You’re Probably Gonna Get It.

I’m not a biologist, I am not a virologist and I don’t intend to dwell on the existing data, as most of what’s out there is buggy at best and often doctored for political reasons. Besides, I don’t think hard-data is important to the rest of this post. You see, I am a common-sense guy. In a world where governments have lost their collective minds, I feel I have something of an edge here.

If you read nothing else, read the following: had they stopped this thing in Wuhan, we would be right to use a containment approach to COVID-19. Instead, it’s everywhere and despite your personal opinions on the issue, it isn’t going away until most of us get it. There, I said it; you can hide in your basement, but you’re still probably going to get COVID-19. You can quarantine a whole nation…they’ll just get it next year. We are a global economy and this is now a global disease.

The sooner you accept that, the better for all of us.

Hey- look at that! Jack Nicklaus and his wife both had Wuhan Flu back in March! They are EIGHTY YEARS OLD. They pulled through.

Whether you like it or not, the world is going for “herd immunity.” Unfortunately, there is no other viable option. There will be no vaccine, there will be no miracle cure and besides, the virus isn’t even all that dangerous if you are young and healthy. Simply put, COVID-19 won’t flame out until 50 to 80 percent of us get it (the precise number is open to debate).

For the past century, most people have accepted that from time to time they’ll get a cold or flu. It was considered a fact of life and an inconvenience. Somehow, in this age of hysteria news and social media, a disease that’s a bit worse than the annual flu has taken on a persona that’s terrifying. I understand why that’s happened. The media and various “influencers” sell fear and astute politicians harness this fear for votes. Meanwhile, anyone with a dissenting voice is marginalized.

I think it is time for everyone globally to finally admit that COVID-19 is here, that we are powerless to stop its spread and that most of us are going to get it. Just ask Misti Talbert.

ZERO Covid Deaths For The Under-18 Cohort In California. But Hysteria STILL Reigns

There are NINE MILLION kids in California under the age of 18. There have been ZERO Covid deaths.

Not one.

But that is not stopping the LA and San Diego school districts from deciding they will NOT HAVE in-person learning for the start of the year.

That is an outrage. Will those in charge of the Lampasas school system be just as insane? Will the misinformed and ignorant crowd of screaming baboons like Bruce Haywood, Melissa Johnson and Karen Spivey-Cummings get their way? I sure as hell hope not. But I suspect the worst will come to pass.

Even the 67,000-member America Academy of Pediatrics says that the tiny risks of opening are VASTLY outweighed by the massive benefits of kids going back to school in person.

The people running the show at the LISD need to also realize the supposed “surge” in Texas is mainly the result of a very sneaky and dishonest change in the methodology used to report new ‘cases’ back in mid-May! Either way – the percentage of DEATHS continues to plummet steeply. The worst is clearly behind us already.

This is VERY MUCH an ‘old person’s’ threat. Not a threat to children and teachers under 70.

Median Covid-19 death age by country – Lesson here? The very elderly need to take precautions. NOT the rest of us.

[** Oh, sorry, Bruce and Karen: ‘Cohort’ means a group of people in a demographic study sharing some factor. In this case, age.]

Misti and Family Somehow Pull Through And Defeat Cold

I’m SHOCKED, I tells ya! How did she and her daughter ever survive this terrible cold? I mean, to face 300,000-1 odds in your favor and somehow come out on top! Amazing. It’s as likely as losing the lottery, fer chrissakes!

To recap:

July 12th: Tearful (sorta) video dramatically announcing the Wuhan Flu has hit the Talbert household. Community outpouring of prayer emojis immediately goes to work combating their sore throat and sniffles.

July 15th: Radiogram quotes Finley as stating Talbert family is in good spirits and has “turned the corner”, lol. The corner of what?? I think I changed my underwear once since the illness was announced. They barely took three steps down the street, let alone ‘turned’ any corners. I guess I can assume there was no hospitalization involved?

Here’s what else happened in those three days:


OVER TWENTY-TWO THOUSAND Americans dropped dead of random causes.

Somebody, somewhere found out they have pancreatic cancer and will die very soon – thus shattering their entire world.

Somewhere, a parent knew REAL pain as they watched their young child suffer from leukemia and chemotherapy and hoped they beat REAL odds to live.

So let’s screw our heads back on and get some perspective, mmkay?

It would be nice if some of people who had this thing would get on Facebook and make hundreds of posts to talk about how it was no big deal – and thus combat the hysterical lunatics out there who haven’t even had it yet and think it’s the Bubonic plague or something.

And The Academy Award Goes To….

Misti Talbert! For her subdued yet poignant “why can’t we all just get along” pleading video message on Facebook during her announcement that she has caught the lethal plague flu. I haven’t seen forced half-crying like that since she dedicated the Jack Calvert $1.5 Million Dollar Municipal Fishbowl back in December 2019.

The virus she now has is SO deadly in fact, that the people suffering from it regularly post on Facebook to tell you how they felt like they have been “hit by a train”. The horror!

Just to recap:

Misti claims she wore a mask AND social distanced and she thinks you should too…even though it didn’t help her one bit!

Besides wearing masks and socially distancing, she CLAIMS she “practices healthy habits”. I’m sorry, but I take issue with that, because it is simply not true. It’s clear you have NOT made healthy choices going back a while. I’ll just leave it at that. I don’t want to be blunt or cruel, but if we are going to have a RATIONAL and HONEST discussion about how much of a threat Wuhan Flu REALLY is, we need to be honest with ourselves. That includes all the unhealthy choices made by (and pre-existing conditions of) those stricken with Wuhan Flu.

ZERO people have died from Wuhan Flu in Lampasas County over the last 10 months – despite the best efforts of scumbags at hospitals trying to re-code EVERY DEATH as Covid so they can get free government money. Not to mention them also GOING BACK in time and trying to attribute deaths from months ago as Covid posthumously. That is outright fraud, of course. But it sure makes it look like a “surge” is happening now!

[And it also doesn’t help when scumbag alarmist liberal mayors OUTRIGHT LIE about bringing in refrigerated trucks to store all the Covid bodies]

I’m going to go out on a huge limb here and predict that Misti AND her daughter will survive this easily, thanks to their immune system. ESPECIALLY her daughter, who, I believe is in high school. It is an indisputable fact that Wuhan is LESS DEADLY to those under 25 years of age than the common flu!

MY hope here is that after our high-profile mayor and her daughter easily recover from this, people MIGHT use their heads and think “hey! This isn’t the lethal plague that the media and certain morons in town (*cough* Bruce Haywood *cough*) are making it out to be!”.

I know that is wishful thinking but let’s keep our fingers crossed. If this Wuhan Flu had happened in the world BEFORE Facebook and Twitter and other social media, the irrational fears generated by this would be about 100x less prevalent. The moral of Wuhan Flu in 2020 will be that social contagion via social networks is more dangerous than biological contagion

P.S. Misti, I would “send you prayers” like everyone else but there is no proof that actually works. Actually, quite the contrary. So I offer no prayers but I offer the firm mathematical knowledge that STATISTICALLY, you have nothing to worry about. You’re more likely to be killed in a car wreck next year.

My Evidence That Wuhan Already Hit Lampasas

We already know that this virus is no big deal to kids. The numbers are indisputable:

For dummies like Bruce: Wuhan Flu is the LIGHT BLUE!

So when I see hysterical parents afraid to send their nine-year-old to school in a few weeks, I’d like to slap them upside the head a few times. Your kid is more likely to choke on his lunch than be killed by this virus. THAT IS A FACT.

If you insist on being irrationally scared of nothing, then fine – keep junior home for the year. But NO special accommodations for him! None of this bullshit “remote learning” or any of that nonsense. You can keep him home, babysit him and let him turn into a moron. Which, let’s face it, had a good chance of happening anyway with you as a parent.


FACT #1: The Wuhan Flu was running loose WAY before those dirty yellow Chinese dogs admitted it on December 31. Like, MONTHS before. So, it was likely spreading globally in late summer 2019. But did it get OVER HERE to Lampasas? I’ll bet you a signed dollar that it did. Why am I so sure?

FACT #2: I noticed an anomaly in OUR OWN LAMPASAS CITY GOVERNMENT MINUTES!!! I read ALL the minutes from City council AND the LEDC religiously from cover to cover. I also have a very good memory.

Here is what I found in the LEDC minutes for November 2019, January 2020 and February 2020 (there is never a December meeting – no minutes):

11/20/19 minutes – page 3: “enrollment is good but ATTENDANCE IS TERRIBLE – FLU AND STREP THROAT GOING AROUND

1/15/20 minutes – page 3: “ATTENDANCE IS DOWN – FLU VIRUS GOING AROUND

2/19/20 minutes – page 4: “FLU IS STILL IMPACTING ATTENDANCE

The “flu” (likely Wuhan flu that wasn’t recognized yet) was SO BAD that they mentioned it in the LEDC minutes!! Nobody freaked out then, did they? No. It was only after the liberal morons got ahold of this that everyone became petrified.

Now, I know what you’d say to me if you were smart: “that’s probably mentioned in the minutes EVERY YEAR, dummy!”. Naturally, I considered that…and went back to check the exact same months in the LEDC minutes for 2017 and 2018. Guess what?

November 2018, January 2019 and February 2019 LEDC minutes: ZERO MENTION OF THE FLU.

November 2017, January 2018, February 2018 LEDC minutes: One mention of the flu in the 1/17/18 minutes. Page 4 says “attendance has been down due to flu season”. ONE MENTION OF THE FLU.

So – for the first SIX months I examined (Nov 2017 through Feb 2019), there was only ONE mention of the flu affecting attendance in Jan 2018. But for the three months from Nov 2019 through Feb 2020, there are THREE mentions and the word “TERRIBLE” is used.

It is my belief that the LEDC reporting on the school system unwittingly exposes that this virus was ALREADY running rampant late last year. THEREFORE, our children (and the teachers!!) were very likely already exposed.

Health ‘Authority’ Speaks Out Both Sides Of Her Mouth

Saturday, June 27th Radiogram page 1: An announcement on the Spring Ho website said the Spring Ho Committee, along with Lampasas County Local Health Authority Dr. Georgia Hay, County Judge Randy Hoyer and Lampasas Mayor Misti Talbert, “unanimously agreed that in the interest of the health and safety of our communitythe 2020 Spring Ho festival is canceled.

Saturday, June 27th Radiogram page 4: “On Friday the state reported 12,398 available staffed beds which includes 1,284 staffed ICU beds. Dr Hay, the Lampasas County Health Authority, said that WE REALLY DON’T HAVE MANY HOSPITALIZATIONS…”

Wow. NOT MANY HOSPITALIZATIONS. Sounds super serious!


Like I’ve said all along: testing goes WAY up…number of positives goes up far less…and DEATHS are still plummeting.

But don’t take my word for it, listen to the guys who ACTUALLY run the hospitals:

Houston Methodist CEO Dr. Marc Boom told CNBC on Monday that the demographics of the outbreak have “flipped” and that the mostly-younger people arriving in the state’s hospitals often don’t require ICU beds.

“Even though we have about 200 more patients in house, about double, we only have about three or four more people in the ICU, so that’s encouraging.”

Boom reiterated his comments from last week that the number of hospitalizations are “being misinterpreted, and, quite frankly, we’re concerned that there is a level of alarm in the community that is unwarranted right now.”

“We do have the capacity to care for many more patients, and have lots of fluidity and ability to manage,” Boom said.

He pointed out that his hospital one year ago was at 95% ICU capacity, similar to the numbers the hospital is seeing today.

“It is completely normal for us to have ICU capacities that run in the 80s and 90s,” he said.

“That’s how all hospitals operate.”

Of course, all of these FACTS don’t stop morons like Bruce Haywood and Karen Spivey-Cummings from running around like Chicken Little yammering that “ICU beds are at 95% capacity!!!”. This is because they know absolutely nothing about how hospitals are operated. I would expect DOCTOR Georgia Hay to know better.

Experts Totally Wrong AGAIN

Georgia lifted “stay at home” May 1. interviewed 11 experts and the “consensus science” said that infections would spike up. People said the Governor would have “blood on his hands”.

Now 15 days later… infections down 41% and deaths down 31%.

This whole virus things stinks very much like the manufactured “climate change crisis” libtard dummies love to panic about: a lot of gloom and doom that turns out to be bullshit.

Here is a chart showing number of deaths from ALL causes by year. I sure don’t see any massive spike compared to previous years. PERHAPS many deaths from pneumonia, flu, etc are being labeled COVID instead:

Even the CDC knew (or should have known) that lock downs were not going to work. Once you pass 1% prevalence, THEIR OWN GUIDELINES show that efficacy from quarantine falls apart. That horse was long gone by the time we even noticed the barn door was open.