Back to our regularly scheduled show, which I call “Clayton Tucker Is a Fraud and a Bum”
I found this little nugget recently. Clayton posted it on November 30, 2019:

He makes it sound like he gave up his health insurance (and, by implication, a real job) to run for office! What a martyr! What sacrifice!
Except it’s all bullshit.
Let’s take another look at this kid’s resume (which I previously detailed HERE):

So – who was providing Clayton tucker’s health insurance in 2019 before he so magnanimously decided to run for office?
He ended his huge 9-month stint as a kindergarten teacher in China in 2015. Then, apparently, for the entirety of 2016, he did nothing.
(Actually, he travelled around Asia on someone else’s dime, but that certainly ain’t a ‘job’. I’d wager that mom and dad paid for that year off).
In 2017 he put in a grueling 6 months as “editor in chief” of “Organic Helicopter”…which looks like a failed blog or website or something. I’m guessing Tucker started it himself and it went nowhere. There is no record of it on the Internet at all. So he CERTAINLY wasn’t getting health care through THAT ‘job’.
He then took ANOTHER year off before he bummed around on two campaigns between June 2018 and September 2018. Four whole months! THOSE types of “hand out leaflets for a candidate” ‘jobs’ don’t pay very well, and they SURE as SHIT don’t offer health insurance either. So we can eliminate that too.
He then took ANOTHER year off (do you see a pattern here?) before deciding to become a candidate himself in October 2019….and he then posted about his candidacy (and whined about losing his health insurance) on November 30, 2019.
So Clayton, the BIG QUESTION is this: if you “recently lost” your health insurance in November of 2019, who was providing your health insurance up to that point??
I’m a gambling man. I’m willing to publicly wager Clayton Tucker that it was good old Mom and Dad paying for this bum at the age of 28. After all, he DOES still live in Mom and Dad’s house now at age 31!
MOST people go out and get a job when they graduate with an $80,000 college degree (which mom and dad ALSO paid for). By the time they are 28, they actually have a REAL job that provides them health insurance.
OR, they can go out and buy their own in the free market. It would probably cost Clayton about $400 a month.
But no. Clayton Tucker (like many socialist weasels in this day and age) chose to be a bum between the ages of 22 and 28 (and up to the present day, too). He never bothered to get a real job or develop any real skills. So now he cries that he and his ilk deserve some free stuff – like health care AND $15/hr wages just to show up on the first day of work with zero skills.
Bums like Clayton Tucker make me sick. So how about it, Clayton?? You willing to publicly answer this question? Tell us all who was providing that health care you supposedly “lost” in 2019!
ANOTHER MYSTERY – Your resume ALSO shows you started working for the socialist organization Our Revolution as an “organizer” from September 2018 to present….which is the exact same time you posted that you “lost your health insurance recently“. Are you telling us that Our Revolution DOESN’T provide you with health care???? The very organization that is demanding ‘free’ health care from OTHER organizations doesn’t provide it to their own workers??
Shocking!!! Why, that would be like, I don’t know, a scum bag like Bernie Sanders demanding $15/hr but then NOT paying his own campaign workers that same amount.