Local Socialist Bum Clayton Tucker Mad That Texas Won’t Allow “Critical Race Theory” Bullshit In Schools

Local failed City council candidate Clayton Tucker is at it again.

Wow! So deep!

Truth? That’s a good one. To Marxist progressive trash like Clayton Tucker and his buddies, “truth” is provable nonsense like “a human with a penis can be a woman” or “global warming will kill us all in 12 years” or “there are more than two genders” or “masks save lives” or “math is racist“.

This chick is a GRIFTER. Just like Clayton Tucker

Their latest favorite “truth” is that white people are all inherently racist and privileged . So they rallied yesterday to stamp their feet and whine that Critical Race Bullshit should be taught in Texas schools.

I mean, I can see why CLAYTON thinks there is such a thing as “white privilege” – because he erroneously assumes every white guy has a sweet deal like him:

Clayton’s parents paid $80,000 for his useless “international relations” college degree. Then Clayton went out and did…nothing. He traveled all over Asia on someone else’s dime (presumably mom and dad). He lives in a house that mom and dad own. He has never worked a real job, yet still has a car and cell phone and Internet and all that – again, presumably provided by someone else.

He’s in his THIRTIES and has never worked, yet enjoys a pretty cushy existence – posting socialist screeds on “Our Revolution” and moaning about the plight of “the working man”, despite never having been a working man himself. Or even a man, for that matter.

In short, Clayton, if you feel guilty about your “white privilege” or “white supremacy” or whatever horseshit you are peddling today, then I suggest you go out and get a job so you can feel that sweet sting of sweat on your brow and experience the satisfaction that comes from being an independent man who can provide for himself and maybe even a family.

It’s sad how badly this kid’s parents have failed him. Their enabling has made him into the useless, Marxist scumworm that he is today.