Fake Water Expert/Real Socialist Moron Wrong Again With Climate Fearmongering

For someone who spends his entire life on the Internet, local socialist (and Chairman of the Lampasas Democrats) Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX sure is ignorant about some basic facts that are easily found with a cursory search.

I love how he talks like some 97-year-old grizzled Texan who has “been ’round these here parts ferever! I remember when that there Walmart was the old Smith ranch! Yeppers!”

You’re 32 years old, you retard. Your memory of the creeks goes back about 15 years. Compare that to a few million years of time on a geological scale.

I always find it funny that a kid who can’t find employment or manage to run his own life and live in his own place (instead of with his mom) is worried about what the temperature of the world will be in the year 2120. Talk about having your priorities all screwed up.

There is no real water plan? Wrong. Take a look at this, you cretin:

New reservoir will supply fast-growing North Texas region

Texas’ First Major Reservoir in 30 Years, Bois d’Arc Lake, is Filling Up in North Texas

Luckily, there are MEN in the world who are smart and capable of solving problems – which humans have done for thousands of years. If we all just sat in mom’s upstairs bedroom and complained about imagined impending doom (like socialist Clayton Tucker does), we’d still be in caves and eating berries.

But yeah, let’s listen to the clown who spent one month as a “researcher” when he was 21 years old at some idiotic college summer program. LOL. Talk about padding a thin resume!

Resume of an incel nerd.

You know what else might help our water problems? Stopping the flow of tens of thousands of libtards fleeing liberal states like California and New York. States that have implemented a LOT of the bullshit policies this idiot socialist calls for in Texas. Or maybe stopping the flow of tens of thousands of illiterate and destitute, border-jumping scumbags from Honduras and Nicaragua into Texas, as well.

Oh, and while we’re at it, let’s ship the entire clan of Tucker socialist morons out to Oregon. That will reduce water usage here too!

How did that water fearmongering turn out last time? Oh yeah….

Five Years Ago Today – City Council Pipe Dreams…

Exactly FIVE YEARS ago today, this appeared in the Lampasas Dispatch from former (thank goodness) council member Wanda Bierschwale referring to the STILL CURRENTLY EMPTY corpse repository ‘business park’ they have wasted millions of dollars on:

“The incumbent said the city acquired the business park property several years ago but has lacked the infrastructure needed at the site. Soon, she said, the business park will be developed enough to be inviting to businesses. [Then-council-member Wanda Bierschwale] – April 10, 2015

Soon, eh? Soon like, hell will freeze over soon? Or pigs will fly soon?

I bring these up to remind the unwashed masses that these clowns have no idea what they are talking about 95% of the time and their grand visions ALWAYS fall flat and cost WAY more than advertised. The same applies today.

Remember that when they babble about ‘developing the economy’ by flushing hundreds of thousands of dollars down the toilet to people like Halff Associates and Pope Eckermann.