Professor Emeritus Wade Allison (who is also a researcher at CERN) is smarter than AOC, Al Gore, Clayton Tucker, Bruce Haywood, John Kerry and all the other greentards combined. He understands math and physics – which is to say, he understands reality.
The reality is that wind power makes ZERO sense economically, environmentally or any other way. It only makes sense to pinheads who failed math in grade school and live with their mom at age 32.

Allison explained that wind energy is measured based on the amount of moving air and the speed of the air as it reaches the area swept by the turbine blades.
The scientist calculated that, at 100 percent efficiency, if the wind blows at 22 mph, the power is 600 watts per square meter. Hence, to deliver 3,200 million watts, the same output as Hinkley Point C—a zero-carbon nuclear power station —there would need to be over TWO SQUARE MILES of turbine swept area.
“That should be quite unacceptable to those who care about birds and to other environmentalists,” Allison wrote.
Of course, the ACTUAL performance of the technology is much worse than the calculations made based on 100 percent efficiency, he said. These turbines never operate at anywhere NEAR that.
“Because the power carried by the wind depends on the third power of the wind speed, if the wind drops to half speed, the power available drops by a factor of 8,” he said. “Almost worse, if the wind speed doubles, the power delivered goes up 8 times, and as a result the turbine has to be turned off for its own protection.
You can find his entire article HERE.
Gov Abbott needs to ban these things forever. They are a threat to the environment and even more importantly, they are a threat to the stability of the power grid in Texas – and all for no upside whatsoever, as I have said over and over on these pages.
We have let the loud and brain-dead minority of Green New Deal retards have a seat at the table for FAR too long. Enough is enough with this wind power nonsense.
Related: electric cars are a total scam