So now we are up to the final two years or so of the fake rancher game – when it all falls apart and a new grift is sought out. When we left off in Part II, it became clear that Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX and Chairman of the Lampasas Democratic Party would NEVER win an election in rural Texas. So what to do next? Getting a real, full-time job in the private sector is out of the question. He’s too lazy for that.
After his twin electoral ass beatings in 2020 and 2021, Clayton had to change course again. NOW it was clear he was going to try and rise up within the ranks of Democratic parasites. If he couldn’t get elected in the REAL world, he’d try to get elected to positions within the Democratic party ITSELF.
This began immediately after the City council beatdown, when he was “elected” (actually ran unopposed and appointed) to be Chairman of the Democratic Party of Lampasas – yet another unpaid position to pad the resume with.
Socialist Parasite Clayton Tucker To Head Lampasas Democrats [July 2021]

This is also right about the time he either got fired from or quit his job with the Bernie Sanders communist organization “Our Revolution – Texas” – or else it just went bust. All the links to “Our Revolution Texas” are now inoperable…so it’s likely he got let go because they ceased to exist as a going concern….which is awesome!
In fact, it would not surprise me at all if he jumped into the Lampasas Dem position because he needed a new unpaid title after getting canned from Our Revolution Texas.
He spent the rest of 2021 (1) pretending to be a rancher and (2) chiding people to mask up and get the vaccine, even though it was the fall of 2021 and only idiots still believed the Covid-19 plague narrative.
He also formed “Grassroots Nation” in late 2021 – which is his LLC for his “business” of doing social media for clients. Of course, pretty much EVERY client is either a non-profit Clayton formed himself, a non-profit he belongs to, or one of his Daddy’s businesses (renting out a truck and selling car parts).
Hm. I wonder why Clayton’s “ranch” that he owns/works for didn’t hire Grassroots Nation to do their website and other social media???? Mysteries abound…

In the spring of 2022, he decided two things: (1) he decided NOT to run for City council again – more proof he knew he would never be elected to anything besides internal Democrat Party crap and (2) he decided to run for ANOTHER unpaid position within the Democratic Party organization of Texas: SDEC-24
Moving on up! He now held Chairman of the Lampasas Democrats AND was the rep for SDEC-24 in Texas.
There was still a problem though: both of those positions are unpaid, and actually COST money to hold. Which is why only ladder-climbing morons want them. Then again, mom has let him live upstairs at her house for the last seven years…why won’t that just continue indefinitely?
Solution? Start angling for cushy gov jobs from other parasites. This was never more obvious than his pathetic ass kissing of Greg Casar, the Austin City Council socialist and deadbeat who has ALSO never had a job and somehow got elected to U.S. Congress.

The Fupa, Terrific Happy Hour! [July 2022]
He did this with a LOT of elected politicians….kissing asses and posting fawning tweets hoping to get in the good graces and maybe get offered a job:

Always a bridesmaid, never a bride, eh?
Actually, more like a groupie for some dirtbag retard band. Hanging around the bus hoping to suck a cock or two thinking they really like him but then gets tossed to the sidewalk like Drew Barrymore in Almost Famous.
He’d love that too.
How do you think all these people will feel when they research you and learn their “rancher” is nothing of the sort? He’s just a communist loon who lives with mom and takes pictures with goats for his old lady Facebook followers?
He also formed the Texas Progressive Caucus in September 2022 – to try and push radical commie ideas onto the Texas Democratic Party. Of course, he is the sole member of this non-profit organization. They are “famous” for only two things: being a client of Tucker’s Grassroots Nation LLC and signing the idiotic Climate Justice letter recently. That’s it.
So with no real electoral prospects AND no desire for gainful employment in the private sector AND no luck fishing for a joke job from the other parasites, he is making is final move, I think: moving away from the fake rancher thing to a “rural dude” and jumping into the global warming grift head first. We will see what happens with the new Texas Bluebonnet PAC very soon.