Today’s Lampasas Dispatch puff piece asking City council candidates their views on a couple issues was completely useless, if you ask me. Socialist bum Clayton Tucker repeated a bunch of nonsense about “we need better jobs” and “we need to keep taxes low”. Which is funny coming from a Bernie Sanders acolyte who has literally never held a real job for more than a year….and who lives in his parents’ house.
Perhaps the most asinine of his many stupid ideas is the wind farm idea. Wind turbines are a complete disaster both economically and environmentally. Everyone knows it outside of the Green New Deal Kool-Aid drinkers.
Let me ask a few questions myself, if I may. I’ll also fill you in on the answers:
Clayton, how many businesses have you started? Answer: 0
How many businesses have you managed? Answer 0
How many people have you employed at $15/hr? Answer: 0
How many people have you employed at ANY wage? Answer: 0
How many jobs have you held in the United States with a real, economically productive company? Answer: 0 (political organizer doesn’t count)
You yammer about providing health care to people…how many people have you healed or provided medical care for? Answer: 0
You babble about solar and wind a lot – two HIGHLY subsidized forms of energy production that make zero economic or environmental sense. How many solar panels do you have on the roof of YOUR house? Answer: I don’t own a house. I live in my parents’ house.
OK, how many solar panels do your PARENTS’ have on THEIR house? Answer: 0
How many wind turbines do you have on your ranch? Answer: I don’t own any land, actually.
OK, how many wind turbines are there on your family’s “ranch”? Answer: 0
Clayton, you’re over THIRTY YEARS OLD now. What have you done with your life? Answer: I’ve worked on the campaigns of a couple of other loser socialists like Julie Oliver for a grand total of about 8 months.
Question: that’s it?? Answer: yup. Well, I’m a fake part-time rancher too. And cowboy. And farmer.
You made a huge stink last year about people wearing masks. Are you aware that when comparing counties and states WITH mask mandates against those WITHOUT mask mandates, there is literally NO DIFFERENCE. Does that make you feel like a moron for being so wrong? Answer: I’m completely wrong about wind farms, solar power, water resources, $15/hr minimum wage and open borders….so being wrong about Covid doesn’t really bother me much. (chuckles)
Question: What makes you think you know ANYTHING about economics, jobs, energy policy or anything else for that matter, when you have done nothing your entire life? Answer: I’m an idiot, entitled socialist millennial who has been handed everything in life…THAT’S why!

There you have it! The REAL Clayton Tucker interview. Be sure to keep this bum OUT of Lampasas City government!!!