Well, it was only a matter of time, I guess. We have an organization (the LEDC) which wastes millions trying to centrally plan our “economic development” on one hand.
On the other hand, we have an unemployed socialist bum and Bernie Sanders acolyte who has not only never run a business or employed a single person, but (as far as I can tell) has also apparently never even WORKED for a real business. He has spent his adult life volunteering for the failed campaigns of other socialist losers like Julie Oliver.

He also lives in the upstairs bedroom at his parents’ house at 208 S Western Street. Did I mention that?
In the 70s, we used to call guys like this “bums”.
Naturally, Clayton Tucker would be attracted to the LEDC like a moth to a flame. A flame that is fueled by the burning of piles of tax dollars. A kid who hasn’t managed to accomplish a single thing in his 30 years of existence is a PERFECT fit for the group that is spending millions putting pipes in the ground at a “business” park where no actual businesses exist.
A match made in heaven!
My favorite thing in the world is to read the bullshit lies and exaggerations this communist maggot puts on all of his applications for various political offices and candidacies. He is currently 0-3 running for office and his latest humiliation was five months ago when Zac Morris beat him like a rented mule for City council.
His latest pile of rubbish can be found in his application to join the LEDC – you can see for yourself on page 25 of the latest LEDC meeting packet. He writes:
“I once worked with the National Science Foundation regarding studying the economic impact of water resources”

BAHAHAHAHA. Sure you did, Comrade Clayton! That 21 day stint at a resume-building, bullshit internship when you were in college was probably groundbreaking stuff, right? LOL. You’re practically a water EXPERT, I guess. Which is why you fall for hysterical commie nonsense like this:

I’m no history expert, but I don’t recall 41 million people last year dying of thirst. Perhaps I’m just misremembering?
I would normally say that allowing Comrade Clayton onto the LEDC would be a disaster leading to the waste of millions of dollars. But Talbert, Monroe and the rest of the LEDC clowns have ALREADY wasted millions. So I’m not sure he could really do that much damage. He’d be like a bull walking into a china shop that 10 other bulls already stampeded through and then marveling at the destruction while thinking “well, I can’t do any better than THAT!”
Plus, having a clueless moron of such epic proportions on the LEDC board is sure to drive Talbert and Monroe crazy with frustration. He’d waste hours at every meeting yapping about windmills and solar panels.
Clayton Tucker for LEDC Board member!!! Go Tucker!!