I’m Liking This Sulfur Creek Dude, Armando Rosales!!

This Armando Rosales guy has the right idea. We have an “economic development corporation” that has wasted MILLIONS upon MILLIONS for nothing. Hell, they wasted $47,000 at the drop of a hat on the ridiculous “food trucks and vocational school” industrial park idiocy proposed by Martin’s Rod & Custom a couple years ago. That money was incinerated.

They handed $185,000 to S2M2 for Brodie Estates, and S2M2 turned around and pissed in their mouths by ignoring the entire agreement.

They wasted $96,000 on an A/V system for City council that ORIGINALLY bid out at $34,000!

They’re also wasting over $2.2 MILLION on a Hostess House “facelift.”

Oh, and everyone who can fog a mirror working for the City, no matter how overpaid currently, will be getting a 3% raise this year – which will cost the City (which has a large surplus) about $225,000 EVERY YEAR in new salary costs.

So don’t tell me “there’s no money.”

What Armando needs to to is go after the HOT money. That’s the Hotel Occupancy Tax fund and the City uses it as a giant slush fund for dubious projects that supposedly put “head in beds” in terms of tourism. Kuehne was ready to dole out $13,000 to that Janet Crozier loon JUST for some unnecessary water catch tanks! This is a FAR more admirable cause.

I’ve only lived in Lampasas for 12 years, so I can’t say what the creek was like “in the old days,” but I DID grow up in the 1970s in a small town like this and that’s the kind of shit we did. Old School, baby. Jump in the creek, socialize, show off for the girls. Get these fat fucks off their phones and iPads for a few hours.

Not to mention: Hannah Springs pool is only open for about 33 days a year!!! A HUGE investment like that, and it’s CLOSED over 90% of the time – thanks to the shabby management of Finley deGraffenreid.

It’s been hot as shit lately, so you know what we had to do? Drive all the way to Round Rock and use THEIR City pool – which charges $14 and was totally PACKED. But apparently we’re too stupid to try anything like that. We’re too busy lighting hundred dollar bills on fire over at the Business Pork.

I’ve said for YEARS: “why doesn’t the City put a little effort into that creek? It could be a crown jewel and an attraction. No many towns have something like this.” But instead, morons like Misti Talbert and TJ Monroe blew $7.4 million on a “Business” Park that sits empty after 20 years. Imagine what COULD have been done with just a FRACTION of that money.

Somebody do me a favor and post this blog entry on Lampasas County Breaking News and/or Lampasas Rubbernecking News and tell Armando to get ahold of me: lampasshole@protonmail.com