Council Decides On LEDC Board Members. Monroe Made Sacrificial Lamb. Talbert To Continue Driving Plane Into The Mountain.

After what seemed like quite a bit of confusion about whether there should have been an interview process with each applicant, council finally voted on the LEDC board matter.

As I suspected, the “wussy middle ground” was the way they went: they jettisoned TJ Monroe as she has been there the longest and is the oldest. They needed a sacrificial lamb, and they weren’t about to toss Talbert, since she is the current president of the entire mess, unfortunately.

I guess the thinking here by keeping Talbert AND her brother-in-law Erwin (when there were at least FIVE other citizens who applied) is “we don’t want to switch horses in midstream.” The problem with that “logic” is the idea that they are anywhere NEAR the middle of the stream. They are still back on the bank of the river, and moving AWAY from it more every year.

Deorald Finney was selected to replace Monroe. Huge mistake. Finney is the guy who was handed a $72,000 gift of tax dollars from Talbert and Monroe – and who then jacked the prices of his Stone Valley Houses by about 40%.

So now those two will be working hand-in-glove on the LEDC. Should make the grifting a lot easier for both of them.

I can’t believe they didn’t go with Mike Irvin. I never even heard his name mentioned during discussion. Maybe he withdrew (?).

Oh, also Sid Ball assured us all that “things are really moving now,” which is likely why he was ALL in favor of keeping the current three numb nuts in there.

I don’t want to say the LEDC are like The Boy Who Cried Wolf, but here are a few quotes to remind everyone how long we’ve been hearing that line of nonsense:

“I feel like we’re getting somewhere,” board president Dr. Neal Leavell added. “I think we’ve really accomplished something. It’s taken a lot of patience, but we’re here.” – September 23, 2014 (over TEN YEARS AGO!)

“DeGraffenried said the LEDC was bold in its decisions to purchase the business park property and extend utilities to it. The city manager predicted Lampasas will enjoy many “spin-off benefits” throughout the city because of the utility work. ” – October 23, 2015

Or maybe read my transcript from Ryan “Gump” Ward and Ybarra from almost TWO YEARS ago!

Ryan Ward and Stacey Ybarra Talk In Circles On Lampasas Radio. Rhonda Witcher Actually Puts Them On The Spot. Ward Fails Badly.

I guess we’ll get more details from The Dispatch in a couple days.

What a missed opportunity.

Big Decision Tonight: Will Council Jettison Talbert or Monroe From The LEDC?

This decision was tabled last time and has to be resolved tonight. As you might recall, the LEDC board previously made a recommendation to re-appoint three of themselves (shocker!) BACK onto the LEDC board, despite decades of failure and money wasting. The three in question are Talbert, Monroe and Erwin.

Monroe, Talbert and Erwin ALL Want Back On LEDC Board. City Council Needs To Get Rid Of Two Of Them

There are PLENTY of other people waiting in the wings to move in and give it a shot.

Something tells me they will take the “wussy middle ground”: they’ll dump Monroe and leave Talbert and Erwin on there. Which is a shame and leaves the core problem intact.

What they SHOULD do is dump all three and get some new blood in there. Talbert has been a proven failure both as mayor and LEDC president, as I have chronicled here in great detail over the last 6 years.

Keep in mind: now that Ryan “Dwight Schrute” Ward is quitting his post suddenly for a bigger paycheck in Santa Fe (something I’ll get to soon) and Finley will be gone in mere weeks – we can say the following about the Business Pork Project:

The Business Pork project has been going on for over TWENTY YEARS! It has seen FIVE City managers come and go, THREE assistant City managers come and go, at least SEVEN different mayors, and at least FIVE economic development directors. At least TWENTY big wigs who had a say in this disaster have come and gone. And guess what?

The Business Pork STILL SITS EMPTY!!! It is a $7.4 MILLION dollar testament to failure, incompetence, lack of planning and general retardation.

But yeah sure, let’s let Monroe and Talbert keep banging their heads against a wall for another two years. Sounds smart!

Trump Now Ass Blasting Kumswalla Harris. Opens Massive 12-Point Lead On Polymarket.

It just keeps getting better.

The complete fraud that is Kumswalla Harris is falling apart in real time. The dems are fucked and they know it. In the last few days, there are reports of:

#1 – Actual fist fights between the Biden and Harris camps because it is clear Biden is doing everything he can to sink her (rightfully so). He even threw her right under the bus on the DeSantis/hurricane Milton kerfuffle – which was hilarious.

#2 – Insiders freaking out that Harris is not only going to get ass pounded, she’s dragging down the rest of the ticket with her. The odds of a Republican sweep are now up to 36% on Polymarket.

It will be quite poignant that Joe Biden’s last lucid act will be to lash Kumswalla to his hip and sink her to the bottom of the ocean alongside himself and his shitty administration. Harris and Waltz’s careers are over after this. Fuck them both.

People have had it with failure, incompetence, DEI crap, tranny bullshit, America being a laughingstock, beta male pussies, green energy bullshit, inflation, hoards of third-world illiterate illegal invaders and all the rest. Time to clean house, bitches.

Just a taste of what a retard show her campaign has become. Just a party of freaks, morons and losers.

Socialist Bodaggit With Dummy Beliefs Laughs At Other Beliefs With Actual Evidence Behind Them.

Dummy socialist who thinks he knows what the temperature in Texas will be in the year 2124 is laughing at those who think that maybe the government could possibly control weather with radio waves, microwave beams, masers or lasers…

Trump should come out and say “there are very fine people on both sides who believe the government controls the weather. Some people think it’s with electric cars, fake meat and pinwheels and some think it’s with high-powered lasers or radio waves.”

Space lasers! How silly. I mean, who would ever think THAT was real? Like, the government would spend money trying to influence the weather with radio waves or lasers? How crazy is that??

Oh wait……

High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program

Does the dummy socialist have the slightest inkling what weather-control tech would be worth? Hard to even calculate it. Easily in the trillions of dollars – both for agriculture or for military use. We’ve also seen the government lie to us in a BIG way for the last 5 years, so it is perfectly rational to suspect the government is fucking everyone AGAIN and lying about it. Quite rational, indeed.

Of course, Comrade Clayton the global warming idiot has ZERO solar panels on his mom’s house and his family owns THREE pickup trucks right now that ALL run on fossil fuels. All whilst he yammers about “global warming.”


Professor At University Of Kansas Should Be Thrown From Helicopter.

The colleges are FILLED with communists like this. Take them at their word.

We cannot share a country with lunatics like this. They are 100% gone, brainwashed and clinically insane.

Meanwhile, we have John Kerry and Hillary Clinton (among others) ADMITTING that the First Amendment is “getting in the way” of them controlling you. Their first act should Kumswalla Harris win will be to go after Twitter and Elon Musk for “misinformation” – mark my words.

These parasites will do ANYTHING to stay in power and control you.

September Sales Taxes Are In: Lampasas Sees HUGE Jump of 7.88%!! Crushing The State and All Other Cities Nearby


The state of Texas as whole was DOWN 1.96% but somehow Lampasas was UP 7.88%!

How did we do it?! We haven’t even had an Economic Development Director for months now! Coincidence? I think not!

Actually, it may be more of a case that last year’s numbers were significantly depressed and therefore the comparison is made to look larger. Last year for Oct and Sep saw HUGE decreases for Lampasas (one of those months was due to a major water main break closing down businesses for the better part of a week).

So taken together, these two should roughly cancel each other out. Last year’s October number was normal and in-line, so we’ll get a better idea of this in a month.

Other cities we follow:

Austin: DOWN 1.05%

Burnet: UP 0.26%

Dallas: UP 0.54%

Marble Falls: DOWN 11.81% (!!)

Mineral Wells: DOWN 9.16%

I’m going to start following Mineral Wells, because for some unknown reason, Stacy Ybarra took a junket there last year and wasted an entire day babbling buzzwords about their economic development.

Dear Illegal Scumbags…

Please be advised there are many rich, stupid shitlibs in Lenox Massachusetts who would literally welcome you with open arms. Please make your way to Lenox Massachusetts and start pistol whipping stupid old liberal twats who yammer nonstop about “diversity is strength.”

You can beat them and rape them and steal their Tesla and they will decline to call the police because they don’t want to be seen as “racist.” It will be like shooting wrinkled fish in a barrel. Tell all your friends.

Hopefully, the woman in Dallas was from California and was a Biden/Kamala voter. Then I won’t feel bad about it. In fact, I hope it happens a LOT more to Biden/Kamala voters all over the country.

They are DEFINITELY unarmed in Lenox Massachusetts and the husband will probably ask to sit in a chair in the corner and watch you do the raping. Then he will thank you.

“Just Give Them More Money” Says Socialist Ass Pimple Who Lets Mom Pay For Everything.

I love how the shitlibs are screaming and crying that the mean old Republicans just refuse to hand over more money to inept, incompetent and wasteful FEMA whenever they demand it!

America Last: After Spending $640 Million On Migrants And Billions Abroad, FEMA Suddenly ‘Broke’

Never mind they spent hundreds of millions of dollars on illegal invaders from third-world shit holes.

Also don’t mind that they spent $4.9 BILLION on Covid-19 crap just last month!!! Yes, $4.9 BILLION in money for a “pandemic” that ended years ago.

FEMA Spending on COVID-19 Dwarfs Hurricane Helene Response

Homeland Security figures show that Federal Emergency Management Agency set aside $4.9 billion on COVID-19 relief projects in September, dwarfing the $210 million spent so far on Hurricane Helene.

According to FEMA, the agency will spend an estimated $19.8 billion on COVID-19 in the 2024 fiscal year, which runs from October 2023 to September 2024, equating to a monthly average of just under $1.7 billion. The figure, representing just over 40 percent of FEMA’s total $47.6 billion obligations for 2024, is well above that spent on other disasters.

So the CORRECT response for these scumbags when they come begging for more money is “where the FUCK is the $30 BILLION dollars we allocate to you EVERY YEAR?? This hurricane season has been exceptionally quiet! Where did all the money go, you fucking retards??

But not if you are a parasite who lives with his mom at age 34 and doesn’t work a real job or pay any property taxes. If you are a parasite who thinks money grows on trees because that’s how your own life has looked with mom as your money tree, you start yammering about the mean old Republicans who refuse to open their checkbook.

Never mind we are already $36 trillion in debt. Never mind the deficit last year was $2.6 TRILLION during peacetime and a supposedly robust economy. Just give us MORE, MORE, MORE!!

Dumb bastard.

Elitist Libskank Carol Garner Doughty Descends From Ivory Tower with Message For Peasants

Libskank Carol is at it again! She has spoken from her 98% white, super rich gated community to inform you all of REALITY.

Yes that’s right: the twat whose daughter thinks she’s a man (and also TWO people) and whose ‘son’ is still hiding in school and unemployed in his 30s while looking for a DEI job is lecturing you on how the real world works. LOL!!!

She’s mad about all the “misinformation,” ya’ll.

The evil, elitist twat who spent the better part of two years calling Ivermectin “horse paste” and telling us all that the ‘vaccine’ was safe and effective is now mad about ‘misinformation.”

OK, bitch!

Of course, there are piles of information, videos, eyewitnesses in NC and links to FEMA spending that ALL corroborate the FACT that FEMA has blown BILLIONS on illegal invaders and “equity” bullshit and is now broke and unable to perform their primary function.

Twitter is LITTERED with posts and videos of people IN THE ZONE who are describing how FEMA was late getting there and fucking things up since arriving.

George W. Bush was ripped apart for showing up three days after Katrina hit. Joe Biden shows up seven days later and no one in the press even mentions it.

Special ops vets form ‘Redneck Air Force’ to ferry aid into NC mountains after feds come up short: ‘Who’s FEMA?’

Just look at all that “toxic masculinity” and “patriarchy” oppressing damsels in distress!

But hey, libskank Carol spent the last week with her Wallet in a fancy cottage on Cape Cod blathering about the ocean on social media. So CLEARLY, she MUST be 100% in the know about what is happening in N.C.

Also, remember that this demanding CUNT had an absolute BIRD when no Mexicans or black people arrived within 24 hours on her street in Texas to chainsaw a few trees that had fallen down back in 2021. But N.C. people who have been abandoned with no water, food or power for 10 days are just spreading misinformation and being impatient jerks.

She also wants you to know that Kamala Harris is SO SMART and SO STRONG and SO GOOD!!!

Here is an actual video of the “super smart and strong” Kumswalla Harris using a shovel….

I’ll summarize for you: she is 60 years old and DOESN’T KNOW HOW TO HOLD A SHOVEL.

This proves she is a certified moron. It also proves she is incredibly lazy and arrogant because she couldn’t even do the 10 seconds of “work” and preparation to maybe make SURE she didn’t look like a complete asshole for her big photo op. She’s also too stupid to look over and see how her scumbag husband (the woman beater) is holding HIS shovel– proving she is incapable of learning a basic task by mimicry. Even a rhesus monkey can do that!!

Stupid, lazy, arrogant and entitled is NOT what I want in my president.

These people are the most elitist, out-of-touch, self-serving, sociopathic, lying sacks of shit to ever live. They would unplug your life support system to charge their cell phone. They hate you. Libskank Carol is too fucking stupid to see that because SHE also hates you…and America.

Tee hee hee! Another vacation far away from gross illegal Haitians and hurricane destruction! Tee hee! Kamabla ROCKS! Tee hee!

Wait a sec. A low-IQ communist pretending to be “working class” and using tools and videoing themselves doing it COMPLETELY WRONG? Where have I seen that before??

Oh yeah….

Comical Video Of Socialist Nitwit “Repairing” Tractor Good For Several Belly-Laughs

Socialist Idiot Who Is Not a Farmer and Doesn’t Know How To Repair Tractors (Or Use Wrench) Demands Farmers Get Right To Repair Tractors

Socialist Vermin And Self-Proclaimed “5th-Generation Rancher” Consults YouTube To Make Splint. Calls Blu-Kote “Blue Note”