What a worm this kid is. This might be the most embarrassing of all his many embarrassing moves: trying to trade on the name of his dead grandfather to get votes.
From today’s Dispatch:

“What are my qualifications? LOL. I have none! But my mom’s dad was Bob Wright! Vote for me”
I mean, why not, right? You already sponge off your parents by living in their house and not having a job. Your entire political worldview as a socialist is to sponge off of productive people with jobs and sucking them dry with taxes for your idiotic projects like wind farms.
So why not sponge off the name of your dead grandfather too?
This kid has never run so much as a lemonade stand or even had a real job in his life – yet he thinks he can run a City! He’s such a “leader” than he can’t name a single thing he’s ever done and instead tries to name drop his dead grandfather hoping to score a few votes.
What a piece of shit.