Local Lib Queen and Drag Show Lover Grady Lucas (With “Soar” Throat) Still Blathering About His Covid.

Nobody cares about your “soar” throat and positive Covid tests. Get a life, nerd.

This guy is definitely dumber than Haywood.

“Minimal discernable symptoms” but still crying like a pussy.

Covid will be with us forever, moron. So of course it is “very much with us” right this moment. So is the flu. So is syphilis. Those of us with brains said this almost three years ago but morons like Lucas and Haywood thought that if we JUST MASKED HARD ENOUGH, it would all go away – which was literally impossible thanks to animal reservoirs of the virus.

Why would anyone without symptoms bother getting tested or treated? Unless you were an insane hypochondriac little whiney bitch….like you.

You know what provided a “vessel for mutations“? Your mom’s uterus.

Younger populations are not affected by Covid. They are literally more likely to be eaten by a bear. However, they ARE being killed in large numbers by the “vaccine”. Hopefully, that goes for 67-year-old libtard shitbirds as well.

And finally, our chance to “get ahead of this thing” was to hang Fauci by his neck until dead for performing GOF research when it was strictly prohibited. Of course, we can still hope that day comes.