Let me take you down memory lane…
Talbert: [24 minute mark] “It has come to my attention that the City is blessed with a significant amount of money in the American recovery funds to the tune of 1.978 million dollars, I believe….and the water/wastewater portion of this project will run $971,000 and the funds can be used for this project...I’m quite certain there’s not another project you can put these funds into that….are gonna bring you the potential ROI that this project is gonna bring you…“
ROI? Less than two years ago, former concilman Mike White admitted THIS about the goat pasture business park project: “I don’t love it, just from a return on investment standpoint, it’s never…never going to be anywhere close…” [5/26/20 Council meeting at the 10:08 and 19:30 minute mark].
LEDC President Misti Talbert got her way and nearly a million bucks was handed over by the City for Talbert’s ill-fated corpse repository.
But you’d never know two years had passed from looking at the Business Pork project out there on 183. It looks exactly the same as it did 24 months ago: empty.

I’m sure a big business will move in any minute now and offer $30/hr wages to dozens and dozens of people! Any minute now.