Like a dragonfly hitting my truck windshield at 80mph, so does the Clayton Tucker campaign for Place 1 city council seat come to an abrupt and disastrous end. All that remains now is smear of bug guts and annoying residue.
Oh, and some serious delusions:

“Hey! I did better than Mondale in ’84!”
I don’t know where he gets the “sticking to a message” bullshit. He was all over the map and added “issues” to his website on a whim every time he saw somebody on Facebook complain about something. That’s not “sticking to a message”, that’s “pandering and saying anything for a vote”.
That is how he ended up with ridiculous issues like “I will fight for a dog park!” and “I will fight for a rec center!” and “Tucker will fight to bring a variety of restaurants to Lampasas“, which clearly was hatched after he saw some bitching about “yet another burger joint” by the usual peanut gallery on Facebook!
Well, buddy: here is your chance. Once again, you find yourself jobless and aimless. Why don’t you go ahead and open a restaurant that brings us “greater variety” now that you have a ton of free time on your hands?
I won’t hold my breath.
The only thing funnier than Tucker’s delusions are the comments by his 8 or 10 hardcore Marxist scumworm followers – most of whom live in Austin or another state.

First the bad news – 180 Lampassholes actually VOTED for this moron. I knew he’d get a few votes from the likes of Bruce Haywood, Julie Cain Landrum, Janet “Crazier” Crozier and Melissa Johnson. But if we actually have 180 lovers of socialist bums in our midst HERE in the heart of rural Texas, well….I seriously fear for our great Republic going forward.
Speaking of that nitwit Melissa Johnson, let’s see how her prediction played out. Her “logic” a month ago was that me bashing Tucker relentlessly was only helping to “promote” him. LOL. How’d that work out, sugar?

The GOOD news is that 377 people voted AGAINST Trust Fund Tucker and his brand of Marxist trash. For that, I thank you all. Together we have denied a Marxist scum bag an electoral win that he could brag about going forward and use to gain higher office in Texas. Instead, he is now a three-time loser.

My advice is to go out, get a job, stop sponging off Mom and Dad and maybe go WORK for about 10 years in the REAL world before you try to get a seat at any table making the rules for everyone else.
Also, know this: I will never sleep as long as you are out there running for something, ANYTHING. I will relentlessly bash your socialist ideas and call you out for your hypocrisy and lack of work ethic. Don’t believe me? Ask Mike Cour how things went for HIM when I smelled a rat trying to steal cheese.