Marxist Scum At Columbia Take Over Building…Then Demand To Be Fed.

Unbelievable. Yeah, they are “just peaceful protestors”…

This lady, who refused to reveal her name, is named Johannah King-Slutzky. She is a paid instructor and PhD candidate at Columbia studying “theories of the imagination and poetry as interpreted through a Marxian lens

A hyphenated Jewish-sounding name. No, I’m not making this up.

A PhD in “theories of imagination and poetry through a Marxist lens” – and her idiot parents are paying $90,000 a year for this nonsense. Only the most arrogant, elitist assholes who can afford to waste $700,000 on tuition for 8 years go this route – then she’ll spend the rest of her life insisting everyone call her “doctor” while sponging off some poor sap beta male.

Her dad deserves to lose his balls for creating this abomination. What a colossal cvnt. Idiots like her should be deported to India or Saudi Arabia or North Korea to be gang raped for the rest of their lives. Get a whiff of REAL patriarchy. Spoiled twat.

Screw Joe Biden and All Who Voted For Him. Old Man Rant Coming…

While many brainless simps yammer about “greedy corporations” raising the price of everything out of pure avarice, the actual cause is clearly the unrelenting money printing and deficit spending we’ve seen the last 4 years.

When EVERY SINGLE THING you buy goes up 30% to 40%, that is not a secret, coordinated effort by every single company on earth to screw you. That is reckless policy. That is morons handing out money to millions of deadbeats and illegal aliens who produce nothing in return. That is too many currency units chasing the same amount of goods and services.

And to those who yammer that inflation is “coming down,” you couldn’t be more wrong. It’s re-accelerating.


I’ve been buying Zone bars for at least the last 15 years. Same flavor. Same everything. In November of 2019, I paid $25 for a box of 30 (6 boxes of 5 bars)…

Just a few days ago, I paid $24 for 12 of them! The per-bar cost jumped from 83 cents to $2.00 in 4.5 years. A 140% increase.

That translates into roughly 22% annual inflation.

Not only that, whereas you usually had a choice of about 16 flavors, there are only 4 available in stock right now.

Yeah, but keep telling me it’s “greedy corporations” you idiot liberals.

You’re Gonna Love This One. Sometimes God Hands Me A Huge Gift.

Just more proof that God loves me and wants me to be happy. I have no doubt he approves of me relentlessly bashing communists and idiots whenever possible. Clayton Tucker falls under both of those categories.

Comrade Clayton (Chairman of the Lampasas Democrats Communists) has collected yet ANOTHER useless title to add to the others:

I’d call this a sinecure, but like all his other titles, it is unpaid. Very likely, he was “elected” because there was nobody else running – the same way he was “elected” as Chair of the Lampasas Communists and to the SDEC-24 position. Those organizations are filled with very old white people and they need new blood. Kind of like how Delta house allowed Flounder to join the fraternity despite being a fat dork – “we need the dues!

Average age? Way up there!!

Comrade Clayton only joined the union a couple months ago (despite being a 33-year-old ‘fifth generation’ rancher) and he is already the secretary! Truly they must be a discriminating and selective bunch.

Anyhow, that’s not the funny part. The funny part is who Comrade Clayton is replacing as secretary…

A quick search of “Gaylon Amonett” yielded the following results:

Do you know how big of a FUCKUP you have to be to get fired from a cushy government job like that? A pretty big one. Apparently Gaylon Amonett is just such a fuckup. He basically killed a bunch of people and sickened a lot more, according to this article.

[Now, I suppose it’s possible there are TWO guys with the exact same weird name who are BOTH involved in Texas agriculture and who love unions and Big Government, but I doubt it. So I have to assume there is a 99.9% chance it is the same guy.]

The Texas Farmer’s Union is definitely carrying on tradition here by selecting a complete loser to be their secretary. They are trading one fuckup for another, so the transition should be seamless!

Although it does make me wonder. Perhaps if Comrade Clayton spent more time on grandpa’s ‘ranch’ and less time going to Seattle, San Francisco, Scottsdale and Washington D.C. for stupid conventions, perhaps his poor baby goats would get proper care and stop dying on him.

“I’m not entirely sure what happened! I was in Washington D.C. at the time!” LOL

Still no word on that website either, eh?

“They Are Peacefully Protesting” – Sure They Are, Dummy.

Just peaceful protestors! Not disrupting anyone! Not causing any problems! Just innocent kids….

Ridiculous. The idiotic masks. The smug stupid looks. I don’t know how this guy didn’t punch them all in the face repeatedly. They deserve that and much, much more.

These morons in the masks don’t give two shits about Israel or Palestine just like they didn’t care about George Floyd. They are sowing chaos. They all need a baton to the head. Bunch of commie fucks.

Here is a moron at the Brown University “Peace For Palestine” rally:

Oh – look at that. Handing out commie fliers. I’m so shocked!

80-Year-Old Pumpkin-Headed Retard James Carville Has Meltdown As Panic Sets In Over Biden.

Old white man yells at younger gen to vote dem…

If this doesn’t motivate young voters, nothing will!

““You little f**king 26-year-old, you don’t feel like ‘the election’s important to me. They’re not addressing the issues that I care about.’”

“My advice to tell these young people is to get off your motherf**king a** and go vote because you should vote like your entire future and the entire future of this United States depends on it because quite frankly, it does, and that’s not an exaggeration.”

How is voting for a man with dementia, who has ruined the U.S. border and economy voting “like your entire future and the entire future of this United States depends on it”?

NOT voting for Biden will help save our future.

Maybe James Carville has dementia too.

Can’t wait til this guy dies too. Man, there are a LOT of useless old libshits who are just SO CLOSE to the grave. All it takes is the first one and then they seem to drop like flies. Better put him on my list…and update all my odds while I’m at it….

Maxine Waters – 85 years old. Odds of dying in the next year: 12-1 – how the FUCK is this old bat still alive?!?

Nancy Pelosi – 84 years old. Odds of dying in the next year: 13-1

Mitch McConnell – 82 years old. Odds of dying in the next year: 10-1

Bernie Sanders – 82 years old. Odds of dying in the next year: 11-1

James Carville – 80 years old. Odds of dying next year 13-1

John Kerry – 80 years old. Odds of dying in next year: 14-1

Dick “Dirtbag” Durbin – 79 years old. Odds of dying: 15-1

Ed Markey – 78 years old. Odds of dying in the next year: 27-1

Bennie Thompson – 76 years old. Odds of dying in the next year: 19-1

Chuck Schumer – 73 years old. Odds of dying in the next year: 28-1

Hillary Clinton – 76 years old. Odds of dying in the next year: 33-1

Sheila Jackson Lee – 74 years old. Odds of dying in the next year: 37-1

Sherrod Brown – 71 years old. Odds of dying in the next year: 34-1

Alexandria Ocrazio-Cortex – 34 years old. Yeah, a 1000-1 longshot but one can always dream.

Racist Muzzie Dirtbag Resigns. Score One For Our Side.

I almost can’t believe this is happening. Sanity and justice are so rare today, that things we wouldn’t think twice about 6 years ago (like tossing a rabid, white-hating scumbag Paki out of office) seem like a miracle today.

Over 95% of Scotland is white. Yousaf doesn’t like that. He says it’s “too white.” He also proudly oversaw the “most progressive tax system in the UK.”

Well, buddy. You can head on back to Pakistan and live among all the brown muzzies you want. No need to reinvent the wheel.

Meet Suleman Lalani – Another Foreign Muzzie In The Texas House.

We already covered Salman Bhojani in an earlier post. He’s the Paki-born muzzie who took his oath of office on the Qu’ran instead of the bible. He also demanded that schools recognize every nutty muzzie holiday like Ramadan and Eid Al-Adha.

Muslim House member files three bills to expand religious holidays

Suleman Lalani is no different.

Here is an excerpt from his political webpage:

In the early 90’s Dr. Lalani arrived in the United States to begin his medical career. He chose the United States because here is where the medicine was the most advanced, here is where the greatest quality of healthcare was provided and because this is the world’s greatest nation. It was a shock to discover how inequitable the healthcare system was in this wealthy nation. The advancements and the high level of care was undeniable, but the access to the common citizen was shameful.

So this muzzie comes over here 30 years ago (around age 25) because the medicine is most advanced? I’m sure it had nothing to do with your home country being a shit hole, right? He is careful to never state what country he is actually from, but judging by his name, it is very likely India or Pakistan.

Hilariously, those countries are known for EXTREME inequities! The Indian caste system is alive and well and FAR more inequitable than anything found in the United States. If he is so concerned about “inequity,” why not stay over there in India and be a “champion for the little man”??

Because India and Pakistan are shit holes. Just like Somalia, where another anti-American muzzie was born – Ilhan Omar.

Like Ilhan Omar, Bhojani and Lalani are determined to turn America into the same disgusting shit hole they moved from. Do they assimilate and champion the Constitution? No, they do not. Instead they demand the U.S. Congress change rules that are 181 years old so they can wear towels on their heads:

Rep. Ilhan Omar prompts new rule that allows, for the first time in 181 years, head coverings on House floor.

Or they get busy trying to eliminate “inequality” – which means implementing socialism. Or they take their oaths of office on the Qu’ran

A couple muzzies here. A couple there. Pretty soon you have Little Mogadishu right there in downtown Houston. They multiply like rats. Don’t believe me? Take a look at Minneapolis. The Somalis have taken over parts of it.

The Cedar-Riverside neighborhood of Minneapolis is sometimes called “Little Mogadishu.” It’s center of the nation’s largest concentration of Somalis, and fertile ground for Islamic terrorist groups recruiting new fighters.

Michigan is not far behind either…

The US city run by Muslims

Or you could ask Germans how THEIR infestation of muzzies is working out for them:

Muslims beat up Santa in Germany, tell him it is ‘their country’

After mass Muslim migration into Germany, sex attacks are up 70% in one city alone

What does the Qu’ran say again? Oh yeah….

Debunking The Farm Union’s Lies Of Omission.

Not long after Clayton Tucker “founded” a ranch, he joined the Texas Farmer’s Union AND the National Farmer’s Union! After all, if he was a failure at ranching, someone else must be to blame.

He chooses to blame “Big Ag!”

It’s not his lack of experience, lack of effort, laziness or the fact he spends his time gallivanting in D.C. while his goat kids die back home. No no no. It’s because “Big Ag” is ripping him off and being greedy by taking all the profits!

[We’ll ignore for the moment that Comrade Trust Fund Tucker could just start a website or go to farmers’ markets and sell meat DIRECTLY to consumers, like my friends at Winters’ Beef have been doing for YEARS. He’s too lazy for that, too!]

Comrade Clayton LOVES this stat, and repeats it constantly like a retarded Mynah bird. It makes HIM into the victim and absolves him of all his personal failures and inability to fend for himself in life. It excuses the fact he is still living in mom’s womb at age 33.

[You’d NEVER see a real rancher like Mark Langford pull this pussy move]

Unfortunately for Trust Fund Tucker, that stat is extremely misleading – like all his ‘facts.’

Comrade Clayton hugs his “cow”

The 10-year average for national farm income is $101.5 billion. Wanna know what it was in 2022? It was $182.8 billion! In 2023 it was $151 billion!

Both of those are FAR above the 10-year average. So the farmer is making more money than ever, in terms of gross nominal dollars. I’ll pause for a moment while Comrade Clayton goes and looks up what “nominal dollars” are….

….ok, you ready?

The trick to Trust Fund Tucker’s misleading stat is that he quotes the farm/ranch income in terms of a RATIO and compares it to “total food dollars spent.” He also has the stat wrong and uses “in the grocery store” as the denominator in this ratio. The REAL stat is “every dollar spent on food.” And guess what? Those dollars include restaurants and other highly-processed end uses.

So if farmers are making WAY more than ever, how can that ratio be going DOWN? Well, one way is if the denominator goes way UP even more.

I’ll give a REAL simple example so even a dipshit like Comrade Clayton can understand it with his $80,000 International Relations degree:

Let’s say it is 1980 and 3rd generation Tucker sells his beef for $2 a pound. I have no idea if these are accurate prices for that era, but it doesn’t matter – it’s the RATIO that counts.

It gets processed, packaged, transported, etc – which all costs money! Hey, according to Comrade Clayton EVERYONE deserves a dignified wage AND full health care. I assume that means the guys at the meatpacking plant and delivery trucks, right Comrade?

Anyways, lets’ say that $2 of Tucker beef shows up at the butcher and is sold for $4. We then can see that Tucker got $2 of the FINAL $4 price – or 50%. Wow! Good job, buddy. Tucker’s $2 is the numerator and the FINAL price is the denominator of $4. Otherwise stated as 2/4 or 1/2 or .50 or 50%…correct?

Now fast forward to the 2020s. People eat out a LOT more than they did in the 1980s. I know this because I lived through it while Comrade Clayton was still just a rotten egg in mommy’s ovary. It was a HUGE treat to go to McDonald’s. We maybe went once a month. I’d say 90% of our dinners were home-cooked by mom. She’d go buy a pork loin at Publix or chicken or whatever and do all the work preparing it HERSELF.

Furthermore, there weren’t Applebee’s and Chili’s and Olive Gardens on every corner back then. We had maybe 2 or 3 “nice” restaurants in our town in 1980 and we’d go on Christmas Eve or Easter or other special occasions.

NOW, these spoiled Gen Z pussies order Door Dash takeouts 4x a week and rarely cook at home. Which means a LOT more work goes into that final product they consume. But guess what, those inflated numbers are still counted as “money spent on food” in the denominator.

Prices at restaurants have SOARED, thanks mainly to forced increases in minimum wage. Those massive wage increases were championed by idiots like Clayton Tucker HIMSELF!! How’s THAT for irony!

A Chipotle Double Steak Bowl Is Now $39 In California

So if Comrade Clayton sells $6 worth of beef in the year 2022 and it ends up at Flemming’s as a $50 steak, now he can cry that he only got 12% of the “food dollars spent” ($6/$50) even though he is actually making 200% MORE in nominal dollars!

See how that works??

Nice try, comrade. You keep spewing the bullshit and I’ll keep debunking it like I always have.

Here is a GREAT explanation of what I’m talking about:

Stop Paying Attention to the Farmers’ Share of the Food Dollar

Here is an excerpt:

The USDA breaks the food dollar down in a way that makes this easy to see. In 2021, of each dollar the consumer spent, on average 33.6 cents went to food services (restaurant workers and other nonfood costs), 15.2 cents to food processors, 12.7 cents to retailers, and 10.7 cents to wholesalers.3 

Thus, farmers, at 14.5 cents, get more than grocery store operators or wholesalers and just slightly less than food processors. The biggest share goes to food services, because when we buy food in a restaurant, we typically pay three times more for our meal than the food on the plate costs the restaurant. Further, the restaurant’s food cost includes some nonfarm costs such as food processing, transportation, and wholesaling.

When the National Farmers Union and other agricultural groups routinely rail about big business taking advantage of farmers, they often cite the farmers’ share of the food dollar as evidence for their claims. The reality is that big business is not responsible for the downward trend in the farmers’ share of the food dollar. Rather, American consumers are to blame because they prioritize convenience over price at the grocery store.

In fact, farmers are being paid more than ever for their production.Inflation has certainly raised production expenses along with commodity prices, so over the longer term, net farm income (roughly, the farmers’ profits) has been holding steady or increasing slightly, but it is not falling.

Creepy Tranny Freak Charles “Charlotte” Clymer To Headline Democratic State Convention.

June 6th though 8th will see the Texas Communist Freak Convention take place in El Paso. One of the headliners will be a tranny freak named Charles Clymer – who now wears a dress and makeup and calls himself “Charlotte”

Various other scrawny, anti-Second Amendment nerds and losers will be there as well. Like David Hogg, Gene Wu and Clayton Tucker.

This is what a steady diet of soy does to you…

This is the biggest day of the year for loser communists like Clayton Tucker. It’s like Earth Day, Ramadan, Kwanza, Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Mubarak all rolled into one for him.

It’s where he gets to strut around and let everyone know he is the FOUNDER of the Texas progressive caucus! He’s also a very important person in the State Democratic Executive Committee representing District 24 – a position that he “won” when nobody else wanted it.

Clayton Tucker SDEC “Job” Will Pay Negative Salary. Position Currently Held By Moron Who Believes in Clairvoyants.

But most repulsive of all, some 37-year-old clown named Charles Clymer will prance around in a dress and give speeches.


[Of course, not everyone loves Charlotte – the radical-left rag “Salon” took a shit all over him.]

I have a bit of advice for Comrade Clayton: if you actually have any aspirations beyond the low-level Democrat lickspittle you currently are, you better get with the program and either come out as a homo or start wearing a dress and high heels. It’s the only way to get noticed in today’s Communist party.

Like this freak…

I mean, you’re halfway there already – what with the Apple iPhone, the fasting, the man-purse and the Chevy Equinox.

As it stands now, you are just a basic, green-tea bitch boy. A rapidly-approaching-middle-aged unemployed white ‘man’ who sponges off his parents. Those are a dime a dozen, and as a white male, you are basically evil incarnate according to your own party.

Better get hopping, comrade! Only six weeks left to decide which shade of lipstick goes with that scraggly pubestache!

Communist Milksop Clayton Tucker Jumps Firmly Into Pro-Palestine Camp.

It was only a matter of time before Comrade Trust Fund Clayton Tucker (SDEC-24 TX) jumped into the fray. After all, he drives down to UT all the time to try and rile up the other communists. He thinks of UT as “his place” even though he never went there…

What “basic right” is that? The ‘right’ of masked goons and morons with nose rings to block public streets? To disrupt campus operations?

The Dean of UT (NOT Abbott, NOT GOP) had canceled the event beforehand, due to the organizing group breaking university rules. They were warned and still wouldn’t leave:

All of these losers blocking roads and creating chaos are just the same clowns from BLM back in 2020 and from Occupy Wall Street before that. They are communists creating chaos. Not surprising a communist like Clayton Tucker sides with them.

Oh! Almost half of them were “not affiliated with UT”? You mean, like, trespassing professional agitators??

Rich trust fund kids have been the vanguard of virtually every communist revolution in history. From Che to Mao to Pol Pot to….pretty much all of them. It has always been a rich kid movement based on the anger of the malcontents.

(Marx was the original OG spoiled rich kid douchebag: son of a lawyer, wasted 700 thaler at school one year getting drunk. Married a petty noble – tried to pawn her silverware. Wanted mom to die for inheritance (about $100k in 2024 dollars – sound familiar?) Borrowed 5000 florins from his uncle and lived off Engels’ factory wealth.)

University campuses aren’t your country anymore. They’re the brain tumor that’s killing your country. Let them burn. Bring marshmallows. My enemy has not become my friend just because he finds himself in trouble.

Unsurprisingly, all roads lead to Soros….

George Soros Paying Student Agitators To Whip Up Anti-Israel Protests

Watching street communists savage the cities and institutions that nurture them is going to be one of the few enjoyable parts of our cultural revolution. Don’t let anyone steal that joy from you. I hope this expands to every blue city and campus in America.

Oh yeah. ActBlue…remember them??

Clayton Tucker at pro-Palestine event….