Rickie Roy Retiring?????

Say it ain’t so!

One of the VERY FEW City employees who seems to NOT have his head up his ass is hanging up his cleats?

If you check our Glossary of Terms, you will find a blurb about Rickie written long ago:

Rickie Roy: Current Public Works director Assistant City Manager and general kicker of ass. Rickie gets shit done and doesn’t waste time. His voice could make a wolverine purr and Rickie’s City council presentations are the BOMB. One time, a cobra bit Rickie Roy in the leg. After five days of excruciating pain, the cobra died.

Of course, Finley wouldn’t NEED an assistant if he didn’t waste hundreds of hours every year on stupid shit like the Old City Hall remodel, the ‘business’ park debacle and now the Hostess House idiocy.

HUGE blow to the nascent TJ Monroe reign of incompetence. The City will need every full brain firing on all cylinders to get us through the next two years. Losing Rickie Roy makes the odds of success far lower. He probably couldn’t stand the sea of incompetence around him and bailed to save his own sanity.

Godspeed Rickie Roy. Good luck in your future endeavors.