Comrade Clayton As Ranting Street Urchin

Local socialist bum and Marxist louse Clayton Tucker took a day off from lounging in his parents’ attic to travel down to Austin to “speak” about stealing from one group and handing to another group:

“Our Revolution” is a Bernie Sanders commie group filled with losers and Marxist lice

The above pic was the fantasy. I think Comrade Clayton thought he would be given a podium and a microphone and the massive crowds would stand there rapt as he pounded the podium with his tiny fist and demanded “fairness”.

The reality was quite different. He reminds me of those crazy, homeless street urchin preachers in New Orleans who scream into their megaphone for 9 hours a day – which is EXACTLY where Comrade Clayton WOULD be if his parents weren’t kind enough to let him live in their house:

If this is your kid, you failed badly as a parent

One thing is certain from looking at this “man”: Comrade Clayton is no rancher or farmer. With that physique, he looks more like a Richard Simmons wanna-be. Seriously – looks just like him! Imagine him without the fake cowboy hat prop:

Richard Simmons – The Annotated Gilmore Girls