The contortions these City bureaucrats will put themselves through to avoid admitting the obvious. Reminds me of the libtards trying to foist Brandon’s inflation on “greedy corporations” or “Putin’s price hikes” – just absurd.

Finley made SURE to throw in there that this “happens frequently” and it takes place at “MANY City facilities”.
Uh. huh.
If that is true, then this is basically an admission that you have done absolutely nothing as vandalism runs rampant in the City. After the first couple of times, you think you might have some cameras hidden around the joint. Hell, I have my entire compound covered in cameras for only a few hundred bucks. So it can’t be about cost. If it’s not about cost, then it must therefore be about retardation on the part of Ward or deGraffenreid. Either that, or the “frequently” and “many facilities” is all bullshit to avoid admitting the skate park might just bring in some bad eggs.
I’ll go with #2.
In fact, I SPECIFICALLY asked the City about the details of this incident, and was told “the incident is still under investigation, which is why no details have been released.“
Uh huh.
Weird, because LOTS of information has been released in the past about other vandalism (Christmas on the Creek, batting cage nets, etc). Releasing some information might even help catch the little fuckers, wouldn’t you think?
As luck has it, I actually was at that very bathroom about two weeks ago as I had to take a massive shit and was in the area. The men’s room was locked, but the ladies room wasn’t. This tells me the men’s room was vandalized at that time. It also tells me that maybe it wasn’t just some graffiti on the walls. Because if it WAS, then the bathroom could still be used. Perhaps it was more severe – like sinks or toilets being broken.
Either way, I don’t remember that Campbell Park bathroom EVER being vandalized since it was put in at a cost of $170,000 almost FOUR YEARS ago – although it WAS broken for a month after the Ice Storm of February 2021.
So to recap:
Campbell Park bathroom sits unmolested for over three years.
Skate Park is opened.
Bathroom closed within the next 6 weeks for vandalism.
You know what might help when they catch him? Plaster his face on the front page of the newspaper, even if he is 12 years old. Make parents pay for double the amount of actual damages done, which might act as a deterrent.