Loony Local ‘Community Gardener’ Janet “Crazier” Crozier About to Soak Taxpayers For Over $10,000 For Idiotic Rain Collection System

This crazy old bird just never stops! Not content to blow over $15,000 so far on her pet project “community garden” (which produced roughly $200 worth of veggies last year), she is NOW asking the City of Lampasas to install a rain catchment system on their new $175,885 pavilion they are going to build in Campbell Park.

The tanks ALONE will cost over $10,000! [10/11/21 packet – page 142]

[*** UPDATE – new price is $12,700 as of Feb 2022]

Just to remind you, this idiot ALREADY had the City dig trenches and install pipes for irrigation with City water and gets a bunch of FREE WATER from the City every month! The taxpayer paid for all that as well.

Here is a picture of the spigots the City put in – there are more on the other side. A total of eight spigots:

Of course, 10,000 gallons of water and two tanks will weigh over 40 tons. So I’m pretty sure they have to plan for that as well – which adds even more cost. Finley put something in about “a 20 x 60 slab extension for future storage” but it is unclear what that means. Storage of what?

Back on August 8th, the estimate was $150,000. Now it is $176,000

This moron must sit up late at night just dreaming up ways to set money on fire. Not HER money, of course. The money from taxpayers and the fools dumb enough to give her grant money.

But that ain’t all! There is more!

Unbeknownst to this genius, water does not just flow from the tanks into the hoses at 60 PSI. That requires pumps. Pumps cost money. A lot of money. So does a proper installation.

Who’s going to spring for all that shit?

Furthermore, those pumps and pipes you are putting all over the place also have to be protected against the freezing cold, as many people found out last February. Do you think Crazier Crozier will be out there draining the pipes and winterizing that shit in November when the first freeze rolls in?

She will not.

Funny how the City doesn’t have a few bucks lying around in the summer to pay lifeguards enough to keep the pool open six days a week. A pool which benefits the entire City.

But they have money and resources to give to this idiot and her pet project so she can play in the dirt with a few of her libtard friends and grow 6 or 8 tomatoes – which they could have just as easily grown in their back yard.

Time for the new guys on City council to put an end to this nonsense. Say “NO” to the moronic unneeded and costly rain catch system for this loon!

P.S. – as if ALL of the above isn’t enough, remember what Crazier told the Lampasas Dispatch back in April during their open house:

“Recently, the garden received a grant of $2,500 from the Rosendin Foundation, and organizers have applied for a Lower Colorado River Authority grant for a tool shed. If the organization receives the LCRA grant, it plans to use some or all of the Rosendin Foundation grant to provide a rainwater collection system for the garden area.