Take a good look kids…this is where being a socialist bum for 32 years gets you: alone on Valentine’s Day posting a pathetic virtue signal as you pump your poisoned, ‘vaccine’-tainted blood into the public blood supply.

Must be tough to find a girlfriend or wife when you live in mom’s upstairs bedroom. Most 32-year-olds are well into their careers and starting families. They are making good money and can take care of themselves. They pay their own rent, buy their own insurance and contribute to society as a productive worker.
Commies are red, socialists too
When it comes to the real world, they haven’t a clue
Now where have I seen those colors on his t-shirt before?? They look very familiar.
Oh right….

Ironically, Comrade Clayton was born the exact same year the USSR fell – which was yet ANOTHER example that socialism cannot work and ALWAYS ends in misery and mass death. But here we are 32 years later, with this dumb kid thinking “well, THIS time it’ll work! We’ll just call it “DEMOCRATIC socialism”! I blame his parents for this. They allowed, nay, encouraged their commie son to follow this path and they enable it to this day by shielding him from the real world in their upstairs bedroom.
We can NEVER rest until every commie scumbag is run out of the Great Republic of Texas.