City Gets Plowed By Martin’s Rod.

To be discussed at Monday’s council meeting [see page 71]:

Staff has identified the need to remove surplus, excess, damaged, and unusable concrete work at the City’s Industrial Park to make the property more marketable. Council to consider a motion to award contract for concrete removal in the amount of$38,300to WT Excavation.

But…but…but…Martin’s Rod & Custom was gonna buy that! RV and boat storage! Distilleries! Barber shops! Cigar lounges! Twenty jobs! $30 an hour!

Fairy tale from November 2021

So can we FINALLY now drop the ridiculous pretense that Martin’s Rod and Custom is going to do ANY of that bullshit? I’ve been saying that for nearly a year, but I guess this kind of seals it. You don’t need to waste nearly $40k to “make it more marketable” if the Martin Custom fairy tale was going to come true.

I wonder how much money the City wasted on their attorney J.C. Brown drawing up “an agreement” last year. The very same agreement that the City secretary has told me is “in the hands of Martin’s Rod lawyers” for the last 6 months.

I wonder how many other “dead bodies” will come floating to the surface now that Mandy Walsh has resigned.

I also wonder why the City would waste 40 large on this cement abomination when they just spent ANOTHER $2.7 million on the Business Pork project to create three “marketable” tracts that are pretty much EXACTLY THE SAME SIZE as the ‘Industrial Park” parcel.

You think MAYBE you’d want to fill at least ONE spot in your $7.1 million Business Pork monstrosity BEFORE you go pissing away $38,000 on the “Industrial Park” of almost exactly the same size?

How many empty industrial parks can you waste money on at the same time? I guess we’re about to find out.