Another year, another pile of idiocy from Radiogram owner Rhonda Witcher. It’s truly amazing that with all the “deadly” Wuhan variants flying around that this 117-year-old liberal fart isn’t dead yet.
Last year, Rhonda Witcher tried to scare you with the ominous “Omnicron” [sic] fear-mongering:
Rhonda Witcher Ends The Year The Same Way She Started It: A Fear-Mongering Moron
Rhonda’s Radiogram suggested that:
“It’s really important that people do the measures we already know work — getting vaccinated, getting their boosters if eligible, wearing masks indoors, testing before gathering, and practicing physical and social distancing,”
Or maybe Wuhan WASN’T so deadly as Rhonda led you to believe with her scaremongering over the last 2.5 years?

It also turns out that we now know for CERTAIN that the vaccine is killing hundreds of thousands of people. Otherwise healthy young people (ages 18 to 40) haver been dropping like flies this year. Life insurance companies are being financially crushed due to the massive numbers of policy payouts – a 6-sigma anomaly that simply doesn’t happen on its own.
These young people were at essentially ZERO risk from the Wuhan virus. Yet morons like Rhonda and also our own “doctor” Cain at FMC trumpeted REPEATEDLY and LOUDLY that EVERYONE should get the vaccine. Hopefully, they get what they have coming for this disgusting display of ignorance and incompetence.
Piss-Poor Dispatch Piece Has James Cain Spewing Unquestioned Covid Nonsense and Half-Truths