Pool Fans to Pay Price For Finley’s Crappy Lifeguard Wages And Refusal To Accept Labor Reality

I’ve brought it up over and over again for SIXTEEN MONTHS now: in THIS labor market, you have to dangle more than the bare minimum wage to the lifeguards or you were going to come up short. I even outlined how to come up with the money.

But Finley doesn’t hike wages for local high school kids even as he demands they have training and CPR certs. No, he only hikes wages of City Hall Nerf jobs like Economic Director.

This was an OBVIOUS problem months and months ago, but the Talbert Administration and Finley refused to fix it. They were too busy flushing six million dollars down the toilet on a vacant lot – no time to bump lifeguard wages up a buck or two.

Spinley even had the nerve to go on Rhonda Witcher’s radio show and brag about how “pools will be open this summer” as he took a victory lap.

I said at the time “I’ll believe it when I see it”

That was then, this is now:

Of course, pools ARE open in the strictly academic sense – in that you can swim there….sometimes. Just not on Sundays anymore. And you can’t use the slide sometimes (last Thursday) due to lack of staff. Oh, and we’ll be closed this entire Saturday.

I’ll bet you Finley’s left nut that this isn’t the last time this happens.

Another Day In Biden’s America – Thanks, You Liberal Morons

WARNING: more swearing than usual in this rant

Boy, what a day!

11:17am: No gas to be had at the Circle-K/Valero at the corner of Key and 190. This happens pretty much every day now, but usually later in the day.

11:24am: Drive up to Stripes – they have gas, but the cheapest grade is $2.76 per gallon (I paid $1.90 back in January – a 45% increase in six months)

11:45am: Call buddy in Round Rock to talk. He mentions his family tried to order pizza for delivery last night, but 600 Degree Pizza was unable to deliver…because they are out of boxes and can’t get any more.

1:15pm: Mention the pizza story to a friend in town here and she tells me Mojo’s Coffee is offering double stamps if you bring your own cup there to be filled – since they are running out of cups.

1:30pm: Picked up a Radiogram and front page tells me that there is a “FIREWORKS SHORTAGE!” – and the fireworks you CAN get are going to be FAR more expensive.

1:45pm: Head over to Wal-Mart and notice as I drive by that THEY are out of gas as well.

What is this? The fucking 1970s? Is that asshole Carter back in the White House? No, we have something FAR worse – Biden and a gaggle of socialist retards cheering him on.

We are turning into the old Soviet Union. Shortages, lowered quality of life, and a bungling and intrusive government that wants even MORE power. Shitheads like Clayton Tucker and Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris aren’t happy that America is only halfway ruined. They want to ruin it the rest of the way. They want to let the fucking idiots in DC to get their hands on EVERYTHING: ALL the health care, ALL of the housing market, ALL of the transportation industry and ALL of the energy sector (Green New Deal).

We have tens of millions of lazy pussies STILL sitting at home not paying rent. The governor of California says “that’s ok, we’ll extend that moratorium and the STATE will pay the landlords for the lost revenue“.

Where does California get all that money? From Biden, of course! The rest of us get to pay for California’s idiocy.

The entire country has lost their fucking minds. It’s very easy to see what the problem is (too much free shit) and very easy to fix (stop the free shit). But moron liberals are having none of it. They will not be happy until we are a third-world shit hole like Venezuela, Cuba or Haiti, apparently.

$66 Billion Spent On Renewables Before Texas Blackouts

Why was $66 billion spent on renewables before the Texas blackouts? 

Because Big Wind and Big Solar Got $22 Billion in Subsidies

For every dollar spent by the wind and solar sectors in Texas, they got roughly 33 cents from taxpayers. By any measure, this is an outrageous level of subsidization. And Texans are learning that the tens of billions of dollars spent on wind and solar are not translating into reliable electricity.

On the graphic below, retrieved from ERCOT’s website on Wednesday, the black line shows electricity demand. The green line is wind output. On Monday, when demand was hitting 70,000 megawatts, wind output dropped to about 3,000 megawatts. On Tuesday, as power demand was again approaching 70,000 megawatts, wind energy production dropped to nearly zero.

 The Texas oil and gas sector pays about 54 times more in taxes per year than the wind and solar sectors. According to the Houston Chronicle, the oil and gas sector paid about $13.4 billion in state taxes and royalties in 2019. By contrast, the wind and solar sectors are paying roughly $250 million per year in state and local taxes.

The bottom line here is obvious: If Texas is serious about increasing electricity reliability and cutting greenhouse gas emissions, it should be building nuclear plants, which proved to be the most reliable generation during the February freeze. For $66 billion, the state could have added another 6,000 megawatts or more, of new nuclear capacity. Alas, that’s not happening.

Adding more wind capacity to the Texas grid won’t do much to help meet demand during hot summer days.

You hear that, Clayton??

The ERCOT grid shows that tens of billions of dollars in tax incentives have resulted in the addition of tens of thousands of megawatts of generation capacity to the Texas grid that does precious little to provide power during periods of peak electricity demand. That’s a bad outcome.

Yeah, but let’s keep listening to idiots like Clayton Tucker, who knows absolutely nothing about anything. Or maybe Hubert Humperdink – who is ACTUALLY Heath Bishop in real life – a 7-Eleven clerk. I’m sure he knows what he’s talking about when he says wind power isn’t to blame. Or maybe local bartender Jennifer Moreno, who also thinks wind and solar are the solution to all our problems.

The math and the charts do not lie. Wind power is a gigantic boondoggle that does NOTHING for the environment.

Cause And Effect

May 21, 2019:

Dispatch article about all the free stuff Deorald Finney got:

“That will cost the city about $71,346, according to the development agreement…the city’s $21,600 payment toward Willis Street drainage prompted extended discussion at last week’s meeting…..Talbert voiced concerns about the street maintenance fund, as Cox said the city payments for the Rice Street extension plus the Willis curb and gutter will use about $75,000 of the $100,000 budget for the year…..A motion to approve all the proposed terms with Finney – including the city payments for Rice Street and Willis Street – passed 5-2.”

August 16, 2019:

Dispatch article about how you suckers are going to pay for Deorald’s mansion:

“The Lampasas City Council has proposed to increase the municipal property tax rate…..Mayor Misti Talbert said she does not want to raise taxes or pay more herself, but she believes it is time. An increase in the tax rate is necessary in the upcoming fiscal year, Talbert said, because the cost of city services has risen over the last several years…a potential tax increase — combined with taxable values that, on average, have increased in the past year — could mean higher city tax bills in the upcoming fiscal year.”

Checking The Math Shows Us Finley Has ALREADY Billed Us For “Growth”

As I posted the other day, Finley is already putting a bug into the ears of City council that with all the “new rooftops” (built by developers subsidized with YOUR tax dollars) we may need to grow the size of the City payroll, add more people and spend more money.

These costs of growth, of course, FAR outpace the property tax revenue they get from the new “rooftops” (houses) – a math fact that escapes the likes of Monroe and Talbert. Let’s just take a look at the fire and police departments, because Finley referenced them in his little speech on Monday.

The City has grown in population roughly 22% since the 2008/2009 budget was approved. Let’s see how much the budget has grown during that time.

Police Salary and Benefits 2008/2009: $1.42 million

Police TOTAL Department Expenses 2008/2009: $1.723 million

Police Salary and Benefits 2020/2021: $2.36 million (INCREASE of 66% – triple the rate of population growth)

Police TOTAL Department Expenses 2020/2021: $3.143 million (INCREASE of 80% – almost quadruple the rate of population growth)

Now, I am a law and order kind of guy – NOT an idiotic “defund the police” guy. Just like the U.S. military at the federal level, law enforcement is one of the main functions of any government since it is nearly impossible to have those things provided by the private sector (see: free rider problem).

BUT, also like the U.S. military, just because it is an important and legitimate function of government doesn’t mean you write blank checks and never say “no” to exorbitant spending every now and then to keep things under control. Seems to me, the cost of those services should move roughly in tandem with population growth.

I have no clue if we just have a lot more officers now than we did back then or if we have the same number and they are just paid a lot more. I have no way to tell that as the “salary and benefits” line item is not broken down further.

What IS certain from these numbers, is that the rate of growth in EXPENSES is FAR outstripping population growth…Finley’s “rooftops” he was speaking of. So for him to point at a bunch of “new rooftops” and draw the conclusion that we obviously need to hire more people is completely disingenuous. We’ve been increasing spending all along – apparently a bit more than we should have.

Let’s do it for the Fire Department as well:

Fire Salary and Benefits 2008/2009: $547,000

Fire TOTAL Department Expenses 2008/2009: $700,000

Fire Salary and Benefits 2020/2021: $1.234 million (over 125% increase)

Fire TOTAL Department Expenses 2020/2021: $1.818 million (over 150% increase)

Oops. Spending has been increasing there FAR more than population growth at the fire department as well! Yet Finley is already prepping us for “MORE!!”.

How about the TOTAL cost of City government over the last 10 years? Population has grown about 20% over that time period. What do the budget numbers look like for the entire City?

This represents an INCREASE of 62% over 10 years – TRIPLE the rate of population growth.

Bottom line is that City council needs to take everything Finley tells them with a grain of salt. This is a guy who has been caught lying more than once [see: ‘Spinley’ deGraffenried] and who has also been caught wasting piles of money more than once as well (Azbell and the $180,000 pre-fab bathroom come to mind immediately).

Do your own research. Go through the old budgets. Search the old Dispatch archives. Perhaps look at OTHER cities our size and see how large their police and fire departments are – so you can tell if we are WAY out of line or not. Maybe see what percentage of the overall budget these departments make up and if THAT is normal for a town our size.

Common sense stuff.

Remember, Finley is a well-paid bureaucrat. Well-paid bureaucrats are always looking to increase the size of their little fiefdom. Same goes for every department head. It is the natural inclination of government to grow itself and suck up more and more resources. They put the taxpayer LAST. It is the job of City council to look out for the taxpayer and ask the tough questions Finley was never asked by the last administration.

Finley Laying Groundwork For Bigger City Government – All Thanks To City Handing Free Money To Developers

“What is the shape of our organization….especially as we balance our growth with our human resources? We’ve got another new 20 rooftops over here…we’re doing 40 over here, we’re doing 25 over here…..what does it take to serve an additional 100 to 150 rooftops? That’s a conversation we need to have.”

Finley uttered those words at the last council meeting [go to 46 minute mark]. The translation is “get ready for the cost of government to increase rapidly”.

Well, well, well. So there IS another side to the “growth at any cost” that was a hallmark of the Talbert administration. I ALWAYS brought up the point that “growth” has another side to it in addition to the “increased tax base!” line that Talbert always liked to parrot. When Talbert and Finley and the rest of the Goldfish would give away hundreds of thousands of dollars to developers (Deorald Finney, S2M2 and others) they would defend themselves by saying “well, those 100 new houses will add $40,000 per year to the City coffers!”

Unfortunately, that $40k is a drop in the bucket compared to the COST of that growth. But the tiny minds of Talbert and Monroe never considered that side of the ledger.

Now, Finley may want one more cop or firefighter on the payroll – and that is a HELL of a lot more than $40,000 per year. And that is JUST the beginning of the new “unseen” costs.

Also, there have been issues lately out by the 580 Sports complex area with water pressure. Gee…why would that be? Oh yeah....the developer that TJ Monroe, Chuck Williamson and Misti Talbert voted to hand tens of thousands of dollars of free shit to is in the process of building almost SEVENTY new houses out there! I’m guessing several hundred new people sucking on the water line might have consequences there too.

To solve that “upper pressure plane” issue, the City is already spending $48,000 on a study ($48,000 is bigger than $40,000, right Mayor?) and may need to add a third pump out at the Spring Street Station. I’ll admit I am not up to speed on this issue [I will be soon], but between the study and the solution, you can bet it’ll be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars EASILY.

Schools….roads….congestion – all of those are going to cost us all a LOT more than $40,000 per year.

I’m not saying Lampasas should lock the gate and never let another home be built here. That would be ridiculous and hypocritical of me.

What I AM saying, is that Talbert and her City council were monumentally stupid in giving huge amounts of money to developers to build (roughly $100,000 to Deorald Finney’s Stone Valley and $185,000 to S2M2’s Brodie Estates). You have ONE chance to offset all those future costs related to having hundreds more people in town: you get your pound of flesh from the developers UP FRONT before they build. You hit them with impact fees and permit fees and the like.

What you DON’T do, is the exact opposite! What you DON’T do is hand them hundreds of thousands of dollars to build their houses, you colossal idiots!

If you ignore the Old City Hall disaster and the Business Park disaster, the fact that Talbert gave away well over $250,000 to developers during her time as mayor is definitely one of her biggest blunders – I’m already being proven right on that count.

TJ Monroe Should Be Removed From The LEDC Board Immediately.

The LEDC meets today and they will be discussing some big numbers – millions of dollars – when it comes to their ill-fated ‘business’ park.

I’ve recently been thinking about how this group has gotten away with being such a massive failure and waster of tax dollars for at least a decade now with ZERO repercussions.

Not only are there no negative repercussions, but they are allowed to keep throwing millions in good money after bad.

I think the problem is obvious: we have a very incestuous group that is essentially policing themselves and judging their own performance.

To wit…

TJ Monroe AND Misti Talbert have been sitting on the LEDC board AND City council concurrently for the last six years (Talbert) and nearly NINE years (Monroe).

Misti only just left City council very recently. Considering her long association and obvious friendship with Monroe and council, she should still be considered essentially a member there. She is one of the “group”.

The LEDC exists at the discretion of City council. By my understanding of the rules, City council has the power to dissolve the LEDC whenever they want.

[If I am wrong about that, please feel free to correct me at my email address at lampasshole@protonmail.com]

Considering Talbert and Monroe were/are members of BOTH groups, this makes for a very incestuous situation with ZERO checks and balances: what are the chances that Monroe and Talbert would sit on City council and decide to dissolve the LEDC – an organization they are ALSO members of – for mismanagement?

They are essentially judging their own performance.

The LEDC also appoints their own board members, so it is the same group of idiots re-appointing each other over and over in a giant six-million-dollar circle jerk. In addition to Monroe, Neal Leavell, Ronnie Vineyard and Roland Schaub have ALSO been there since at LEAST 2013 – as far back as their records go.

So for 8.5 years (and the bulk of the profligate spending and mismanagement) we have had Leavell, Vineyard, Schaub and Monroe calling the shots. Talbert has been there since at least October of 2015.

During that SAME period, TJ Monroe and Misti Talbert sat on City council and Talbert was mayor from 2017 through 2021 – and Monroe is mayor NOW.


The LEDC also has NO written policy about conflict of interest and NO written policy about document destruction.

These are facts taken from their non-profit tax filings.

Add all this up and you have a very small, insulated group of people who have proven themselves to be in WAY over their heads and who are handling LARGE amounts of tax dollars but who don’t see any problems because they police themselves.

I humbly ask the newer members of City council to at least mull this over. At the very LEAST, I believe TJ Monroe should be removed from the LEDC board for conflict of interest. She cannot fairly judge the performance of an organization which she simultaneously oversees AND is a member of.

The Six Million Dollar Land

The LEDC will meet Wednesday for their usual monthly meeting. They will be discussing the most inefficient way to incinerate millions of tax dollars with their “business” park project.

In honor of this, I want to summarize the big-ticket loans they have either taken out or are about to take out for this never-ending boondoggle.

Oct 2003 – LEDC purchases land for $909,000. To do this, they took out a loan from First State Bank of Central Texas for $1.1 million for 15 years at 4.95% [see page 14]. If you use an amortization calculator, you see the total cost for the land was $1,560,000. That works out to approximately $9,500 per acre. Loan matured in November 2019.

March 2015 – LEDC takes out a loan for $1,345,000 for 15 years at 3.35%. The loan is written by First State Bank of Central Texas. This money was mainly wasted putting a bunch of pipes in the ground and running electricity to the site (roughly one million dollars). Loan is SUPPOSED to mature in March of 2030. Thanks to Misti Talbert and TJ Monroe [page 4, item VI], loan will be extended to March 2040 – costing the taxpayers an extra $207,000. TOTAL cost of this loan (principal and interest) $1,925,000.

Spring 2021 – LEDC fails to pull off their Covid money scam. Local scumbag Mike Cour turns out to NOT actually be a viable tenant. In fact, he had his hand out for roughly $1.85 million from the taxpayers. Of course, Mandy Walsh, Misti Talbert, TJ Monroe and the rest of them were strung along and CONNED by this weasel for a YEAR before it all fell apart.

So NOW they have to do it the old-fashioned way – go to the banks and take out a loan. BancorpSouth [which acquired First State Bank of Central Texas at the end of 2019] has agreed to back the loan (but only if they agree to extend the $1.345 million loan for another TEN YEARS (see above).

The BancorpSouth loan is for $1,500,000 for 21 years at 3.2% (according to LEDC packets – pages 9 and 10). With interest added in, that will cost the taxpayers $2,061,000.00 after all finance charges. Oh, plus a $15,000 loan origination fee. Total of $2,076,000.

Add up all the loans, and you get $5,561,000 after financing charges.

Pope Eckermann himself pegged the cost of Phase II Phase I at around $1,900,000 back in early 2020. Given the inflation we have seen in the last 18 months, I highly doubt that figure is still valid. It will be at LEAST $2.2 million. Subtract out the $1.5 million borrowed, and the LEDC will be on the hook for another $700,000 if they are lucky.

New total? $6,261,000 if my estimates are correct and just under $6 million if The Pope’s numbers from early 2020 are still valid.

That works out to roughly $37,000 per acre.

Number of tenants recruited for the “business park” since 2004: 0

Number of jobs created: 0

The Goldfish Swim Tonight: 6-14-21 Council Meeting

A weem-a-way, a weem-a-waya weem-a-waya weem-a-way

A weem-a-way, a weem-a-waya weem-a-waya weem-a-way

In the fish bowl, the pricey fish bowl, the Goldfish swim tonight!

In the fish bowl, the pricey fish bowl, the Goldfish swim tonight!

Oooooh, oooooh eee-ooo-wam-a-way.

Join us on Gab.com – for live commentary. Find us at The Original Lampasshole.

Tonight will be Misti-Free as Total Joke Monroe takes the reigns as Head Goldfish. Don’t worry though – Misti still sits on the LEDC board and is making poor decisions over there, so we haven’t seen the last of her yet.

Tonight’s agenda looks fairly boring. No mention of the Hostess House OR the Business Park – the two biggest boondoggles going right now.

There is an item for “budget” and for “updates related to City projects” – so perhaps those will bear fruit.

14 Fish Tank Castle Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images

Local Socialist Bum Clayton Tucker Mad That Texas Won’t Allow “Critical Race Theory” Bullshit In Schools

Local failed City council candidate Clayton Tucker is at it again.

Wow! So deep!

Truth? That’s a good one. To Marxist progressive trash like Clayton Tucker and his buddies, “truth” is provable nonsense like “a human with a penis can be a woman” or “global warming will kill us all in 12 years” or “there are more than two genders” or “masks save lives” or “math is racist“.

This chick is a GRIFTER. Just like Clayton Tucker

Their latest favorite “truth” is that white people are all inherently racist and privileged . So they rallied yesterday to stamp their feet and whine that Critical Race Bullshit should be taught in Texas schools.

I mean, I can see why CLAYTON thinks there is such a thing as “white privilege” – because he erroneously assumes every white guy has a sweet deal like him:

Clayton’s parents paid $80,000 for his useless “international relations” college degree. Then Clayton went out and did…nothing. He traveled all over Asia on someone else’s dime (presumably mom and dad). He lives in a house that mom and dad own. He has never worked a real job, yet still has a car and cell phone and Internet and all that – again, presumably provided by someone else.

He’s in his THIRTIES and has never worked, yet enjoys a pretty cushy existence – posting socialist screeds on “Our Revolution” and moaning about the plight of “the working man”, despite never having been a working man himself. Or even a man, for that matter.

In short, Clayton, if you feel guilty about your “white privilege” or “white supremacy” or whatever horseshit you are peddling today, then I suggest you go out and get a job so you can feel that sweet sting of sweat on your brow and experience the satisfaction that comes from being an independent man who can provide for himself and maybe even a family.

It’s sad how badly this kid’s parents have failed him. Their enabling has made him into the useless, Marxist scumworm that he is today.