Posted by our very own crybaby/Covid snitch/bailout-taking/lemonade-stand-owning/mask-nagging/innumerate Julie Cain Landrum, owner of Drool & Whine Wool & Vine:

To paraphrase an innumeric meme, let’s explain it for the dumb ones over at Wool & Vine.
STUPID PEOPLE: don’t understand the difference between 2% and .02%. The first one is a made-up, bullshit number. The other is very close to the IFR for ALL who catch Wuhan flu under age 70. They differ by a factor of ONE HUNDRED. So the analogy is already dead. That is simple math.
SMART PEOPLE: know that jellybeans are a luxury and not a necessity. If someone offered me a jar with 17,000 jelly beans and only ONE was a fatal bean (which is more in line with my chances of dying from Wuhan flu), I would STILL refuse it, because that is an idiotic risk to take for the extremely small joy a jellybean brings me.
This is known as cost/benefit (or risk/reward) analysis…and it clearly escapes morons like Julie Landrum, Bruce Haywood and Karen Spivey-Cummings. It makes them say asinine things like “if it saves just ONE LIFE, we should do it…no matter what we give up in return”.
So the choice offered by this dummy is a false one. The REAL choice is not “do we want the tiny LUXURY of a jellybean in exchange for the small risk of death” but rather “do we want the huge benefit of living our normal lives free and unfettered in exchange for that same small risk”.
To put it accurately in meme form for dummies:
You are offered a choice. You can pick ONE bean from a jar of 17,000. If you survive this 17,000-1 risk, you can go about your life and enjoy it to the fullest completely unfettered. Travel, go to the movies, eat at your favorite restaurants, gather in crowded bars with pals, run your business, make a living, take your kids to the beach and generally live the kick-ass life you had for the last 50 years.
OR, you can be a pussy and pick no beans at all – thus ensuring you have a 100% chance of living (not really though, since 20 OTHER things could kill you, like cancer, strokes and heart attacks) instead of 99.98% chance. BUT if you choose the pussy route, you have to wear a mask, helmet, gloves and hazmat suit every time you leave the house. You must stay cooped in your house 22 hours a day. No traveling. No eating out. No going to the hospital for minor stuff like kidney stones either – that is NON-ESSENTIAL now. No fun of any kind…and dependent on government welfare since your job is destroyed.
Which one would you choose? Lunatics like Julie Cain Landrum and Bruce Haywood choose to climb back into the womb like a baby. Which is sad enough on its face….unfortunately, these idiots want to make that choice FOR YOU TOO!
THAT’S what selfish hypocrites do. Always.

Just look at this nut job pictured above! Unbelievable. Lady, you need to meet up with Bruce “The Manatee” Haywood and Karen Spivey-Cummings and lock yourselves in a plastic bubble while gargling Lysol. It’s the only way to be sure.