A week ago, LEDC President Misti Talbert stood before her former City council buddies with her hat in hand and begged for almost $1 million for her ill-fated ‘business’ park project. A project that is 18 years old and about 6 million over budget.
It has produced zero jobs.
While she was rattling her tin cup, she made all sorts of outrageous statements. One of them was “there is no more commercial development space in Lampasas…that Business Park is it”

Patently absurd. I could drive around town and take photos of at LEAST 10 spots that have been sitting empty for years and years.
But don’t take my word for it….just ask the Internet:
Not only that, there is a TON of open space around here. All City council has to do is wave their magic wand to rezone. Voila: more space.
Furthermore, if this is the ONLY game in town, it should be extremely valuable and in-demand….yet it has sat empty now for 18 years.
I remember when they put up their sign that said “open for business! Fourth quarter 2015!” – which was 6.5 years ago.
