onto your land and pay them a ‘fair and dignified’ $25 an hour with health insurance too! Do you do any of that??

Of course not. Because you can’t even put a roof over your OWN head. Mom does that for you.

Now, why don’t you go let Robert O’Rourke blow another load in your mouth so it can trickle down your chin, douchebag.

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