These Are The Insane, Deluded White Liberal Chicks Destroying Western Civilization.

If Clayton Tucker and Carol Garner Doughty had a daughter….

She’s as fat as Haywood, uninformed, low IQ, lots of fake physical illnesses like “long covid” and “fibromyalgia,” lots of REAL mental illnesses, deluded into thinking she is somehow “oppressed” but can’t tell you how, probably tells everyone she has ADHD or is “on the spectrum,” collects a welfare and disability check, no man in the household at all.

This commie loser has it all.

And there are MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of these useless wastes of skin. And they are allowed to vote. Once again proving our biggest fuckup as men was allowing the 19th Amendment. Absolute insanity that mentally ill shit heels like this have a say in ANYTHING that affects my life.

The way liberal white women in the USA swear they’re ‘oppressed’ is simultaneously hilarious, sad, and frustrating. But mostly hilarious. Possibly the most privileged demographic overall on Earth. All the rights, extra privileges, yet still insatiable and demanding more.

If you wonder what is at stake this election cycle, just take a look at a very concise list of every horrible ideas these commies have and think about how the country will be after ANOTHER four years of open borders, ‘free’ healthcare for illegal invaders, much higher taxes, higher energy prices, more green new deal bullshit, etc…

Such in-depth analysis! You see the democrats are FOR “democracy” and the evil GOP is AGAINST “democracy” – it’s so simple! Except for the uncomfortable fact that 400 rich democratic elites just tossed Biden into a dumpster against his will after he got 14 million primary votes and Camel Toe got 0 votes. She wasn’t “democratically” elected – she was installed. Like a new toilet.

The democrats are also FOR “women’s rights’ and the evil GOP is against that, of course. What rights are women lacking, you might ask? Hey, stop asking logical questions, you misogynist racist pig!!

As for the rest of the bullshit on that list, you can see it’s almost ALL about fat, lazy morons demanding money be stolen from someone else and handed to them: Socialized medicine, ‘free’ pre-K, more taxes on ‘the wealthy,’ more tax credits for welfare queens who pump out 6 kids with 5 different guys, forcing employers to pay people who aren’t working, etc.

The parts on that list that AREN’T about stealing from others are about forcing others to do your will (vaccine mandates, gun control, forcing employers to pay above-market rates for unskilled labor, force you to use electric cars and pay more for pinwheel energy, etc)

Controlling a woman’s body? Remember just a few years ago when lunatics (mostly liberal women like Seefeldt, Fitzharris and Landrum) were ready to throw guys like me in jail because I refused to wear a mask or get the ‘vaccine’? Remember that shit?? I do. Hilariously, Fitzharris is now injured by that very vaccine, according to her. I hope it hurts.

Democrats are the TRUE fascist, authoritarian demons.

So please shut your mouth about people controlling other people’s bodies. You don’t have a leg to stand on there.

If I hear one more idiot (Christine Seefeldt) say they are voting for Harris because “muh reproductive rights” I think I’ll scream. Here is the bottom line: the Supreme Court ruled and now abortion is a STATE ISSUE. Electing Kamala Harris will do NOTHING to bring back abortions in states that have outlawed them. Do you understand that?!? There will NEVER be legal abortion in Texas as long as the voters of Texas vote to keep it that way. Harris or no Harris – IT WILL NOT CHANGE ANYTHING in those states that outlaw it.

If it’s SO important to you, then move to a state where it IS legal, you complete idiots. End of story. Nothing more ridiculous than a 67-year-old fat, ugly moron like Christine Seefeldt yammering about abortion. Lady, you can’t get pregnant anymore and I doubt your husband even wants to fuck you, so what is your big worry?

Nobody wants to bang you, lady.

No the choice is very clear this November: a continuation of the ruination of America with Camel Toe Harris OR a New Day in America with strong, logical MEN in charge where we start cleaning house and throw all these unelected D.C. scumbags into the street so freedom can ring again.