10 GOP Worms Vote To Impeach

Since everyone is all about “making lists” these days and “never forgetting”, let’s make one here:

  1. Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois
  2. Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming
  3. Rep. John Katko of New York
  4. Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan
  5. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington
  6. Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington
  7. Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan
  8. Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio
  9. Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina
  10. Rep. David Valadao of California

Liz Cheney – doling out a little retribution for her father and the inbred Bush family, clearly. Hope she gets primaried out next time around.

Fred Upton is a cockroach who has been slurping government tit milk for 45 years. Absolutely worthless meat sock.

Beutler is some chick from California who is only 42 years old but has also been suckling gov teat her entire life. Has never had a private sector job, according to her Wiki page.

Newhouse – on the tit for 17 years now.

Peter Meijer – 33yo trust fund baby who has also spent most of his short life on gov tit.

Anthony Gonzalez – 36yo meathead football player. Obviously doesn’t know shit about shit. His father bolted to America when Castro took power. This is how an immigrant’s son thanks us.

David Valadao – no idea what this guy’s problem is except that he was born in California. Oh wait – failed dairy farmer who was named in two lawsuits against his dairy for defaulting on almost $9 million in loans and for failing to pay a supplier. After a lawsuit in 2019, Valadao agreed to pay $325,000 to former employees who sued for being denied breaks, minimum wage and overtime pay.

The settlement was not paid due to Valadao and Triple V Dairy filing for bankruptcy.