If you are an unemployed bum who lives with his parents, the date of April 15th means very little to you. It’s just another day. Another day to sit on Twitter and post garbage while mom and dad pay the rent:

[Notice this was posted at 10:30am on a Wednesday (April 13th). Because lots of REAL farmers/ranchers/cowboys spend their entire mornings posting commie crap on Twitter/Facebook/Instagram.]
What is a “Big Oil trade attack on climate policy”? Sounds like Green New Deal/Big Gov socialist crap to me.
And it is….

If socialist bum Clayton Tucker of Lampasas was a REAL rancher/farmer/cowboy, he would not be applauding and encouraging the shut down of pipelines on any day of the year. He would instead be screaming bloody murder about the high price of diesel and livestock feed. But a fake rancher/farmer who raises imaginary crops doesn’t have these worries. He can just sit around posting stupid ideas that will fuck up the economy even more…

For the productive members of society (the ones who get up at 6am, drive an hour to work, work a 12-hour shift, come home to kids and a house to run and DON’T sit around posting crap on Twitter at 10:30am on a Wednesday) the date of April 15th means a lot.
April 15th is the day you have a large portion of your income forcibly taken from you and handed to shitbirds who can’t be bothered to work at all or repay money they borrowed. Shitbirds like Clayton Tucker who want “free” medical care and “free” college.
Comrade Clayton is a HUGE fan of “free” college for everyone. He can’t wait for student debt to be cancelled. He tells us this all the time, in between his slurps of Bernie Sanders withered, dried-up, Triscuit-like scrotum…

That way, we can have an entire country full of Clayton Tuckers who get a useless degree in “International Relations” while fucking around for 4 years while people who DIDN’T waste money on college pay for it with their taxes.
They then ‘graduate’ and go back to living with mom and crying about how they deserve ‘free’ health care and a $15/hr wage the very first day they show up for work with zero skills.
Remember Clayton Tucker when you file your taxes on Monday. He is the kind of useless commie scumworm you are paying for: