Covid Cult Stupidity In Three Photos

Yeah, time to bash the seal one more time. I find it therapeutic. I will hound this commie turd until he moves out of town or I die of old age.

Photo #1: Moron admits she has the flu on February 15th, 2020. I suspect this was ACTUALLY Covid, since it is right around the time (Aug 2019 through March 2020) Covid was running rampant and most dummies hadn’t even heard of it yet. As you’ll recall, the Lampasas ISD had a massive amount of students out with “flu”.

Either way, she KNEW she was sick with a deadly virus.

Photo #2: A mere 5 days later, same moron who KNOWS she has the flu is standing and breathing in the face of TWO old, decrepit men – the kind of people MOST likely to be killed by a flu virus. Not only is she NOT wearing a mask, but she is violating a basic rule of being sick: stay home, moron.

But no, she had to get a stupid photo op for a political race she had ZERO chance of winning:

Photo #3: Eight weeks later – the fully brainwashed seal (who has probably already had covid and is at zero risk anyways as a 29-year-old female) is now WEARING A MASK IN A CAR BY HERSELF.

The circle of stupidity is now complete.

BONUS PHOTO: Bragging about getting injected with untested poison to “ward off” the evil Covid spirits. Of course, we now know that not only does the “vaccine” not do anything, it is killing hundreds of thousands of young people. Will Baby Seal be the next to drop? We can hope!

Stay tuned!