Socialist Parasite Clayton Tucker To Head Lampasas Democrats

Funny how he never posted any shit like this when he was running for City council. It was all kept hidden away and replaced with idiotic platitudes like “I will fight to bring jobs to Lampasas! I will fight for a “Bark Park” for dogs!”.

Now that he got his dick kicked into the dirt by Zac Morris, he can quickly put Bernie Sanders’ balls back into his mouth and Robert Francis O’Rourke’s shaft firmly back into his throat:

Since he can’t win anything running for office, he tries to grab as many unpaid, resume-building titles as he can. He is currently a state director for the Bernie Sanders commie group “Our Revolution” and he is an “advisor” for Ground Game Texas, yet another little splinter group run by fellow Marxist lice Julie Oliver and Mike Siegel:

That’s what these scumworms do. Form dozens of little, tiny “advocacy” groups and appoint each other to the boards. This way, they can list a bunch of “accomplishments” in their resume without actually accomplishing jack shit in real life.

The socialist bum is about to add ANOTHER sinecure to his resume. According to him, he is also about to become Chairman of the Lampasas County Democrats:

[I can see why Robert Francis loves him so much. His tiny little girl fist probably slides in much easier than Jim Hightower’s meaty ham-hand, right buddy?]

Anyways, if you are a “democrat” in Lampasas county, you are no longer a “democrat” in any sense of the word. You’re not just a buffoon like Jimmy Carter who wants to spend a little more on welfare and a little less on the military. THAT was what the 70s and 80s Democrats were like. They were also big on freedom of speech.

Not anymore.

NOW, if you are a democrat in Lampasas, you are a Marxist/commie piece of shit in my book. You have proved it by putting this Marxist bum in a position of leadership. You are 100% for The Green New Deal, Critical Race Theory, forced masking and vaxxing, open borders, sanctuary cities, government takeover of health care, “free” college for everyone, universal basic income, unsecured elections with zero photo ID, Big Tech censorship of “misinformation” and every other idiotic commie idea that is wrecking this country.

By the way, EVERY SINGLE ISSUE I just listed above is something Clayton Tucker has advocated for in black and white. I have links/screenshots of every one of them on this blog.

I thought I was safe from this commie bullshit in the middle of the greatest and freest state in the union. Texas. But here we are – a socialist bum who lives with mom and dad and has never held a real job in his life is now calling the shots for Lampasas democrats. Makes me sick to my stomach.