Disturbing Info About LEDC Processes Comes To Light. LEDC Lies About Applicant Process Leads To Inbred, Insulated Clique. Part II

There was another “fact” brought up by some LEDC board members on Monday that turns out to be 100% false upon closer inspection (thank you Dispatch!!).

As they stammered and yammered last Monday and tried to explain how the selection process got so fucked up, LEDC member Roland Schaub said “I don’t remember there being an overabundance of applicants like there was this time around.”

The implication being that “it’s not our fault! We were just overwhelmed by this freak event. We’d just LOVE to give all the applicants a fair shake! There’s no favoritism here!”

Yeah right.

Apparently he has a VERY short memory. Because just the very last time we went through this (2022) there were no less than FIVE applicants. Amazing! I even wrote about it and LISTED EVERY CANDIDATE! You can find them on pages 16 through 29 of the council packets from two years ago.

You know who the LEDC board ended up selecting of those five applicants? None of them! Instead, they plucked Fin Erwin out of obscurity. Well, not exactly obscurity –he’s Misti Talbert’s brother-in-law! What are the odds??

They did the EXACT SAME THING in 2021 when they plucked Ryan Shahan from obscurity over five other people who actually bothered to apply when Shahan didn’t. Oddly, Shahan is the president of the very bank the LEDC borrowed millions from. Are you seeing a pattern here yet?

Multiple times we have seen Lampasas citizens go through the trouble of applying to volunteer on this board. Multiple times we have seen them all IGNORED in favor of nepotism and inside connections. And multiple times City council looked the other way because the SAME PEOPLE (Talbert, Monroe, et al) were sitting on council and the LEDC board simultaneously.

So for the LEDC members to stand up there and act surprised that anyone should DARE to suggest they are an inbred, self-interested, insulated, unaccountable clique is extremely laughable.

The only reason things are blowing up THIS time is that the makeup of City council has changed! Before, we had Misti Talbert herself as well as TJ Monroe sitting on City council while ALSO serving on the very board they were supposed to overlook. I wrote MULTIPLE times that this is a huge conflict of interest over THREE YEARS AGO!

Now that there are some new guys on City council, the LEDC is being looked into and questioned a little bit, and boy they do not like it ONE BIT.

Part III coming soon.

Disturbing Info About LEDC Processes Comes To Light. Porkchop Kuehne Strikes Again. Part I

I’m not sure I’ve ever given a proper shout out to The Lampasas Dispatch Record, but I should have done so before now. Their archives alone are worth the price of admission. Do I need to find out when Misti Talbert came up with the stupid idea of hiring an ACM? Go to the archives. Do I need to find the exact month Misti Talbert handed $72,000 in tax dollars to Deorald Finney, her new buddy on the LEDC? Go to the archives. Do I need to find out how many years Misti Talbert has been on the LEDC fucking things up? You got it: archive!

But their reporting is great, as well. Today’s front-page story has some AMAZING nuggets that I plan to repackage in my own blunt, expletive-laced manner. I’ll cut through the niceties and explain who the retards are.

Three things jumped out at me that were quite jarring. The first is not super shocking, as it involved Cathy “Porkchop” Kuehne using her usual convoluted “logic” to make more bad decisions on City council. I swear, you get rid of almost all the chicks on City council and the ONE that is left still manages to make enough irrational and retarded decisions to put more than enough flies in the ointment.

We found out today from The Dispatch that behind the scenes of the big LEDC re-appointment vote this week, Kuehne was ALL in favor of keeping the current three members: Talbert, Monroe and Erwin. Unsurprising since she, Talbert and Monroe are all big butthole buddies who have joined together many times in the past on City council to make more than a few financially ruinous decisions.

Her ‘logic’ was thus:

We did “consider” them…and found them lacking. So get some new blood, moron.

Let me rephrase that to make it more clear:I think that no matter how shitty someone is at their job, no matter how many years and YEARS (10 for Talbert and 12 for Monroe) they have had to accomplish something and yet accomplished nothing, we should let them stay there as long as they want because they really, really want to stay there and fuck up some more.”

Is that about right? I think it is. Spoken like a true imbecile. This is the same woman who thought she was a hero for risking Covid every day as a teacher – the same Covid that she mistook for allergies. Sounds dangerous! Thank goodness she doesn’t teach a REAL subject like math or science.

Remember: the LEDC isn’t the library board deciding which magazines to subscribe to. The LEDC skims nearly $10,000 per WEEK in sales tax money and has wasted WAY over $7 MILLION dollars JUST on their failed Business Pork project. The LEDC handles LOTS of money and cannot be left to a bunch of chimpanzees and chowderheads.

Porkchop’s ‘logic’ reminds me of Christmas Vacation when Chevy Chase spent days putting 50,000 imported Italian twinkle lights on his house and they didn’t work. His drunk mother-in-law laughs at his failure and says “what a silly waste of resources.” Then Juliette Lewis says “but he worked REAL HARD grandma.” To which her grandfather says: “so do washing machines.


I can just picture Porkchop making her case to the rest of City council trying to justify the 12 years of failure and millions down the toilet: BUT THEY WORKED REALLY HARD!

Part II coming soon…

Socialist Pussy Cries Over Conservatives Trying To Level Playing Field.

Whaaaahhh! $220 million! Whhaaaah!!!

How many billions has Soros and his creepy homo son handed to the Marxist left? Countless.

Funny, I didn’t hear a single complaint when Taylor Swift endorsed Kamala. Taylor is a billionaire AND has close to 100 million followers. What is the value of free advertising and endorsing to 100 million idiot followers? Oprah is also a billionaire – and SHE has 50 million followers who were told to vote for Kamala as well. This is ALL free advertising and is worth MANY hundreds of millions.

Now add in all the celebrities, the late night douchebags like Colbert and Kimmel, the movie stars, the singers – all multi-multi millionaires with influence and Twitter followers. They have ALL bashed Trump and sucked off Kamala for month after month. For free. That’s worth even MORE millions of dollars in free advertising.

Now add in that cocksucker Zuckerberg who not only handed $400 million to “run the election” in 2020 but who also ADMITTED he censored information (Hunter laptop story) on Facebook (three BILLION users) at the behest of the Biden administration.

Google (8 BILLION searches per DAY) has been caught more times than I can count altering search results – which is MORE election interference and hundreds of millions in value to the left.

Oh, and 60 Minutes was also caught altering their Kamala interview to put her in a more favorable light – how many millions of dollars of election interference is THAT worth?

Fuck you Bernie Sanders. And fuck you Clayton Tucker. The field is still MASSIVELY tilted in favor of the far left scumbags and you are whining about $220 million dollars? You have spent the last THREE MONTHS bragging about how Kamala has WAY more money than Donald Trump and she’s STILL getting her ass kicked.

Suck a bag of dicks, both of you.

We Are About To See The Greatest Mental Health Crisis In The History Of The U.S.

Did everyone see the national car crash last night on Fox TV? The one where Kumswalla Harris butchered herself for all to see? It happened at the very same time local socialist Comrade Clayton was on a Zoom call naming his baby goat “Doug” after Kumswalla’s cuck of a husband. I kid you not. It’s all just too perfect.

Trump then took to social media to troll Kumswalla further. According to insiders, they have never seen her so livid as she was after that botched interview on Fox…

The re-election of Donald Trump in a few weeks will trigger the psychological collapse of the far-left Democrat Party. Perpetually angry, post-menopausal cat ladies are going to absolutely lose their minds – along with the 20-something, obese, purple-haired nose ring class.

Plus Bruce Haywood.

Two years ago, Bruce was CONVINCED Trump was going to jail yet again. I laughed at it then. I laugh at it now.

Not only is he not going to jail, Bruce will be calling him “Mister President” in the very near future. This may finally put Bruce in an early grave.

The re-election of Trump will cause a major meltdown in the cat lady class like you have never seen before. Better pre-order all your TDS meds NOW, ladies.

These are the women coming out in droves to support Kamala Harris based purely on her gender and skin color.  They are the same women that supported Hillary Clinton in 2016 simply because they wanted a woman president and they didn’t care who it was.  And generally speaking it is these kinds of women that use shaming tactics as a means to control the people around them.  Their only source of power in life is to henpeck others into submission. Exhibited here:

Carol’s wallet knows all about being henpecked. He STILL wears a fucking mask!

I bet Jeff, Tim Walz and Doug Emhoff would have fun staying home together and trying on their wife’s panties while the wives went out and got gangbanged by JD Vance.

This “white guy for Harris” would probably pay money to sit in the corner and watch…

The meltdown you are about to see will make the shit the Antifa goons did a few years ago look like a walk in the park.

I think what I’m looking forward to most is all the shitlibs who swore they’d leave the country if Trump wins pack their bags. Eminem, Streisand, Whoopi Shitburger, Mylie Cyrus, Amy Schumer and every other retard in California. Samuel L Jackson can even “move his black ass to South Africa.” Moron.

Fake Rancher Joins Other Fake Small Business Owners In “Fake Small Businesses For Harris” Zoom Call

Oh man. Sometimes you just hit the jackpot accidentally!

I could write 15 pages about this hilarious debacle but I’ll do short form so as to not lose your interest. This was my first Zoom call and if every Zoom meeting Clayton wastes time on is like this, it’s no wonder his “ranch” is falling apart at the seams. It was a laughable series of retardation, talking in circles, bad audio, wheel spinning and yammering of cliches. A COMPLETE waste of over and hour. Everyone just sucked their own dicks and talked about “empowerment” – which means “free money from Uncle Sugar.”

Anyhow, Clayton went on after 45 minutes of circle jerking by a bunch of nerds like this guy…

Voted Most Likely To Never Get Laid

…and the Mayor of San Antonio called in from his car. LOL.

Note the seatbelt.

My biggest question to him would have been “how the hell did a Jew like yourself get elected in a City full of Mexicans? That’s crazy, man!”

Then Comrade Clayton finally appeared on screen….

After introducing himself with his usual lie about being a rancher, Comrade Clayton discussed NOTHING about actually running a small business, because he does not run one. No employees, no payroll, no selling meat in town or invoicing customers. Just killing goats by accident and then begging mom for mini cows.

He also doesn’t really OWN a small business because he doesn’t technically own anything on the “ranch.” Grandpa does. He filed paperwork for an LLC called RX Ranch 10 months ago. Then he takes pictures with goats. That’s all.

But what Comrade Clayton the socialist DID do was launch into a screed about socialized medicine and how he’s hopeful that President Kumswalla Harris will steal money from other taxpayers and businesses and hand out “free” home health care to old people...because Clayton’s grandparents and parents are getting up there in age and Clayton doesn’t want to see his inheritance squandered on his 93-year-old grandma and 69-year-old mother who lets him live in her house.

I shit you not. He came right out and said “we are dealing with this in our family…and it is NOT cheap.”

And thus, the greedy, selfish socialist parasite was revealed for all to see. Maybe instead of spending $15,000 on mini cows for Clayton’s hobby, they should spend it on a decent live-in caretaker? Just a thought.

I was reminded of that scene in Die Hard where the big Japanese vault is finally broken open by the black guy and reveals hundreds of millions in bearer bonds. The main antagonist, Hans Gruber, who has postured as a sophisticated and debonaire European businessman the entire movie, gets down on his hands and knees and starts to greedily grab all the bonds he can get his hands on. There was a look of pure avarice on his face.

Holly Genaro (Bonnie Bedelia back when she was still hot) looks at him in disgust and says:

 “After all your posturing, all your little speeches, you’re nothing but a common thief.

And so Comrade Clayton’s mask was removed. Despite all his high-and-mighty preaching about fairness, competition, the little guy and all that other rubbish, what it all boils down to is “gimme dat,” like every other socialist piece of shit.

[Comrade Clayton probably doesn’t even know who the fuck Hans Gruber is because he was born in 1991 and was sadly denied seeing all the greatest movies in history like Die Hard, Scarface, Full Metal Jacket, Caddyshack, Animal House, Slap Shot, and all the rest before the world went full-on pussy and stopped making awesome guy flicks. Comrade Clayton would probably watch The Breakfast Club and get all bent out of shape when Emilio Estevez called John Bender a faggot.]

You know I’m right.

Assistant To The City Manager Ryan “Dwight Schrute” Ward Pulls Huge Dick Move. Quits Suddenly to Go BACK To Santa Fe.

Wow. What an asshole, man!

Assistant to the City Manager (ATTCM) Ryan “Dwight Schrute” Ward will be scurrying back to Santa Fe for a bigger paycheck. He gave the minimum one-month of notice and ALSO decided to bolt right as his boss Finley is retiring as well – just to make things even more chaotic! Kind of a dick move.

Oh sure, there was the usual blathering about “being with family” just like Gary Cox said when HE “resigned” – but we all know the truth: Santa Fe county Public Works Director pays about $30,000 more.

And from what I’ve read online, Santa Fe county also sounds kind of shady and given over to corrupt shenanigans. It’s probably a LOT easier to self-deal there than it is here.

Here is a blurb about Bryan Snyder, the guy Ward will be replacing in Santa Fe:

He was named city manager in 2013 and served in the position for five years before he was asked to resign by Mayor Alan Webber over a controversial action he took on the eve of Webber’s inauguration.Snyder had quietly authorized 10% and 15% pay increases for 37 staff membersin a plan executives had devised without the City Council’s vote just days before Webber was elected.

Handing out big raises and implementing costly (yet questionable) programs? Where have I heard THAT before?

Oh yeah…

Ryan “Dwight Schrute” Ward Wants To Waste $38,840 To Save a Few Grand.

ATTCM Ryan ‘Dwight Schrute’ Ward Suggests MORE Ridiculous Benefits For City Employees.

That would be the moronic program Ward instituted two years ago to save himself and Finley a few hours every month calculating overtime for City employees. Now Finley and Ward are gone, but the idiotic program remains – and I GUARANTEE you when this year’s bill for the software comes next month, it will NOT still be the $8,339 that Ward said it would be. Anybody want to bet??

Hilariously, our own Utility and Billing Department has seen costs SKYROCKET about 32% over the last two years under Ward [see page 2]. There are FOUR full-time employees and one part-time employee in the Utility and Billing Department of Lampasas – costing the City $331,000 per year. If ANY department was rife for automation to reduce labor costs, it is THAT one.

Unfortunately, Ward never got around to streamlining the ONE area that could probably use it. I guess he just never found the time. Probably too busy taking $40,000 change orders on the Hostess House debacle.

Then again, if you look at his resume, he never stays ANYWHERE more than 2-3 years. He is the consummate government bottom feeder: constantly looking to jump up to the next rung on the ladder and milk the taxpayer for another chunk of money and fat pension.

Good riddance.

I would suggest to City council that Ward be replaced with NOBODY. We went forever without an ACM and MANY towns our size DO NOT HAVE an ACM. In fact, the BIGGEST proponent for creating the ACM position seven years ago was….wait for it…Misti Talbert [see page 10] and we all know how good her ideas are!

So in summary: good riddance, fuck that guy and by hiring nobody to replace him you won’t even notice a difference and you’ll save the City about $200k a year in salary, benefits and stupid ideas.

THIS Is Why Trump Is Going To Destroy Kamala…And Possibly ALSO Win The Popular Vote PLUS Sweep Senate and House.

I would not be the least bit shocked if Trump not only trounces Kumswalla Harris in the Electoral college AND wins the popular vote, but also gives the GOP a TOTAL SWEEP by winning the Senate and House as well.

A lengthy post by an American who says he “can’t stand” Donald Trump but is still voting for him rather than than Kamala has gone viral, and for good reason. 

It’s succinct, elegantly written and it shows how woeful Harris is on key points.

It has an astounding 56 million views at time of writing.

Here it is….

I can’t stand Donald Trump. He is braggy, he insults people for no reason, and he is just a brutal personality. But my mind is made up. I’m voting for him and here’s why: He puts Americans and their well-being first. Kamala will not.

He will bring @elonmusk into his cabinet to be the efficiency czar and get rid of waste. This alone may be the best single reason to vote for him.

He will bring @RobertKennedyJr into his cabinet to Make American Healthy Again. He will finally get to the bottom of why our food companies are destroying the health of our children.

I’m sick of the way the media lies continuously about @realDonaldTrump, starting with the incessant racism claims. They are just nonsense. The latest thing I learned? He sent his plane to fly Nelson Mandela home after he was in jail with the U.S. wouldn’t do it. Racist? No.

I’m sick of the U.S. being embroiled in foreign wars. Trump will keep us out of them again. He’s just crazy enough that foreign nations will stand down. They have no fear of Kamala. They will fear him.

Trump sees this country as fundamentally good. Kamala sees it as inherently evil.

Trump will end the nonsense of the open border which makes our country less secure, less financially stable, and brings in millions of people illegally who compete for Americans’ jobs.

This government has to print billions to care for the illegals. That makes all of our dollars less valuable and makes prices zoom upward.

He will stockpile Bitcoin.

He will keep men out of women’s bathrooms and women’s sports.

He is a heavyweight personality and negotiator. Kamala is a phony personality and a lightweight negotiator.

The people who want Kamala Harris to win are the most annoying people in the country. They have pushed for pronouns, masks, endless vaccines, cancel culture, riots, blatant racism towards whites, gender confusion, undermining the U.S. constitution.

Exhibit A: woke, Covid Cult moron

He will upset the current political system. He was nearly the victim of assassination 3x. And he keeps going. He’s not the best in interviews, but he at least puts himself out there. Over and over and over. Kamala hasn’t done a single press conference.

Harris and the media trying to prop her up hid Biden’s cognitive decline. They accuse Trump of being a threat to democracy. Yet she was installed as the nominee with no votes. She wants to pack the Supreme Court. She wants to eliminate the filibuster. She sued RFK to keep him off the ballot. And the threat to democracy is Trump? Nonsense.

Those who support Harris look at Trump supports as vile, stupid, ignorant, and fascists. They disown family members or disinvite them from Thanksgiving dinner of they support Trump. This is disgraceful.

Every time she talks, I try to give her a chance. But she is the most phony and condescending politician I have ever seen. Ever. I can’t do it. I won’t do it.

She and those who support her are resistant to Voter ID and believe requiring an ID is racist. Her Department of Justice is suing the state of Virginia for trying to purge the voter rolls of illegals. Why would we not want 1 vote per 1 U.S. citizen? Is it more racist to believe people from the inner city are perfectly capable of securing a government issued ID? Or to believe they are incapable?

That’s it. I’m done. Thanks for hearing me out.

Socialist Choad Clayton Tucker Makes Idiotic Video Supporting THREE Total Losers Simultaneously.

REAL ranchers are hustling every day and reminding their customers the weather is turning cool so it’s time to buy some meat for CHILI! They go to markets and take orders on their websites…

FAKE ranchers drive hours away to say “hi” to a communist loser who is about to get stomped like a narc at a biker rally by Ted Cruz…while simultaneously wearing a hat that says “Harris/Waltz” on it – two more commies losers who are now being blown out by 20 points.

When All Red, Waltz and Harris all get destroyed and humiliated in a few weeks, it will not even faze Comrade Clayton one bit. He won’t be tearing his hair out like Bruce Haywood, Carol Garner Doughty and Grady Lucas will be. He won’t be losing sleep over it. That’s because Clayton Tucker has been surrounded and immersed in failure and losing for so long, it’s all he knows. He’s like a fish surrounded by water all the time – he just takes it for granted as the natural state. It is his native environment.

Whether it’s Robert Francis O’Rourke losing multiple times, Roland Gutierrez, Bernie Sanders for president, Chris Perri, Julie Oliver, or Clayton’s own three failed campaigns for office, he is very practiced in the art of losing. All Red, Harris and Waltz are just three more feathers in his dunce cap. And over the next year or two we’ll get to see Comrade Clayton fail yet again when he runs for Ag Commissioner.

Comrade Clayton’s love affair with Tim Waltz has even MORE connections! It turns out that Tim ALSO likes to make videos of himself fucking up basic things that every “rural” guy should know…

That would be the “manly” and “agriculture guy” Tim Waltz who just made a fool of himself by not being able to load his own shotgun during a staged “pheasant hunt.”

Oops. Very reminiscent of Comrade Clayton making the famous Tractor Repair Video where he didn’t know how to use a wrench then held up a nut and called it a bolt.

Oh – and Tim Walz was also recently credibly accused of grooming 14-year-old boys and taking them to rock concerts AND over to China – where the “age of consent” laws are quite lax, I’m told. Comrade Clayton spent some time in China too! He was “teaching” kindergarteners!

Big October surprise rocks Kamala campaign, Tim Walz accused of ‘inappropriate’ relations with a minor

All the more reason for Comrade Clayton to love him! I told you they had a lot in common!!

Council Decides On LEDC Board Members. Monroe Made Sacrificial Lamb. Talbert To Continue Driving Plane Into The Mountain.

After what seemed like quite a bit of confusion about whether there should have been an interview process with each applicant, council finally voted on the LEDC board matter.

As I suspected, the “wussy middle ground” was the way they went: they jettisoned TJ Monroe as she has been there the longest and is the oldest. They needed a sacrificial lamb, and they weren’t about to toss Talbert, since she is the current president of the entire mess, unfortunately.

I guess the thinking here by keeping Talbert AND her brother-in-law Erwin (when there were at least FIVE other citizens who applied) is “we don’t want to switch horses in midstream.” The problem with that “logic” is the idea that they are anywhere NEAR the middle of the stream. They are still back on the bank of the river, and moving AWAY from it more every year.

Deorald Finney was selected to replace Monroe. Huge mistake. Finney is the guy who was handed a $72,000 gift of tax dollars from Talbert and Monroe – and who then jacked the prices of his Stone Valley Houses by about 40%.

So now those two will be working hand-in-glove on the LEDC. Should make the grifting a lot easier for both of them.

I can’t believe they didn’t go with Mike Irvin. I never even heard his name mentioned during discussion. Maybe he withdrew (?).

Oh, also Sid Ball assured us all that “things are really moving now,” which is likely why he was ALL in favor of keeping the current three numb nuts in there.

I don’t want to say the LEDC are like The Boy Who Cried Wolf, but here are a few quotes to remind everyone how long we’ve been hearing that line of nonsense:

“I feel like we’re getting somewhere,” board president Dr. Neal Leavell added. “I think we’ve really accomplished something. It’s taken a lot of patience, but we’re here.” – September 23, 2014 (over TEN YEARS AGO!)

“DeGraffenried said the LEDC was bold in its decisions to purchase the business park property and extend utilities to it. The city manager predicted Lampasas will enjoy many “spin-off benefits” throughout the city because of the utility work. ” – October 23, 2015

Or maybe read my transcript from Ryan “Gump” Ward and Ybarra from almost TWO YEARS ago!

Ryan Ward and Stacey Ybarra Talk In Circles On Lampasas Radio. Rhonda Witcher Actually Puts Them On The Spot. Ward Fails Badly.

I guess we’ll get more details from The Dispatch in a couple days.

What a missed opportunity.