Success Has Many Faces…

To an able-bodied, 31-year-old male who is a socialist bum, lives with his parents and whose accomplishments in life could rest comfortably on an eyelash, this probably DOES look like “success”.

I guess we all have different ideas about success. You could look at this and say “wow – 12 people attending in a county of 20,000 citizens is not really very successful”.

OR you could say “wow – putting that sign that said FREE SOUP under the bridge in the homeless encampment really brought in a crowd!”. Which is what this actually looks like to me.

I’ll admit, the smaller this group gets every year, the more erect I will become.

It is pretty much how I would expect a Democratic convention to be, however:

Bruce Haywood has REALLY thrown in the towel.

Moocher guy who looks like he is there for free food, has crumbs in his beard and will corner you and go into a 45-minute dissertation about how there is an engine that gets 200mpg but Big Oil bought up the patent? Check.

Dummy older guy who still wears a mask thinking it will protect him because his feeble brain has been snapped by CNN propaganda? Check.

A gaggle of old ladies who are just lonely and want someone to talk to? Check.

Female to male ratio of about 3:1? Check – which backs up my beliefs that to be a Democrat you are either a chick (mostly operate on emotion as opposed to logic) or a very stupid man (see: Bruce Haywood/Clayton Tucker/Heath Bishop).

I can forgive women falling for socialist/commie crap because their brains are wired more for emotion. They usually believe in silly things like astrology, palm reading, aromatherapy, pyramid schemes and “life coaches”.

Men who fall for this shit, on the other hand, deserve every ounce of ridicule and scorn we can muster. They should know better.

“I was told there would be free soup!”

Congratulations, Clayton Tucker! May your convention continue to draw a dozen people for years and years to come! Let’s Go Brandon!!!