Shorty is in an absolute FRENZY of jealousy today!!
Socialism is built on the three-legged stool of envy, ignorance and faith. And boy, does local socialist Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX have the “envy” part in spades. He’s no slouch on ignorance either, as we have seen over the last several years. Today’s post shows both:

First of all, Chipotle’s CEO Brian Niccol did not get paid $38 million.
Niccol’s base salary of $1.25 million has not changed since 2020.
Many of these CEO’s get a salary of a million or two but then get stock-based bonuses if they perform well. When they perform well, it enriches ALL shareholders. Maybe if you ever got a job and invested, you’d appreciate that aspect.
According to proxy filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission Monday, Niccol earned a total of $17.2 million last year. That’s down from the $17.9 million in total compensation earned in 2021.
His Starbucks information is wrong as well:
Laxman Narasimhan started his tenure as CEO of Starbucks on Monday, nearly two weeks earlier than planned. He’s set to take home a hefty paycheck from his role. According to Securities and Exchange Commission filings from September, Narasimhan will start with a base salary of $1.3 million per year
I’m guessing Comrade Clayton doesn’t understand the difference between SALARY and other forms of compensation. This is where his IGNORANCE shows, once again.
Also telling is the fact that he doesn’t mention Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple. Tim Cook took home $98.7 million in 2021 and $99.4 million in 2022 – FAR more than anyone on your list. Why isn’t Tim on your list?
I’ll bet you a MILLLLLION DOLLARS that Comrade Clayton owns an iPhone. How about it, Comrade? Why did you spend all that money on an iPhone when their CEO is so “disgustingly overpaid”? Is it because Cook is a left-wing homo? Does he get a pass? Apple is also known for running sweatshops in China – you are literally monetarily supporting slave labor who are paid as little as $1.60 an hour. How does that fit into your “pay the common worker more” narrative?
I myself will never own an iPhone because (a) only chicks own iPhones (b) they are wildly overpriced compared to similar phones and (c) that asshole Al Gore sits on the board of directors for Apple and I don’t want ONE PENNY of my money going to that douche bag. See how the free market works? I detest Al Gore but my money isn’t going towards his compensation, so why waste any time thinking about it? I have voted with my wallet. End of story.
But whether the CEO pay is $2 million or $50 million, the bigger question is this: WHY DO YOU GIVE A SHIT??? If you don’t like it, then don’t buy Chipotle stock, don’t buy Chipotle’s shitty overpriced burritos and don’t work at Chipotle. That should be the end of it. It’s really none of your business at all what anyone at that company makes.
The funny thing is, I can almost guarantee you that Comrade Clayton spends his parents’ money on almost all of these company products. You don’t get a manfupa like his without a lot of Burger King and McDonald’s. Plus, any dude who owns a iPhone probably also buys Starbucks “coffees” with whipped cream and caramel drizzles all over it:

Instead of ranting on the Internet at noon on a work-day about CEO pay of a company you have nothing to do with, here are some more important areas you can direct your bitter energies towards:
Hitting gym to eliminate manfupa.
Finding gainful employment in the private sector so you can support yourself.
Saving enough money to move out of mom’s house and get your own place.
Finding a girlfriend and maybe getting laid.
Learn how the real economy works (books by Adam Smith, F. A. Hayek, Thomas Sowell, Ludwig Von Mises) instead of regurgitating tweets from a 96-year-old freeloading moron like Bernie Sanders.