One thing that Chairman of the Lampasas County Democrats (and socialist) Clayton Tucker excels at is telling everyone how the world SHOULD be. He sees himself sitting on the throne telling everyone what to do to bring about his socialist utopia while doing absolutely nothing himself for his entire adult life:

“I will fight to end hunger!”. That is hilarious coming from a guy who claims to be a “farmer” AND a “rancher”. He has claimed both of those things for a very long time:

Seems to me, you don’t need to be a state senator or a politician of ANY kind to “feed the hungry”. All you have to do is roll up your sleeves, produce food, and then give it away or sell it really cheap. You even have FREE land and equipment that your grandpa (not you) owns and you pretend is yours!
Yet you don’t appear to do any of that.
So I have a few questions for Comrade Clayton, our local socialist who wants to “fight to end hunger”:
#1 – How many pounds of veggies or fruit have you donated from your “farm” to the local food bank (the mission over there on 4th street literally 5 blocks from your parents house where you live upstairs)?
#2 – How many pounds of meat have you donated from your “ranch”?
#3 – How much food have you sold at our local farmer’s market here? Seems to me that it is a great way to “support rural communities”, as you constantly blather about.
What’s that? Zero pounds of food donated to anyone?? So you’re just a selfish miserly asshole who keeps all his veggies and meat to himself without handing over a single thing to the poor and downtrodden??
OR…are you a lying asshole who actually ISN’T a farmer or a rancher but just pretends to be one so he has a better chance of being elected and sitting on his ass giving orders all day?
One or the other, douche bag. Take your pick.