When I was learning about communist Cuba and the Soviet Union back in grade school and high school, I wondered how in the HELL it could be that these totalitarian regimes could rely on neighbors snitching on neighbors. I mean, what kind of a PIECE OF GARBAGE would rat out their neighbors to Big Brother? It makes more sense to stick together and try and defeat the evil, right?
Now I know.
I’ve watched the likes of Julie Caine Landrum (owner of Wool & Vine) publicly rat out “mask violators”. Not only did she take $3,000 of taxpayer dollars for her tiny ‘lemonade stand’ (LEDC ‘free’money’) that was only open a few months before Wuhan Flu hit, she had the NERVE to whine publicly and rat out another restaurant in town.

In my book, that makes you a giant piece of garbage. If you’re too scared to walk outside, then go ahead and stay home in your plastic bubble. Stop screwing it up for the rest of us and demanding everyone else suffer for YOUR stupidity.
Now, somebody is at it again. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if it was still her crying and whining and snitching. From the latest City council meeting (go to the 40 minute mark). I believe it is Kathy Kuehne asking this question:
“I had some business owners ask me how we are helping enforce the governor’s orders…..because there are some businesses that are following the orders and there are some that are blatantly not…and so they were asking me to find out what the City is doing about that…IF they are doing anything.“
[“Teacher! Teacher! Look at ME! I’M following your rules and being good…but look at Timmy over there! You should maybe go look in his desk for contraband!”]
Gee…some are “blatantly not”? Says who? Some anonymous, hidden piece of shit? Why don’t you name names, Kathy? Which business owners are the nosy scumbags who like to tattle? Why is the scummy business owner making a slimy end move and going through you to ask City council? Why doesn’t the slimy scum bag business owner appear in front of City council themselves? Or call the police and go on the record? Maybe because they know, deep down, they are a tattling piece of scum?
It’s amazing how the tattletale mindset can spread like a fire. We’ve seen it before. We know where this leads. Think of Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692 but on a much larger and even more horrifying scale. Think of the Stanford Prison Experiment, and look it up if you’ve never heard of it.
When you snitch, you become a hand of the government, and make no mistakes about it – the government has too many hands already. They’ve got one in your pocketbook and about 10 others rifling through your most private affairs.
You need to ask them permission to fish or hunt, even on your own land. You have to get permission to get married, to build a garage on your own property, to leave the country or come back to it.
If you want to start your own business, you’ll need to get permission from the government. And even if you get that permission, then you’ll need to get this permit and that license and keep everything up the standards set by — you guessed it — government.
No matter who you are or what you do in this life, the government has its claws sunk deep into you and your family.
Name an individual right, and I guarantee the government — local, state or federal — has found a way to trample all over it, and a lot of lib morons like Julie Cain Landrum and Stephanie Fitzharris thank them for it. Big Bro has a million different ways to spy on us already, they don’t need you inching back the curtain drapes and phoning in what you see happening at the house next door.
Police Chief Bailey told City council that when they receive a complaint, they go to the location and ask them to comply – and that they have not had to cite anyone yet.
Maybe I need to make an Open Records Request to the police and ask for all complaints and calls made by mask snitches? I would think that would be recorded somewhere, right? Then EVERYBODY can know who the busybody snitch is for something as ridiculous as wearing a useless mask due to an ILLEGAL “mandate” by a Governor who has lost his mind and is drunk on power.
I can tell you this…any business that insists I wear a completely ineffective mask because of a legally questionable ‘mandate’ for a virus that has killed only a handful of citizens who were old and infirm, I’ll tell them where to stick it…and NEVER patronize that business again. EVER. Even after all of you lunatics have regained your senses and the Wuhan panic is an embarrassing memory. I will STILL not set foot in there.
We should also NEVER forget who the snitches are who tattled on their neighbors. Never.