Community Garden Has Guzzled Down 60,700 Gallons of Water This Year. Taxpayers Have Subsidized 40,000 Of That.

I remember that time that local loon Janet Yoder “Crazier” Crozier told me a very funny joke about how she has never asked the City for anything….

We have not taken money from the City, nor have we asked for anything other than what was promised to the community garden.”

That was a good one. Yeah, you haven’t asked for anything…except $10,000 worth of rain catch tanks, plumbing and water supplied by the City, over $5,000 worth of sidewalk “modifications” for your hare-brained ADA scheme…but besides all THAT, she hasn’t asked for a dime!

Since people are ready to kill each other over water these days and we are told to conserve as much as we can, I wondered how much water this loon was using over at her hobby garden (which is locked to the public).

The numbers are quite alarming…and make me wonder if some idiots are leaving hoses on over there. After all – why conserve when the taxpayers are picking up the tab for 66% of your water usage?

January of 2023 is one of the most puzzling to me: 8,400 gallons used? That’s 270 gallons a DAY, EVERY DAY. In January. Maybe you had some spinach in the ground or something, but almost 300 gallons a day is insane. To put that in perspective, that is MORE than they used in May (8000), June (8000), July (6600) and August (7300).

Also puzzling is April, May and June – 23,000 gallons used. For the same period in 2021, they only used 10,400 gallons. We actually got a decent/normal amount of rain in April, May and June this year. Almost identical to 2021, in fact (yes I keep meticulous records on rainfall here outside of town).

So how did you manage to blow through 8,000 gallons in May when it rained SEVEN different days (for over SEVEN inches!), according to my records??

Lest you think to yourself, she can’t be THAT stupid to waste thousands of gallons of water during a drought, I would remind you that this lunatic is mainly responsible for the City implementing the recycling program that loses about $11,000 per year and does nothing for the environment.

She is also a failed “life coach” and she thinks autistic children are clairvoyant.

So yes – she certainly CAN be that stupid. Hands down.

By my calculations, the taxpayer has gifted her at least 125,000 gallons over the last 2.5 years. But hey, she says they are totally self-sufficient. Only in the mind of a rabid liberal does that compute.

Truly, Lampasas must be a village of surpassing wealth and refinement to boast an idiot of such caliber. The halls of its opulent Council chambers must ring with laughter all the day long!