And so, with much blubbering and tearful yammering, two Goldfish are dropped into the proverbial toilet to be flushed back out into the real world.
Two NEW council members are now dropped into the $1.5 million dollar Talbert/deGraffenreid Wow! Factor Vanity Project Fishbowl to swim for the next two years: Zac Morris and Herb Pearce.
Misti also got her digs in on the “keyboard warriors” out there (me) who criticize City council’s never-ending poor financial decisions.
Poor baby.

If you are going to enjoy the type of low-level celebrity you do by being mayor, you better damn well be ready for being called out for any terrible decisions you make with tax dollars.
Turns out Talbert made a LOT of them over four years. Millions of dollars. That is no exaggeration. Since it clearly rankles Talbert that these colossal bungles are made public here, I’m going to give her a little going-away gift and summarize ALL the horrible spending decisions of the Talbert administration just as soon as I can. Of course, it may take a while since I can think of a dozen right off the top of my head!
I’m sure it ALSO rankled Talbert that while she was busy bragging about her administration being “transparent”, I had to hire a lawyer more than a few times to get PUBLIC records I was entitled to as a citizen. And I wasn’t quiet about it.
Tough cookies, baby.
Misti, of course, spends her time with her little insulated group of fellow politicians and City workers. In doing so, she rarely hears the many, many citizens who privately rage about their taxes being wasted continually. In short, she is in an echo chamber comprised of the likes of Monroe, Williamson, Toups, deGraffenreid, Walsh and other “yes men”.
[In fact, several City council members traveled to the Texas Municipal League conventions repeatedly with the very same employees they were supposed to be overseeing and whose continued employment was in their hands. Not a good look and quite unprofessional.]
This detaches her from reality and allows her to live under the delusion that her selfless and brilliant decisions are being unfairly attacked by meanies.
Here is to hoping that Zac and Herb govern with a strong sense of COST BENEFIT analysis. Let’s hope they remember each tax dollar they spend was taken from a productive citizen in the private sector and that they run the City on sound economics instead of impulsive desires, delusions and crazy pipe dreams.
Let’s hope they view Finley as a WELL-PAID employee of the City instead of a “best fried” they don’t want to upset, like some other council members we know. City council is supposed to represent and advocate for the CITIZENS – not for the employees of the City.