Comrade Clayton “Fix The Damn Grid” Tucker is back at it again! What a way to live life. In constant fear. Like an 8-year old girl afraid of a monster under her bed…

He just can’t let it go. The power went out last year in a freak 1-in-100 year storm and he’s now petrified forever that the lights might not go on when he flips the switch. I’m not sure why: he lives in his parents’ house, which is two blocks from the police station – and thus quite likely to be on the “critical infrastructure” list, which is safe during rolling blackouts.
I’ve publicly bet Clayton Tucker that he never even lost power in 2021, but he is too big a pussy to take it.
If he had taken 3 seconds to click on the ERCOT dashboard, he would see that there are eight GIGAWATTS more power committed than actually needed (68 gigawatts versus 76 gigawatts):

Those are REAL gigawatts. Not the kind of flimsy fake “green energy” gigawatts that vanish when the sun sets or the wind dies. But he’s still scared – and likely hiding under the bed in his parents’ upstairs bedroom where he currently resides.
Of course, this is the same piece of shit who flies a flag on his house his parents’ house that isn’t the American flag. It isn’t the Texas flag, either. It’s the Ukrainian flag. One of the most corrupt countries on earth.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I will personally pay ALL your moving expenses to California, New York, Illinois and now Ukraine. Just pack your shit and leave for greener pastures, buddy. I hear the grid is AWESOME in Democrat-controlled California.