This didn’t age too well, did it Clayton? From last year:

I guess it’s easy to be all for illegal border jumpers when you don’t own any property, don’t pay property taxes and don’t have a real job or real income that requires paying lot of tax either. The $116 billion wasted ANNUALLY on these illegal illiterates does not come out of Clayton Tucker’s pockets. Because bums like Tucker never pay their way.
Socialist bums like Clayton Tucker aren’t actually hurt by their moronic vote for Biden and open borders because it’s not going to cost THEM anything. It’s going to cost YOU. Meanwhile, Clayton sits in mom and dad’s house all day and pontificates on his laptop about what meanies conservatives are and how we just aren’t FRIENDLY to the military-aged Mexican gang members pouring through our open borders.
Clayton Tucker is what’s known as a “zero liability voter”. Much like Bruce Haywood and many other bums who TAKE lots of money from the government but pay very little in taxes. They don’t lay awake at night wondering where their free stuff comes from! No skin off their ass and they are rolling in free stuff. So why NOT vote for the clown that promises the most “free” stuff??
Don’t forget that Clayton Tucker is ALL FOR sanctuary cities too. From his interview last year with liberal fish wrapper Austin American-Statesman:
“I very much disagree with the intent of that law….I would be very much against that bill…If Austin wants to be a sanctuary city then let it be”